Articles on: Application Recipe Guides

Getting Started with cPanel DNSONLY

About cPanel DNSOnly

The cPanel DNSOnly® software allows you to run a dedicated physical nameserver. It is the simplest version of cPanel & WHM and only replicates DNS zones to your other servers.

Official Website:
Underlying OS: CentOS 7.6 Server (64 Bit)

Minimum System Requirements

1 vCPU Core
512 MB RAM
10 GB of Disk

Getting Started

Once the application is installed, you can access the application by visiting.

WHM Login: https://{your-server-ip}:2087
User: root
Password: {your-server-root-password}

Replace {your-server-root-password} with your server's root password

Important files and documents

Visit cPanel/WHM official documentation site here:

 cPanel DNSONLY Management Screen

Updated on: 09/16/2020

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