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Focus Research Institute

IP address: Beijing

Focus Research Institute is an academic research institution in China's real estate industry initiated by Sohu and Sohu Focus. Focus Research Institute takes "building a leading think tank in China's real estate market" as its own responsibility, focuses on industry macro and urban micro, and builds an "information network" of China's real estate market


one thousand five hundred and six
Number of articles
1 million 200 thousand
Reading volume
  • Honesty and innovation: ten trends of real estate digitalization in 2023 - Internet of Things

    In the real estate industry, sensors, chips and wireless modules are widely used in the perception layer, specifically in smart communities, smart homes, smart parks and smart office scenarios; The platform layer is mainly through external procurement or independent research and development. During the actual landing of real estate enterprises, whether represented by large cloud manufacturers or specialized in

    2023-03-24 14:57:37

  • Integrity and innovation: prospect of ten trends of real estate digitalization in 2023 - low code

    Low code platform is a development platform mainly for non professional developers. Compared with traditional professional application development, the most significant feature of low code platform is that it saves a lot of time costs and development costs, which can promote real estate enterprises to deliver products with specific functions more flexibly and conveniently, and help the development of the real estate industry

    2023-03-24 14:42:41

  • Integrity and innovation: ten trends of real estate digitalization in 2023 - Virtual reality

    Virtual reality includes three layers of architecture, the bottom layer is the technology layer, including several key technologies of virtual reality; The middle layer is the system layer. On the one hand, the core technology is applied to the virtual reality system to achieve immersion and interaction; on the other hand, the software and hardware are comprehensively applied to build a three digit virtual environment; The application layer is mainly the virtual reality in various industries

    2023-03-24 14:37:58

  • Integrity and innovation: ten trends of real estate digitalization in 2023 - intelligent identification

    The intelligent telephone based on intelligent identification technology automatically analyzes the transformation effect of each channel through automatic identification of channel sources; Provide professional services for every intended customer through intelligent speech guidance; Through language recognition, voice is converted into text and recorded for analysis, so as to automatically and completely record and analyze the source and channel of each call

    2023-03-23 17:47:18

  • Integrity and innovation: prospect of ten trends of real estate digitalization in 2023 - CRM

    Compared with CRM, the core of SCRM still adheres to the enterprise marketing management as the center, covering customer service management, sales process automation, business forecast management, etc., but it is attached with social media tools, user centered, omni channel connection to customer contacts, through CEP (CustomerEnga

    2023-03-23 17:42:12

  • Honesty and Innovation: Ten Trends of Real Estate Digitalization in 2023 - RPA

    At the same time, due to the versatility of RPA applications in internal operation, finance, audit and other aspects, real estate, construction, oil and gas and other industries are also actively introducing RPA technology, hoping that emerging technologies can reduce costs and increase efficiency for enterprises' internal operations, and regard the application of RPA technology as the "starting point" of enterprises' digital transformation, leading enterprises to better

    2023-03-23 17:39:00

  • Honesty and innovation: prospect of ten trends of real estate digitalization in 2023 - GIS

    GIS (Geography Information System) is based on geospatial database. With the support of computer software and hardware, it can collect, input, manage, edit, query, analyze, simulate and display spatial data

    2023-03-17 17:09:42

  • Integrity and innovation: ten trends of real estate digitalization in 2023 - BIM

    From the perspective of its core functions, BIM is not a simple 3D modeling tool, but a scientific collaboration platform for simulation and analysis, which helps related enterprises to design, build and operate projects using 3D digital models. First, in terms of cost, by deepening the comprehensive application of BIM, it has brought

    2023-03-17 16:55:39

  • Integrity and Innovation: Ten Trends of Real Estate Digitalization in 2023 -- API

    On the whole, in the digital wave, the value of data in the real estate industry is constantly emerging, which is reflected in two important trends. First, real estate enterprises have built data middle platforms to speed up the internal "data islands" and realize data interconnection; Second, real estate enterprises are better at using API technology to link internal and external data resources and create a digital ecosystem. A…

    2023-03-17 16:28:49

  • Integrity and innovation: prospect of ten trends of real estate digitalization in 2023 - middle stage of data

    How can real estate enterprises promote the integration of data and reality, break the boundaries of online and offline, and release digital dividends.

    2023-03-17 15:45:44


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