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How to choose among the top ten brands of active crystal oscillator

297 times of reading 2024-1-16 17:43 | Personal classification: electronic technique

When selecting and purchasing active crystal oscillators, it is natural to pay attention to the selection of brands. Therefore, many users compare and select among the top ten brands of active crystal oscillators. For active crystal oscillator products, it is not just about brand reputation and quotation to select brands, but about our own use needs to select brands that meet expectations in all aspects. Next, we will talk about which aspects of brands can be compared.


  • Determine the type of active crystal oscillator for comparison

When choosing from the top ten brands of active crystal oscillators, the first thing to pay attention to is the type of active crystal oscillators. Active crystal oscillators can be divided into ordinary crystal oscillators and temperature compensated crystal oscillators, as well as voltage controlled crystal oscillators and temperature compensated voltage controlled crystal oscillators according to their own functional attributes. Therefore, in order to ensure the actual use experience, it is natural to make comparisons as needed. For example, temperature compensated crystal oscillators are source crystal oscillators with temperature compensation capability, which can make crystal oscillators have better stability, The other is to produce programmable crystal oscillators with higher technical requirements. Before choosing crystal oscillator brands, we must pay attention to the specific types and characteristics of active crystal oscillators, and then compare and understand the main crystal oscillator types of different brands for selection.


  • Comparison of rationality of quotation based on crystal oscillator parameters

After confirming that the selected active crystal oscillator manufacturer can provide the products we need, it is natural to pay attention to the rationality of its quotation. In this regard, we should look at the quotation details in combination with the order content. First of all, we should pay attention to the parameters of the active crystal oscillator, such as the load capacitance and temperature frequency difference, and then we should understand how the active crystal oscillator is packaged. In combination with the specific crystal oscillator order content, we can judge the rationality of the price more clearly, Then compare and select according to our own procurement budget.


  • Pay attention to the service of manufacturers to ensure the application effect

In addition, when comparing the top ten brands of Active Crystal Oscillator, we should not only look at the products but also ignore the services, especially the specific delivery time and other details. For example, many users buy programmable active crystal oscillators that need to be customized. In this case, they need to consult the manufacturer about the delivery time. In addition, they should communicate with the customer service to understand the precautions for the installation and use of crystal oscillators. The use effect of crystal oscillators should not be affected because they do not know the docking method. In addition, the packaging and transportation services provided by the manufacturer should also be considered.


What is mentioned above is how to select and compare the top ten brands of active crystal oscillators. Because there are many kinds of active crystal oscillators and their parameters are different, it is necessary to start from the crystal oscillators themselves to compare and investigate, and then see how the quotations and services provided by the manufacturers are, In this way, according to our procurement budget, quality requirements and service requirements for crystal oscillators, we will select active crystal oscillators that are more suitable for our procurement.

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