
Billing Overview

By reading this article, you can quickly understand the payment method, billing composition, pricing and other major billing information of OSS for object storage.

Billing method

OSS supports the following billing methods.

  • Pay as you go: All billing items are paid as you go by default. The fees are settled according to the actual usage of each billing item. They are used first and paid later. This is applicable to scenarios where business usage often changes. For more information, see Pay as you go

  • Resource package: special resource packages are supported for some common billing items. When purchasing preferential resource packages for different billing items in advance, the amount of the resource package is deducted from the resource package in priority during fee settlement. It is suitable for scenarios where the business amount is relatively stable. For more information, see Resource package overview

  • Reserved space: Prepaid products for standard storage (local redundancy) capacity fees and ECS snapshot storage fees generated by buckets with regional attributes. When purchasing reserved space in advance, the amount of reserved space shall be deducted from the amount of reserved space first, and then the amount of reserved space shall be deducted. For more information, see Reserved space

  • No regional attribute reserved space: a prepaid product for standard storage (local redundancy) capacity fees generated by bucket without regional attribute. The reserved space without regional attribute is purchased in advance, and the amount of reserved space without regional attribute is deducted from the amount of reserved space without regional attribute during expense settlement. The reserved space is purchased first, and then deducted. For more information, see No reserved space for regional attribute

  • Storage capacity unit package SCU: SCU is supported for storage costs. SCU can also be used to deduct storage capacity fees of various cloud storage products in addition to the storage fees of OSS. For more information, see Storage capacity unit package SCU

  • Compared with pay as you go, resource packs and SCUs have certain discounts.

  • Exceeded resource package Reserved space, reserved space without regional attribute The amount of SCU deduction limit per unit package of storage capacity, if included in pay as you go, will result in a postpaid bill. Please purchase a resource package suitable for the amount according to your required services and business volume Reserved space, reserved space without regional attribute Storage capacity unit package SCU.

Billing composition

The charging items of OSS are as follows:

 OSS fee composition cn zh

  • Pay as you go pricing: For pricing information of billing items, see OSS Product Pricing

  • Resource package pricing page: For resource package pricing information, see the purchase page.

    Standard - Local redundant storage package

    It is used to deduct the storage costs of standard storage (local redundancy) files and ECS snapshots stored in buckets with regional attributes. purchase

    If you have purchased the reserved space in a region, you can no longer purchase the standard local redundant storage package that is common in mainland China or in the same region.

    Reserved space

    It is used to deduct the standard storage (local redundancy) capacity fees and ECS snapshot storage fees generated by buckets with regional attributes. purchase

    If you have purchased the standard local redundant storage package that is common in mainland China or in a certain region, you can no longer purchase the reserved space in the same region.

    No reserved space for regional attribute

    It is used to deduct the standard storage (local redundancy) capacity cost generated by bucket without regional attribute. purchase

    Low frequency local redundant storage package

    It is used to deduct the storage cost of low-frequency access (local redundancy) files stored in the bucket with regional attributes. purchase

    Archive - Local Redundant Storage Package

    It is used to deduct the storage cost of archive storage (local redundancy) files stored in bucket with regional attribute. purchase

    Standard - Local redundant storage package

    It is used to deduct the storage cost of standard storage (intra city redundancy) files stored in buckets with regional attributes. purchase

    LF local redundant storage package

    It is used to deduct the storage cost of low-frequency access (intra city redundancy) files stored in buckets with regional attributes. purchase

    Downlink traffic package

    Outflow traffic fees generated by browsing or downloading OSS data via the Internet. purchase

    Back to source traffic package

    The cost of back to source traffic generated by browsing or downloading OSS data through the CDN service layer. purchase

    Media data processing resource package

    Data processing costs incurred in image processing, advanced image compression, and the use of frames. purchase

    Transmission acceleration package

    It is used to deduct the transmission acceleration fees incurred by using the transmission acceleration domain name to access OSS. purchase

    Advanced anti DDoS basic package

    It is used to deduct the reserved cost of advanced defense resources. purchase

billing cycle

OSS counts the usage of all resources on an hourly basis, and settles the expenses incurred according to the usage. The billing time is usually one hour after the end of the current billing cycle. The specific billing time is subject to the system. For example, the current time is 09:30, and the fees generated from 08:00 to 09:00 are settled.


Due to the current delay in the billing system, the bills you see at 9:30 may be 7:00~8:00.

Billing formula

OSS usage fees are settled every hour. The calculation formula is: fees=actual resource usage × unit price of corresponding resources per hour.


OSS Product Pricing The unit price of storage cost is specified in RMB/GB/month , but the calculation method of pay as you go is Actual resource usage × unit price per hour Therefore, when you need to calculate the actual storage cost, you need to first convert the unit price of the storage cost to RMB/GB/hour For example, the unit price of standard (local redundant storage) is 0.12 yuan/GB/month , the unit price settled by hour is about 0.000167 yuan/GB/hour (0.12 ÷ 30 ÷ 24)

Related Documents

  • Resource package
    Introduction to resource package
    Resource Pack Purchase Guide
    Resource Pack Upgrade Guide
    Resource Pack Renewal Guide
    Resource package deduction rules
    Resource package usage details
    Resource package alert settings
  • More references
    Billing Item
    Reserved space
    No reserved space for regional attribute
    Storage capacity unit package SCU
    Bill query
    Usage Query
    Refund Instructions
    Description of arrearage
    Billing FAQs