
Bind the custom domain name to the bucket default domain name


This article contains important information that needs your attention. Ignoring this information may affect your business. Please read it carefully.

After the file is uploaded to OSS, OSS will use the bucket default domain name to generate the file access address. The forced download will be triggered when the browser accesses the address. If your business does not want to expose the bucket default domain name or has the need to preview files in the browser, you need to bind a custom domain name to the bucket, and then access the files in the bucket through the custom domain name. After binding a custom domain name, it does not affect the continued use of the domain name provided by OSS.


  • Bucket created. For specific steps, see Create storage space

  • The secondary domain name is already registered. It supports binding non AliCloud registered domain names. If you have not registered a domain name, you can register a domain name on the AliCloud domain name service platform. For specific steps, see Register domain name

  • If the bucket to be bound is located in mainland China, ensure that the domain name has been filed. It supports binding domain names that are not filed by Alibaba Cloud. If your domain name has not been filed, you can file your domain name in Alibaba Cloud ICP filing system. For specific steps, see Overview of ICP Filing Process

Use Scenarios

  • File Preview: Access the OSS Bucket through a custom domain name to avoid forcing the OSS to add a download response header and preview the file in the browser.

  • Brand image and professionalism: bind custom domain names to OSS Buckets, provide personalized domain names, enhance brand image and professionalism, and increase user trust.

  • Prevent domain name from being blocked: Some applications or platforms may block the bucket default domain name. You can bind a custom domain name to your bucket to ensure that the resources in your OSS bucket can be accessed normally.

  • Access convenience: It is easy to remember to access OSS Buckets by using a custom domain name. Compared with the default domain name of OSS, it is more simple, friendly, and easy to access and share resources.

  • User experience optimization: improve the access speed by customizing the domain name, and combine CDN acceleration technology to achieve rapid content distribution and download, reduce latency, and improve the user experience.

  • Persistence of the link: After binding a custom domain name to the OSS bucket, users can still use the same domain name to access resources, even if the subsequent storage location or service changes, to ensure the persistence of the link and long-term access to and use of storage resources.

background information

Access to the bucket default domain name or the transmission acceleration domain name will download files by default, while access to the custom domain name will preview files by default for the following reasons:

Access the bucket default domain name or transport acceleration domain name

For data transmission security, use the bucket default domain name provided by OSS( <bucketName>.oss-<regionId> )Or transport acceleration domain name( <bucketName> )When accessing bucket files (web pages, pictures), OSS will force a download response header to be added in the return( x-oss-force-download: true and Content-Disposition: attachment )。 Browser detected Content-Disposition: attachment The forced download behavior will be triggered when. When using the domain name provided by OSS to access files, the request process that triggers the download behavior is as follows:


Please refer to Appendix: x-oss-ec Rules for Forced Download Hits

Access custom domain name

You can customize a sub domain name (such as static. example. com) on the registered domain name (such as example. com), bind it to the bucket, and then use the custom domain name to access the file. At this time, the OSS will not force a download response header to be added in the return. Because OSS is not set Content-Disposition Field, the browser will set it to inline The browser will display the file content directly instead of downloading the file. Use a custom domain name to access files. The request process for the default preview behavior is as follows:


Restrictions on use

  • Binding Chinese domain names is not supported.

  • Each domain name can only be bound to one bucket.

  • Each bucket can bind up to 100 domain names.

  • When you bind a custom domain name through the OSS management console, you are not allowed to bind a universal domain name (set the domain name prefix to *, so that all sub domain names of the secondary domain name point to the bucket default domain name). When accelerating OSS through CDN, it is allowed to bind the universal domain name, but the domain name will not be displayed on the OSS management console.

Operation steps

Step 1: Bind a custom domain name

According to the service provider and account of the domain name, refer to the corresponding steps to bind the domain name to the OSS bucket.

  • If you are not sure which service provider your domain name belongs to, you can click Domain name information query (WHOIS) Page.

  • If you are not sure whether the domain name belongs to the current AliCloud account, you can click Cloud resolution DNS console Query.

  • The top-level domain name involved in the bound custom domain name must meet the requirements of the specified suffix, otherwise it will be regarded as an invalid domain name, which will eventually lead to the domain name binding failure. For more information, see Top level domain suffix list

Bind the domain name registered by the current AliCloud account

The steps to bind the domain name registered with the current AliCloud account to the OSS bucket are as follows:

  1. Sign in OSS Management Console

  2. single click Bucket List , and then click the target bucket name.

  3. In the left navigation bar, select Bucket Configuration > Domain name management

  4. stay Domain name management Page, click Bind domain name

  5. stay Bind domain name Panel, enter the domain name to bind, for example , and then click Confirm Binding

  6. open Automatically add CNAME records

    After successful submission, cloud resolution DNS will automatically add a CNAME record based on the domain name you filled in, and resolve the custom domain name to the external network access domain name of the bound bucket. 1.png


    If you do not open Automatically add CNAME records , after submitting, you need to Cloud resolution DNS console Manually add a CNAME record, otherwise the bound custom domain name will not take effect.

Bind domain names registered with other AliCloud accounts

The steps to bind the domain name registered with AliCloud A account to the OSS bucket of AliCloud B account are as follows:

  1. Use the AliCloud B account to obtain the host records and record values recorded by TXT.

    1. Sign in OSS Management Console

    2. single click Bucket List , and then click the target bucket name.

    3. In the left navigation bar, select Bucket Configuration > Domain name management

    4. stay Domain name management Page, click Bind domain name

    5. stay Bind domain name Panel, enter the custom domain name of the AliCloud A account to be bound, for example , and then copy the Host record In _dnsauth and Record value



      After copying TXT record values, please keep Bind domain name Panel until final submission. If off Bind domain name On the panel, TXT record values will become invalid, resulting in the failure of domain name ownership verification later.

  2. Use AliCloud A account to add TXT records.

    1. Sign in Cloud resolution DNS console

    2. In the domain name resolution list, click Resolution Settings

    3. single click Add Record , fill in the domain name resolution information.



      Sample value

      Record Type

      Select TXT as the type that the domain name points to.


      Host record

      Fill in the host record of the TXT record obtained using the AliCloud B account.


      Resolve request source

      The circuit used to resolve the domain name. Suggested choice default , the system will automatically select the best route.


      Record value

      Fill in the CnameToken in the TXT record obtained using the AliCloud B account.



      The update cycle of the domain name. Leave the default value.


      There is a certain delay in the time when the TTL takes effect. Please refer to the actual situation.

      10 minutes

    4. single click determine

  3. Use the AliCloud B account on the OSS console Bind domain name Panel, click Verify domain name ownership and bind

  4. Use AliCloud A account to add CNAME records.

    1. In the domain name resolution list, click Resolution Settings

    2. single click Add Record , fill in the domain name resolution information.



      Sample value

      Record Type

      Select CNAME as the type that the domain name points to.


      Host record

      Fill in the host record according to the domain name prefix.

      • If it is a secondary domain name, for example , Enter @

      • If it is a third level domain name, enter the prefix of the third level domain name. For example, the domain name is , enter static.


      Resolve request source

      The circuit used to resolve the domain name. Suggested choice default , the system will automatically select the best route.


      Record value

      Fill in the bucket's Internet access domain name. The bucket domain name structure is <bucketname>.< endpoint> For Internet endpoints in different regions, see Access domain name and data center


      The update cycle of the domain name. Leave the default value.


      There is a certain delay in the time when the TTL takes effect. Please refer to the actual situation.

      10 minutes

    3. single click determine

Bind domain names registered with non Alibaba Cloud accounts

The operation steps for binding domain names registered with other domain name service providers to OSS Buckets are as follows:

  1. In AliCloud OSS, generate host records and record values of TXT records.

    1. Sign in OSS Management Console

    2. single click Bucket List , and then click the target bucket name.

    3. In the left navigation bar, select Bucket Configuration > Domain name management

    4. stay Domain name management Page, click Bind domain name

    5. stay Bind domain name Panel, enter the domain name registered with other domain name service providers, such as , and then copy the Host record In _dnsauth and Record value


      After copying TXT record values, please keep Bind domain name Panel until final submission. If off Bind domain name On the panel, TXT record values will become invalid, resulting in the failure of domain name ownership verification later.

  2. On the DNS resolution platform of the domain name service provider, add TXT records according to the following table.



    Sample value

    Record Type

    Select TXT as the type that the domain name points to.


    Host record

    Fill in the host record of the TXT record obtained from AliCloud OSS, and fill in according to the DNS resolution platform requirements of the domain name service provider.


    Record value

    Fill in the CnameToken in the TXT record obtained from AliCloud OSS.


  3. On the AliCloud OSS console Bind domain name Panel, click Verify domain name ownership and bind

  4. On the DNS resolution platform of the domain name service provider, add CNAME records according to the following table.



    Sample value

    Record Type

    Select CNAME as the type that the domain name points to.


    Host record

    Fill in the host record according to the domain name prefix.

    • If it is a secondary domain name, for example , Enter @

    • If it is a third level domain name, enter the prefix of the third level domain name. For example, the domain name is , enter static.


    Record value

    Fill in the bucket's Internet access domain name. The bucket domain name structure is <bucketname>.< endpoint> For Internet endpoints in different regions, see Access domain name and data center

Step 2: Verify the custom domain name

After binding a custom domain name, you can use the nslookup or dig Command to check the result of CNAME resolution. If the domain name resolution result shows the external network access domain name of the bucket you bind, the CNAME resolution of the custom domain name has taken effect.


Replace with the domain name you want to query, and then execute the following command.

 nslookup -type=CNAME

An example of a successful return is shown below.



Replace with the domain name you want to query, and then execute the following command.

 dig CNAME

An example of a successful return is shown below.


Step 3: Use a custom domain name

After the custom domain name takes effect, you can access the file directly through the HTTP protocol.

  1. Upload files.

    See Simple upload

  2. Get the file URL.

    Temporary file URL

    The steps to obtain a temporary valid file URL are as follows:

    1. Set the file read/write permission ACL to private.

      See Set Object ACL

    2. The format of the private file URL is http://YourDomain/ObjectName? Signature parameters You can obtain the file URL and set the effective duration of the URL by the following methods.

    Using the OSS Console

    1. Sign in OSS Management Console

    2. single click Bucket List , and then click the target bucket name.

    3. In the left navigation bar, select file management > File List

    4. On the file list page, click the target file name.

    5. stay details Panel Own domain name , select the bound custom domain name, keep the other default values, and then click Copy File URL


    Use the graphical management tool ossbrowser

    The ossbrowser supports operations at the object level similar to those supported by the console. Please follow the ossbrowser interface instructions to complete the operation of obtaining the signature URL. For how to use ossbrowser, see Quickly use ossbrowser

    Using the AliCloud SDK

    1. Create a new OssClient using a custom domain name.

    2. Java

       //YourEndpoint fills in the custom domain name. String endpoint = "yourEndpoint"; //Get access credentials from environment variables. Please configure the environment variables before running this code example. EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = CredentialsProviderFactory.newEnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider(); //Create a ClientBuilderConfiguration instance, and you can modify the default parameters according to the actual situation. ClientBuilderConfiguration conf = new ClientBuilderConfiguration(); //Set whether CNAME is supported. CNAME is used to bind a custom domain name to the target bucket. conf.setSupportCname(true); //Create an OSSClient instance. OSS ossClient = new OSSClientBuilder().build(endpoint,  credentialsProvider, conf); //Close the OSSClient. ossClient.shutdown();


       <? php if (is_file(__DIR__ . '/../autoload.php')) { require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php'; } if (is_file(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php')) { require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; } use OSS\Credentials\EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider; use OSS\OssClient; use OSS\CoreOssException; //Get access credentials from environment variables. Before running this code example, make sure that the environment variables OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET have been set. $provider = new EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider(); //Fill in the custom domain name, for example  $endpoint = " "; try { $config = array( "provider" => $provider, "endpoint" => $endpoint, "cname"	=> true ); $ossClient = new OssClient($config);     } catch (OssException $e) { print $e->getMessage(); }


       const OSS = require('ali-oss') const client = new OSS({ //Use a custom domain name as the endpoint. endpoint: ' ',  //Get access credentials from environment variables. Before running this code example, make sure that the environment variables OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET have been set. accessKeyId: process.env.OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, accessKeySecret: process.env.OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET, cname: true });


       # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import oss2 from oss2.credentials import EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider #Get access credentials from environment variables. Please configure the environment variables before running this code example. auth = oss2.ProviderAuth(EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider()) #Fill in a custom domain name, such as cname = ' ' #Fill in the bucket name and set is_cname=True to enable CNAME. CNAME refers to binding a custom domain name to the storage space. bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth,  cname, 'examplebucket', is_cname=True)


       <! DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <title>Document</title> <script src=" "></script> </head> <body> <script> const client = new OSS({ //Fill in a custom domain name, such as endpoint: "", //The temporary access key (AccessKey ID and AccessKey Secret) obtained from the STS service. accessKeyId: "yourAccessKeyId", accessKeySecret: "yourAccessKeySecret", //The security token (SecurityToken) obtained from the STS service. stsToken: 'yourSecurityToken', //Fill in the bucket name, such as examplebucket. bucket: "examplebucket", cname: true, });     </script> </body> </html>


       using Aliyun.OSS; using Aliyun.OSS.Common; //Get access credentials from environment variables. Before running this code example, make sure that the environment variables OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET have been set. var accessKeyId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"); var accessKeySecret = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET"); //Fill in the custom domain name. const string endpoint = "yourDomain"; //Create a ClientConfiguration instance and modify the default parameters according to your needs. var conf = new ClientConfiguration(); //Turn on the CNAME switch. CNAME refers to the process of binding a custom domain name to a storage space. conf.IsCname = true; //Create an OssClient instance. var client = new OssClient(endpoint,  accessKeyId, accessKeySecret, conf);


       //YourEndpoint fills in the custom domain name. String endpoint = "yourEndpoint"; //The temporary access key (AccessKey ID and AccessKey Secret) obtained from the STS service. String accessKeyId = "yourAccessKeyId"; String accessKeySecret = "yourAccessKeySecret"; //The security token (SecurityToken) obtained from the STS service. String securityToken = "yourSecurityToken"; OSSCredentialProvider credentialProvider = new OSSStsTokenCredentialProvider(accessKeyId,  accessKeySecret, securityToken); //Create an OSSClient instance. OSSClient oss = new OSSClient(getApplicationContext(),  endpoint, credentialProvider);


       package main import ( "fmt" "" "os" ) func main(){ //Get access credentials from environment variables. Please configure the environment variables before running this code example. provider, err := oss.NewEnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider() if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error:", err) os.Exit(-1) }     //YourEndpoint fills in the user-defined domain name corresponding to the bucket. // oss. UseCname (true) is used to enable CNAME. CNAME is used to bind a custom domain name to the storage space. client, err := oss.New("yourEndpoint", "", "", oss.SetCredentialsProvider(&provider),oss.UseCname(true)) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error:", err) os.Exit(-1) } fmt.Printf("client:%#v\n", client) }


       //YourEndpoint fills in the custom domain name. NSString *endpoint = @"yourEndpoint"; //The temporary access key (AccessKey ID and AccessKey Secret) obtained from the STS service. NSString *accessKeyId = @"yourAccessKeyId"; NSString *accessKeySecret = @"yourAccessKeySecret"; //The security token (SecurityToken) obtained from the STS service. NSString *securityToken = @"yourSecurityToken"; id<OSSCredentialProvider> credentialProvider = [[OSSStsTokenCredentialProvider alloc] initWithAccessKeyId:accessKeyId secretKeyId:accessKeySecret securityToken:securityToken]; OSSClient *client = [[OSSClient alloc] initWithEndpoint:endpoint credentialProvider:credentialProvider];


       #include <alibabacloud/oss/OssClient.h> using namespace AlibabaCloud::OSS; int main(void) { /*Initialize OSS account information*/ /*YourEndpoint fills in the endpoint corresponding to the bucket's region. Taking East China 1 (Hangzhou) as an example, the Endpoint is filled in as 。*/ std::string Endpoint = "yourEndpoint"; /*Initialize network and other resources*/ InitializeSdk(); ClientConfiguration conf; /*Get access credentials from environment variables. Before running this code example, make sure that the environment variables OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET have been set*/ auto credentialsProvider = std::make_shared<EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider>(); OssClient client(Endpoint,  credentialsProvider, conf);    /*Release network and other resources*/ ShutdownSdk(); return 0; }


       #include "oss_api.h" #include "aos_http_io.h" /*Fill in the custom domain name*/ const char *endpoint = "yourCustomEndpoint"; void init_options(oss_request_options_t *options) { options->config = oss_config_create(options->pool); /*Initialize the aos_string_t type with a string of char * type*/ aos_str_set(&options->config->endpoint, endpoint); /*Get access credentials from environment variables. Before running this code example, make sure that the environment variables OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET have been set*/ aos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_id, getenv("OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")); aos_str_set(&options->config->access_key_secret, getenv("OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET")); /*Turn on CNAME and bind the custom domain name to the storage space*/ options->config->is_cname = 1; options->ctl = aos_http_controller_create(options->pool, 0); } int main() { aos_pool_t *p; oss_request_options_t *options; /*Initialize global variables, which only need to be called once in the program life cycle*/ if (aos_http_io_initialize(NULL, 0) !=  AOSE_OK) { return -1; } /*Initialize the memory pool and options*/ aos_pool_create(&p, NULL); options = oss_request_options_create(p); init_options(options); /*Logic code, omitted here*/ /*Releasing the memory pool is equivalent to releasing the memory allocated by each resource during the request process*/ aos_pool_destroy(p); /*The global resources allocated before release only need to be called once in the program life cycle*/ aos_http_io_deinitialize(); return 0; }


       require 'aliyun/oss' client = #Use a custom domain name as the endpoint. endpoint: ' ', #Get access credentials from environment variables. Before running this code example, make sure that the environment variables OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET have been set. access_key_id: ENV['OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], access_key_secret: ENV['OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET'] cname: true) )
    3. Use OssClient to call the generatePresignedUrl interface to obtain the signature URL.

      For SDK examples in different languages, see Signature Version 1

    Using the command line tool ossutil

    1. Set the mapping relationship between bucket and user-defined domain name through configuration file. For details, see Configure ossutil

    2. adopt sign Generate a signed file URL. For details, see Sign (generate signature URL)

    Long term file URL


    To obtain a long-term valid file URL, there is no expiration time. You need to set the read/write permission ACL of the read file to public read. After the file is set to public reading, any user on the Internet can access the object, which may cause the leakage of your data and the surge of costs. It is recommended that you use the temporary file URL.

    The steps to obtain a long-term valid file URL are as follows:

    1. Set the file read/write permission ACL to public read.

      See Set Object ACL

    2. Splice file URL.

      After binding a custom domain name, if the file read/write permission ACL is public read, no signature operation is required. The format of public read file URL is https://YourDomainName/ObjectName

      For example, if you bind the custom domain name to the examplebucket in East China 1 (Hangzhou) region, and the bucket contains the file example.jpg, the file URL is

  3. In the browser, access the generated file URL.


Subsequent operations

Use HTTPS protocol

If you want to use HTTPS protocol to access a custom domain name, you need to upload an HTTPS certificate. For specific steps, see Certificate escrow

Accelerate with CDN

If you want to improve the speed and stability of static resource access, you can enable CDN acceleration for OSS, and then bind the custom domain name to the CDN acceleration domain name. See Bind CDN acceleration domain name

Avoid stealing brush

If you want to prevent the resources in the bucket from being stolen by others, you can limit the access source of the resources in your bucket by setting the referer list (including white list referers and blacklist referers) and whether to allow empty referers. For specific steps, see Anti-theft chain

Accelerate cross-border transmission

If you want to improve the speed and stability of cross-border access, you can bind the custom domain name to the OSS transport acceleration domain name. See Bind CDN acceleration domain name

Hosting static websites

If you want to host your static website to OSS and use a custom domain name to access it, you need to set up static website hosting for the storage space. For specific steps, see Overview of static website hosting

common problem

The existing host record is the same as the host record generated by the current CNAME record, and the CNAME record cannot be automatically added temporarily

When the existing host record is the same as the currently automatically added CNAME record, there may be the following situations:

  • Conflict record: A record using the same host record already exists, but the record type may be different from CNAME. For example, an A record may already exist.

  • Duplicate Record: A record using the same host record already exists, and the record type is CNAME record. This may be because the same record has been manually added previously.

In this case, you can use Alibaba Cloud Cloud resolution DNS console Decide how to handle according to your needs:

  • If you want to keep the existing conflict or duplicate host records, you can re customize a sub domain name for binding.

  • If you do not want to keep the existing host records:

    • If it is a conflict record, you can delete it, and then create a CNAME record to resolve to the bucket domain name.

    • If it is a duplicate record, you can modify the record and resolve it to the bucket domain name.

The domain name is bound to its own bucket

You need to unbind the domain name of the bucket, and then rebind it to the current bucket. See When binding a domain name in OSS domain name management, you will be prompted "The domain name is bound to another bucket of your own"


After binding the custom domain name, the file cannot be previewed?

If the file cannot be previewed after binding the custom domain name and CNAME resolution takes effect, please check the following settings:

set up

Abnormal causes



Content-Type The value of is inconsistent with the actual file type. The browser cannot parse and render the file correctly, and can only treat it as a download file.

Set a reasonable Content Type according to the file type. See How to set Content Type (MIME)?

Content-Disposition Is set to attachment Browser detected Content-Disposition: attachment The download behavior is triggered when the.

Set Content Disposition to inline For specific steps, see Manage file metadata


The cache resource was not refreshed.

Refresh CDN cache resources. For specific steps, see Refresh and preheat resources


Preview of files in this format, such as table files, text files, presentation files, and PDF files, is not supported.

You can install plug-ins for your browser to support previewing files in this format. Alternatively, you can use the Smart Media Management IMM to preview documents online. For specific steps, see Online Preview of Documents.

Can domain names that have been resolved to WAF and have content be bound to buckets?

It can be bound normally. WAF resolution and CNAME resolution will not conflict because they are resolved and operated at different levels.

After binding a custom domain name, can the previous file URL continue to be used?

Can continue to use. To obtain the previous file URL, see Share a file using the file URL

Is using a custom domain name public access?

It is generally accessed through the public network. Public network users usually need to access your OSS files in preview mode, so the custom domain name is resolved to the bucket's Internet access domain name by default.

How to use a custom domain name to access OSS files?

If you want to use a custom domain name to access OSS files, you can download them Content-Disposition Set to attachment See How to configure mandatory downloading by accessing OSS files through a custom domain name?

How to unbind a custom domain name?

When you no longer use the custom domain name, you can refer to the following steps to unbind the custom domain name.

  1. If CDN acceleration is enabled, you need to turn off CDN acceleration first.

    You need to modify the origin site information of the CDN acceleration service so that the acceleration domain name no longer points to the bucket domain name of OSS. See Configure Origin

  2. Unbind the custom domain name.

    1. Sign in OSS Management Console

    2. single click Bucket List , and then click the target bucket name.

    3. In the left navigation bar, select Bucket Configuration > Domain name management

    4. In the domain name list, click Domain name binding configuration

    5. stay Domain name binding configuration Panel, click Unbind Then click determine

  3. Delete domain name resolution.

    After unbinding the custom domain name, you need to manually delete the configured TXT resolution record and CNAME resolution record. See Delete Record

Related API

  • Introduction to this page (1)