Skills of efficiently matching history commands in bash

Complete the history command in bash

This article introduces the best bash configuration skills I think. Once you configure, you will benefit every day.

In bash, the most common way to search history commands is ctrl + r , but this step is too many and troublesome.

Here is a very fast completion method.


 curl -L  | sh
bind -f ~/.inputrc

In this way, first enter some commands, and then press the Up/Down You can automatically complete the history command.

working principle

Actually ~/.inputrc The following content has been added to the file:

 "\e[A" : history -search-backward
"\e[B" : history -search-forward
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
set completion-ignore-case on

The first two lines are bound to shortcut keys. What do the last two lines mean?

show-all-if-ambiguous It means that when a tab is completed, pressing the tab once will automatically complete the longest match. Specific reference

completion-ignore-case It is also very convenient to ignore case when completing a tab.

Note that after modification ~/.inputrc Files, to execute explicitly bind -f ~/.inputrc Will take effect.

As an aside, in arthas Li also supported Up/Down This feature automatically completes the history command, so in the arthas The automatic completion of history command in is very convenient.

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