About us
Website positioning
Civil online positioning is based on the professional database and professional technology exchange platform of the civil industry, striving to provide professional services and more accurate business opportunities for engineers and enterprises in the civil industry.
Website business card
  • Company name: Changzhou Yibao Network Service Co., Ltd
  • Business scope: Internet
  • Foreign name: co188
  • Company slogan: Profession builds value
  • Headquarters: Changzhou, Jiangsu
  • Operating website: CO CIVIL Online, or CIVIL Online for short
  • Time of establishment: 2008
Featured channel
Civil Engineering Online provides services for engineers and enterprises in the civil engineering industry. It provides different characteristic channels according to user needs, and provides targeted services for different needs. It mainly provides sub channels of data, civil online forum, Shangyibao and professional training services.
Professional material download
According to different types of data, the online professional data download channel of civil engineering divides professional data into three major types: drawings, documents and software.
Drawing Channel It mainly provides downloadable software of civil engineering construction drawings, which are divided into the following professional categories:
Document Channel "Provide professional papers, operating experience, design ideas, technical discussions and other relevant technical documents for download, which are divided into the following professional categories:
Software Channel "Is divided into the following major categories:
Civil Engineering Online Forum
The civil engineering online forum mainly provides a platform for civil engineering engineers to conduct technical exchanges, share experience, share information, and help other engineers.
Civil Engineering Online Forum "Mainly includes the following partitions:
Shangyibao "The water supply and drainage sub channel of CIVIL Online is the first in the country to display enterprise product information and pictures in the form of electronic samples. In 2005, it won the national patent certification and produced the industry catchphrase" Electronic sample 」。 While professional engineers pay attention to it, they are also favored by industry enterprises. Through electronic sample service and unique business card, inquiry and message system, civil engineering industry enterprises show their strength to millions of engineers, spread corporate culture, promote enterprise products, and achieve win-win!
Yizhu Education
Yizhu Education "Yizhu Education is an education brand of CIVIL, which is different from many online education brands in the market. Yizhu Education has a professional user background of CIVIL, has a deeper understanding of the needs of professional users, and has the inherent advantages of good education and training. At the same time, relying on the reputation of CIVIL in the engineering industry, the brand of Yizhu Education has successfully gained the trust of professional users, and the platform of Yizhu Education has become a reliable choice for professional skills upgrading and examination training.