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How to judge the quality when selecting crystal oscillator

276 times of reading 2024-1-15 16:03 | Personal classification: electronic technique

As an important electronic component chip, crystal oscillators are applied in many aspects. When purchasing crystal oscillators in batches, we should not only pay attention to their prices, but also pay attention to their quality when comparing crystal products within the budget. In order to avoid purchasing defective products at a fixed price, let's talk about the common methods to judge the quality of crystal oscillator, so that you can use them as a reference when selecting such products.


1、 Judge the quality of crystal oscillator through appearance details

When we judge the quality of crystal oscillator products, we can start from the appearance details. After obtaining the samples of crystal oscillator products, check the workmanship of the housing base and lead wires, especially the brightness, whether there are unclear or fuzzy feet, and whether the overall appearance is clean and dust-proof. When unpacking the crystal oscillator, we often ignore fingerprints or dust, and whether the gap between the shell and the base meets normal standards are details that can judge the quality of the crystal oscillator. If the crystal oscillator has obvious yellowing, oxidation trace or low gloss, the quality of such crystal oscillator is often not high.


2、 Use anti-counterfeiting marks to ensure that the crystal oscillator is genuine

It is precisely because for electronic products such as crystal oscillators, there are many brands and good and bad quality, so we should pay more attention to whether they are genuine or not to ensure that they work normally in the use of products. In addition to judging the quality of the crystal oscillator through its appearance, we should also ensure that it is genuine rather than imitation. Authentic crystal oscillators all have laser engraved anti-counterfeit marks, which is commonly referred to as silk screen. At the same time, different brands have different anti-counterfeit marks in different formats and contents. This requires checking the anti-counterfeit means of specific brands. In addition, packaging also needs to be considered. The packaging of authentic crystal oscillators is very detailed, From QC inspection and confirmation to resistance value, precision requirements and production date, there are detailed introductions and notes.


3、 Pay attention to Jingzhen's procurement channels and brand reputation

In order to ensure that the quality of crystal products purchased is superior, it is natural to attach importance to the brand and purchase channels. After determining which brand of crystal oscillator to buy, we should pay attention to the purchase channel. If we buy crystal oscillator in a flagship store or on the official website, we should ensure that there is a certification mark and the registration information of the official website domain name is consistent with the brand. If we buy crystal oscillator on the platform, we should also understand the certification system of the platform itself, the quality assurance provided by the platform and the merchants, These are the methods to ensure that the crystal oscillator products purchased are authentic and good.


In fact, with the rich procurement channels of crystal products and the emergence of various brands, you can also learn more about the reputation of brands when purchasing crystal products, and also test samples to determine that the crystal products you buy are good products. At the same time, you can not ignore the guarantee and service provided by the merchants behind the products, which is also a key element to ensure the quality of crystal products and purchase experience.


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