Introduction to sports quiz

Source: CCTV | August 18, 2020 09:42
CCTV | August 18, 2020 09:42
Original title:

About Gold Coins
10000 gold coins will be given after successful registration, and 1000 gold coins will be given after signing in every day. Gold coins can participate in the contest, send gifts in the live broadcast room and exchange prizes in the mall in limited time.

About quiz
The contest can be divided into two modes: pre contest and in contest. The minimum amount of a single contest is 500 gold coins, the maximum amount of a single contest is 5000 gold coins, and the maximum amount of a single contest is 20000 gold coins. If the guess is right, the gold coin compensation will be paid according to the user's guess amount multiplied by the odds during the guess. If the guess is wrong, the gold coin bet will be deducted.
The odds during the quiz are the final odds paid. The change of odds after the quiz does not affect the bet paid.
The football match is based on the score of the whole court (that is, the extra time for injury suspension), and the basketball match is also based on the score of the whole court (including the extra time).

 Football&basketball quiz

Football&basketball quiz

Introduction to football quiz

 Example of quiz

Example of quiz

For example: The contest condition is that Shandong gives Henan 0.5 ball in 90 minutes, and Shandong wins. In order to meet this challenge condition, the final score within 90 minutes must be: Shandong wins Henan by 2 goals or more. If Shandong wins the final score by only one goal, then considering the previous "let 0.5 ball", although Shandong wins, it is equivalent to a draw. So only half of the quiz is right, and only half of the gold won can be obtained.

Introduction to Basketball Contest

Challenge statement:
In case of wrong or abnormal locking of the system, the official has the right to take certain measures to correct, including but not limited to: cancel the bet and return the gold coin, and correct the odds value of the existing bet to the true odds value.
If a game is cancelled, postponed or locked abnormally, resulting in a game/game being deemed invalid, all bets in that game/game will be invalid and the original principal will be returned. (Abnormal disk locking includes: the game data changes but the disk opening does not change in time, the disk is not locked in time, etc.)

*CCTV Sports reserves the right of final interpretation

Edited by: Zhang Shu Editor in charge:
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