
Console Quick Start


This article contains important information that needs your attention. Ignoring this information may affect your business. Please read it carefully.

Object storage OSS can help you store pictures, audio and video applications, realize concurrent downloading of massive data over the Internet, or combine intelligent media management services and image processing services to process data in the cloud. This article takes picture files as an example to introduce quick operation instructions for creating storage space, uploading files, downloading files, and sharing files.


You have registered an AliCloud account and completed real name authentication. For details, see Register an AliCloud account and Personal real name authentication

Step 1: Activate the OSS service

  1. open OSS activation page

  2. On the OSS activation page, complete the activation according to the interface instructions.


    After the OSS service is activated, the default billing method is pay as you go. If you want to reduce OSS usage fees, we recommend that you Purchase resource package

Step 2: Create storage space

Buckets are containers used to store objects. Before uploading any type of object, you need to create a bucket.

  1. Sign in OSS Management Console

  2. On the left navigation bar, click Bucket List , and then click Create Bucket

  3. stay Create Bucket Panel, configure the necessary parameters as follows. Other parameters can be configured by default or separately after bucket creation. Then click Complete creation




    Bucket name

    The bucket name. Once a bucket is created, its name cannot be changed.

    For more information about naming conventions, see Storage space naming



    Bucket data center. Once a bucket is created, its region cannot be changed.

    East China 1 (Hangzhou)

    Storage redundancy type

    Bucket data disaster tolerance type.

    • Local redundant storage

      The data redundancy storage mechanism in the single zone (AZ) is adopted to store the user's data redundancy on multiple devices of multiple facilities in the same zone to ensure data persistence and availability in case of hardware failure.

    • Local redundant storage (recommended)

      The data redundancy storage mechanism in multiple zones (AZ) is adopted to store the user's data redundancy in multiple zones in the same region. When an availability zone is unavailable, normal access to data can still be guaranteed.


      South China 1 (Shenzhen), North China 2 (Beijing), North China 3 (Zhangjiakou), North China 6 (Ulanqab), East China 1 (Hangzhou), East China 2 (Shanghai), Hong Kong, Germany (Frankfurt), Japan (Tokyo), Singapore and Indonesia (Jakarta) regions support the opening of local redundant storage. In addition, the cost of local redundant storage is high, and it does not support closing after opening. Please be careful.

      For more information about local redundant storage, see Create local redundant storage bucket

    Local redundant storage (recommended)

  4. single click I see. Confirm to create

    After creation, you can see Created successfully Tips.

Step 3: Upload the file

You can upload files no larger than 5 GB through the OSS console.

  1. single click Enter Bucket

  2. stay File List Page, click Upload file

  3. stay Upload file Panel, complete the basic configuration items as described below.




    Upload to

    Set the storage path for files uploaded to OSS.

    • current directory : Upload the file to the current directory.

    • Specify directory : Upload the file to the specified directory. You need to enter the directory name. If the entered directory does not exist, OSS will automatically create a corresponding folder and upload the file to the folder.

    current directory

    File ACL

    Select the read and write permissions for the file.

    For more information about file ACLs, see Set Object ACL


    File to be uploaded

    Select the file or folder you want to upload.

    You can click Scan files or Scan Folders Select a local file or folder, or drag the target file or folder directly to the file area to be uploaded.

    • When you upload a folder by dragging, OSS will keep all the files and subfolders in the folder.

    • During file upload, do not refresh or close the page, otherwise the upload task will be interrupted and the list will be cleared.

    Drag and drop the example.jpg file

  4. single click Upload file

    At this point, you can select Upload List Tab to view the upload progress of each file. After uploading, you can view the file name, file size, storage type and other information of the uploaded file in the target path.

Step 4: Download the file

When the file (object) is uploaded to the storage space (bucket), you can download the file to the browser's default path or locally specified path. You can download a single file or multiple files, and select the appropriate download method on the console as required.

  1. In the left navigation bar, select file management > File List

  2. Download the file.

    • Download a single file (for example. jpg)

      Select the more > download

    • Download multiple files

      Select multiple files and click download You can download up to 100 files in batches at a time through the OSS console.

    For specific operations on how to download files from a version controlled bucket, see Version control related operations

Step 5: Share files

After the file (object) is uploaded to the storage space (bucket), you can share the file URL to a third party for download or preview.

  1. In the left navigation bar, select file management > File List

  2. stay File List Page, click the file name of the target file (for example. jpg) or the details

  3. stay details Panel, click Copy File URL


    When sharing files, please carefully confirm whether there is sensitive content in the data you share to avoid sensitive data disclosure.

    If you want to share private files, you also need to set the file URL Expiration time The default expiration time is 3600 seconds (1 hour), and the maximum value is 32400 seconds (9 hours). If you want to get a longer effective file URL, please use Command line tool ossutil Graphical tool ossbrowser or OSS SDK

    • Preview via file URL

      When sharing the file URL to a third party, you need to bind a custom domain name and add a CNAME record if you want to ensure that the third party accesses the file as a preview. For more information, see Bind the custom domain name to the bucket default domain name

    • Download via file URL

      When sharing the file URL to a third party, you need to set the Content Disposition field in the file HTTP header to attachment For more information, see Set file meta information

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