66 Ping, retro, romantic, autumn, slightly drunk, comfortable and comfortable NetEase home gallery

 Designer: Happy Space

Designer: Happy Space

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66 flat, retro, romantic, autumn, slightly drunk, comfortable

The whole room has a wood color as the bottom, and a variety of low convergence colors are added to achieve a proper visual balance. The porch is paved with lively tiles, creating a bright visual rhythm. The bathroom and game room on the side of the restaurant are designed with hidden doors to present a sense of atmosphere. They are matched with round chandeliers, colorful seats and tables made of different materials to create a simple but layered dining environment. The TV wall in the living room is made of iron and wood to create an open shelf full of misperception, which outlines a highly personalized composition, weakens the sense of TV existence and reduces children's desire to watch TV. The sofa back wall structure is firm, and the load-bearing cabinet and professional exhaust system are equipped with seawater tanks, which can lead out the retreat slope more carefully, reduce the sense of heaviness, and draw out an open view at the same time. The comprehensive planning of adaptive development draws a harmonious and charming residential style, gives a comfortable and stable life experience, and makes going home the most desirable thing of the day. Designer: Happy Space Happy Space Design

Special statement: The above content (including pictures or videos, if any) is uploaded and released by users of the We Media platform "Netease Designer", and this platform only provides information storage services.

Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

The whole room has a wood color as the bottom, and a variety of low convergence colors are added to achieve a proper visual balance. The porch is paved with lively tiles, creating a bright visual rhythm. The bathroom and game room on the side of the restaurant are designed with hidden doors to present a sense of atmosphere. They are matched with round chandeliers, colorful seats and tables made of different materials to create a simple but layered dining environment. The TV wall in the living room is made of iron and wood to create an open shelf full of misperception, which outlines a highly personalized composition, weakens the sense of TV existence and reduces children's desire to watch TV. The sofa back wall structure is firm, and the load-bearing cabinet and professional exhaust system are equipped with seawater tanks, which can lead out the retreat slope more carefully, reduce the sense of heaviness, and draw out an open view at the same time. The comprehensive planning of adaptive development draws a harmonious and charming residential style, gives a comfortable and stable life experience, and makes going home the most desirable thing of the day. Designer: Happy Space Happy Space Design

Special statement: The above content (including pictures or videos, if any) is uploaded and released by users of the We Media platform "Netease Designer", and this platform only provides information storage services.

Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

The whole room has a wood color as the bottom, and a variety of low convergence colors are added to achieve a proper visual balance. The porch is paved with lively tiles, creating a bright visual rhythm. The bathroom and game room on the side of the restaurant are designed with hidden doors to present a sense of atmosphere. They are matched with round chandeliers, colorful seats and tables made of different materials to create a simple but layered dining environment. The TV wall in the living room is made of iron and wood to create an open shelf full of misperception, which outlines a highly personalized composition, weakens the sense of TV existence and reduces children's desire to watch TV. The sofa back wall structure is firm, and the load-bearing cabinet and professional exhaust system are equipped with seawater tanks, which can lead out the retreat slope more carefully, reduce the sense of heaviness, and draw out an open view at the same time. The comprehensive planning of adaptive development draws a harmonious and charming residential style, gives a comfortable and stable life experience, and makes going home the most desirable thing of the day. Designer: Happy Space Happy Space Design

Special statement: The above content (including pictures or videos, if any) is uploaded and released by users of the We Media platform "Netease Designer", and this platform only provides information storage services.

Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

The whole room has a wood color as the bottom, and a variety of low convergence colors are added to achieve a proper visual balance. The porch is paved with lively tiles, creating a bright visual rhythm. The bathroom and game room on the side of the restaurant are designed with hidden doors to present a sense of atmosphere. They are matched with round chandeliers, colorful seats and tables made of different materials to create a simple but layered dining environment. The TV wall in the living room is made of iron and wood to create an open shelf full of misperception, which outlines a highly personalized composition, weakens the sense of TV existence and reduces children's desire to watch TV. The sofa back wall structure is firm, and the load-bearing cabinet and professional exhaust system are equipped with seawater tanks, which can lead out the retreat slope more carefully, reduce the sense of heaviness, and draw out an open view at the same time. The comprehensive planning of adaptive development draws a harmonious and charming residential style, gives a comfortable and stable life experience, and makes going home the most desirable thing of the day. Designer: Happy Space Happy Space Design

Special statement: The above content (including pictures or videos, if any) is uploaded and released by users of the We Media platform "Netease Designer", and this platform only provides information storage services.

Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

The whole room has a wood color as the bottom, and a variety of low convergence colors are added to achieve a proper visual balance. The porch is paved with lively tiles, creating a bright visual rhythm. The bathroom and game room on the side of the restaurant are designed with hidden doors to present a sense of atmosphere. They are matched with round chandeliers, colorful seats and tables made of different materials to create a simple but layered dining environment. The TV wall in the living room is made of iron and wood to create an open shelf full of misperception, which outlines a highly personalized composition, weakens the sense of TV existence and reduces children's desire to watch TV. The sofa back wall structure is firm, and the load-bearing cabinet and professional exhaust system are equipped with seawater tanks, which can lead out the retreat slope more carefully, reduce the sense of heaviness, and draw out an open view at the same time. The comprehensive planning of adaptive development draws a harmonious and charming residential style, gives a comfortable and stable life experience, and makes going home the most desirable thing of the day. Designer: Happy Space Happy Space Design

Special statement: The above content (including pictures or videos, if any) is uploaded and released by users of the We Media platform "Netease Designer", and this platform only provides information storage services.

Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

The whole room has a wood color as the bottom, and a variety of low convergence colors are added to achieve a proper visual balance. The porch is paved with lively tiles, creating a bright visual rhythm. The bathroom and game room on the side of the restaurant are designed with hidden doors to present a sense of atmosphere. They are matched with round chandeliers, colorful seats and tables made of different materials to create a simple but layered dining environment. The TV wall in the living room is made of iron and wood to create an open shelf full of misperception, which outlines a highly personalized composition, weakens the sense of TV existence and reduces children's desire to watch TV. The sofa back wall structure is firm, and the load-bearing cabinet and professional exhaust system are equipped with seawater tanks, which can lead out the retreat slope more carefully, reduce the sense of heaviness, and draw out an open view at the same time. The comprehensive planning of adaptive development draws a harmonious and charming residential style, gives a comfortable and stable life experience, and makes going home the most desirable thing of the day. Designer: Happy Space Happy Space Design

Special statement: The above content (including pictures or videos, if any) is uploaded and released by users of the We Media platform "Netease Designer", and this platform only provides information storage services.

Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

The whole room has a wood color as the bottom, and a variety of low convergence colors are added to achieve a proper visual balance. The porch is paved with lively tiles, creating a bright visual rhythm. The bathroom and game room on the side of the restaurant are designed with hidden doors to present a sense of atmosphere. They are matched with round chandeliers, colorful seats and tables made of different materials to create a simple but layered dining environment. The TV wall in the living room is made of iron and wood to create an open shelf full of misperception, which outlines a highly personalized composition, weakens the sense of TV existence and reduces children's desire to watch TV. The sofa back wall structure is firm, and the load-bearing cabinet and professional exhaust system are equipped with seawater tanks, which can lead out the retreat slope more carefully, reduce the sense of heaviness, and draw out an open view at the same time. The comprehensive planning of adaptive development draws a harmonious and charming residential style, gives a comfortable and stable life experience, and makes going home the most desirable thing of the day. Designer: Happy Space Happy Space Design

Special statement: The above content (including pictures or videos, if any) is uploaded and released by users of the We Media platform "Netease Designer", and this platform only provides information storage services.

Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

The whole room has a wood color as the bottom, and a variety of low convergence colors are added to achieve a proper visual balance. The porch is paved with lively tiles, creating a bright visual rhythm. The bathroom and game room on the side of the restaurant are designed with hidden doors to present a sense of atmosphere. They are matched with round chandeliers, colorful seats and tables made of different materials to create a simple but layered dining environment. The TV wall in the living room is made of iron and wood to create an open shelf full of misperception, which outlines a highly personalized composition, weakens the sense of TV existence and reduces children's desire to watch TV. The sofa back wall structure is firm, and the load-bearing cabinet and professional exhaust system are equipped with seawater tanks, which can lead out the retreat slope more carefully, reduce the sense of heaviness, and draw out an open view at the same time. The comprehensive planning of adaptive development draws a harmonious and charming residential style, gives a comfortable and stable life experience, and makes going home the most desirable thing of the day. Designer: Happy Space Happy Space Design

Special statement: The above content (including pictures or videos, if any) is uploaded and released by users of the We Media platform "Netease Designer", and this platform only provides information storage services.

Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

The whole room has a wood color as the bottom, and a variety of low convergence colors are added to achieve a proper visual balance. The porch is paved with lively tiles, creating a bright visual rhythm. The bathroom and game room on the side of the restaurant are designed with hidden doors to present a sense of atmosphere. They are matched with round chandeliers, colorful seats and tables made of different materials to create a simple but layered dining environment. The TV wall in the living room is made of iron and wood to create an open shelf full of misperception, which outlines a highly personalized composition, weakens the sense of TV existence and reduces children's desire to watch TV. The sofa back wall structure is firm, and the load-bearing cabinet and professional exhaust system are equipped with seawater tanks, which can lead out the retreat slope more carefully, reduce the sense of heaviness, and draw out an open view at the same time. The comprehensive planning of adaptive development draws a harmonious and charming residential style, gives a comfortable and stable life experience, and makes going home the most desirable thing of the day. Designer: Happy Space Happy Space Design

Special statement: The above content (including pictures or videos, if any) is uploaded and released by users of the We Media platform "Netease Designer", and this platform only provides information storage services.

Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

The whole room has a wood color as the bottom, and a variety of low convergence colors are added to achieve a proper visual balance. The porch is paved with lively tiles, creating a bright visual rhythm. The bathroom and game room on the side of the restaurant are designed with hidden doors to present a sense of atmosphere. They are matched with round chandeliers, colorful seats and tables made of different materials to create a simple but layered dining environment. The TV wall in the living room is made of iron and wood to create an open shelf full of misperception, which outlines a highly personalized composition, weakens the sense of TV existence and reduces children's desire to watch TV. The sofa back wall structure is firm, and the load-bearing cabinet and professional exhaust system are equipped with seawater tanks, which can lead out the retreat slope more carefully, reduce the sense of heaviness, and draw out an open view at the same time. The comprehensive planning of adaptive development draws a harmonious and charming residential style, gives a comfortable and stable life experience, and makes going home the most desirable thing of the day. Designer: Happy Space Happy Space Design

Special statement: The above content (including pictures or videos, if any) is uploaded and released by users of the We Media platform "Netease Designer", and this platform only provides information storage services.

Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

The whole room has a wood color as the bottom, and a variety of low convergence colors are added to achieve a proper visual balance. The porch is paved with lively tiles, creating a bright visual rhythm. The bathroom and game room on the side of the restaurant are designed with hidden doors to present a sense of atmosphere. They are matched with round chandeliers, colorful seats and tables made of different materials to create a simple but layered dining environment. The TV wall in the living room is made of iron and wood to create an open shelf full of misperception, which outlines a highly personalized composition, weakens the sense of TV existence and reduces children's desire to watch TV. The sofa back wall structure is firm, and the load-bearing cabinet and professional exhaust system are equipped with seawater tanks, which can lead out the retreat slope more carefully, reduce the sense of heaviness, and draw out an open view at the same time. The comprehensive planning of adaptive development draws a harmonious and charming residential style, gives a comfortable and stable life experience, and makes going home the most desirable thing of the day. Designer: Happy Space Happy Space Design

Special statement: The above content (including pictures or videos, if any) is uploaded and released by users of the We Media platform "Netease Designer", and this platform only provides information storage services.

Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

The whole room has a wood color as the bottom, and a variety of low convergence colors are added to achieve a proper visual balance. The porch is paved with lively tiles, creating a bright visual rhythm. The bathroom and game room on the side of the restaurant are designed with hidden doors to present a sense of atmosphere. They are matched with round chandeliers, colorful seats and tables made of different materials to create a simple but layered dining environment. The TV wall in the living room is made of iron and wood to create an open shelf full of misperception, which outlines a highly personalized composition, weakens the sense of TV existence and reduces children's desire to watch TV. The sofa back wall structure is firm, and the load-bearing cabinet and professional exhaust system are equipped with seawater tanks, which can lead out the retreat slope more carefully, reduce the sense of heaviness, and draw out an open view at the same time. The comprehensive planning of adaptive development draws a harmonious and charming residential style, gives a comfortable and stable life experience, and makes going home the most desirable thing of the day. Designer: Happy Space Happy Space Design

Special statement: The above content (including pictures or videos, if any) is uploaded and released by users of the We Media platform "Netease Designer", and this platform only provides information storage services.

Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

The whole room has a wood color as the bottom, and a variety of low convergence colors are added to achieve a proper visual balance. The porch is paved with lively tiles, creating a bright visual rhythm. The bathroom and game room on the side of the restaurant are designed with hidden doors to present a sense of atmosphere. They are matched with round chandeliers, colorful seats and tables made of different materials to create a simple but layered dining environment. The TV wall in the living room is made of iron and wood to create an open shelf full of misperception, which outlines a highly personalized composition, weakens the sense of TV existence and reduces children's desire to watch TV. The sofa back wall structure is firm, and the load-bearing cabinet and professional exhaust system are equipped with seawater tanks, which can lead out the retreat slope more carefully, reduce the sense of heaviness, and draw out an open view at the same time. The comprehensive planning of adaptive development draws a harmonious and charming residential style, gives a comfortable and stable life experience, and makes going home the most desirable thing of the day. Designer: Happy Space Happy Space Design

Special statement: The above content (including pictures or videos, if any) is uploaded and released by users of the We Media platform "Netease Designer", and this platform only provides information storage services.

Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

The whole room has a wood color as the bottom, and a variety of low convergence colors are added to achieve a proper visual balance. The porch is paved with lively tiles, creating a bright visual rhythm. The bathroom and game room on the side of the restaurant are designed with hidden doors to present a sense of atmosphere. They are matched with round chandeliers, colorful seats and tables made of different materials to create a simple but layered dining environment. The TV wall in the living room is made of iron and wood to create an open shelf full of misperception, which outlines a highly personalized composition, weakens the sense of TV existence and reduces children's desire to watch TV. The sofa back wall structure is firm, and the load-bearing cabinet and professional exhaust system are equipped with seawater tanks, which can lead out the retreat slope more carefully, reduce the sense of heaviness, and draw out an open view at the same time. The comprehensive planning of adaptive development draws a harmonious and charming residential style, gives a comfortable and stable life experience, and makes going home the most desirable thing of the day. Designer: Happy Space Happy Space Design

Special statement: The above content (including pictures or videos, if any) is uploaded and released by users of the We Media platform "Netease Designer", and this platform only provides information storage services.

Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Designer, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.

66 Ping, retro, romantic, autumn, slightly drunk, comfortable, other pictures:
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