Zhengzhou Military Marine Encephalopathy Hospital
China.com Health> Zhengzhou Military Marine Encephalopathy Hospital >Medical Guidelines

Medical treatment process

Outpatient guidance

Take No. 8, 27, 130, 178, 904, B23, B32, Y808 to Nanyang Road, Liuzhai, and walk south for 100 meters


According to the urgency of the condition, we should decide whether to go to the outpatient department or the emergency department. In case of high fever, high fever, continuous bleeding, shock and syncope, we must go to the emergency department to avoid delaying the condition. At the first time, we need to have a preliminary judgment and understanding of the condition, so we need to hang a general number, and let the doctor describe the condition and give the corresponding treatment plan. If the patient has visited the hospital to learn about his condition, when he comes to the large hospital for the first time, the patient can go to the corresponding outpatient clinic to register according to the diagnosis. If the patient finishes the surgery, he can choose the professional outpatient clinic for follow-up after the surgery.


After registration, you can wait in the waiting area of the consulting room. As a reminder, the registration form of general large hospitals indicates the registration department, visit time (morning or afternoon), waiting place, visit number and other information. Look after the waiting area first to avoid wasting time by going wrong.


The doctor will prescribe inspection items or drugs after seeing them. You can pay for them at this time. Generally, the same window is on the first floor for payment and registration. However, in general, large hospitals now have manual payment windows and self-service registration payment machines on each floor to pay and renew the hospitalization deposit according to the condition of the patient and the medical expenses during hospitalization, and please keep the deposit receipt properly and return it at discharge settlement;

Inspection and test

Blood lipid analysis, blood sugar, blood viscosity and other test items must be drawn on an empty stomach because they are easily affected by diet, especially for blood lipid analysis. Since chylomicrosis can occur after eating, which seriously affects the test results, it is required to fast for more than 12 hours to draw blood. In the morning, you can go to the outpatient laboratory blood drawing waiting room of the hospital 10 minutes in advance, draw cards and numbers, and sit still in the waiting chair to adjust your body and mind to a stable state before taking blood.


After the final examination or taking the medicine, you can go to the doctor for consultation. At this time, you can go directly to the doctor without registering. The doctor will give the follow-up treatment process

matters needing attention

Comrades without social security or without social security must take their ID cards, or they cannot go to the hospital. Remember!

If the patient's condition is not clear, or there may be cross cases, go to the information desk or medical guidance desk to consult first, so as to avoid wrong number!

It is strongly recommended to use self-service registration and payment machines for both registration and payment. It is many times faster than queuing. It is available on almost every floor. If you can't find it, you can ask at the nurse's desk.

Popular Departments

Appointment registration process

  • one Select appointment doctor
  • two Select visit time
  • three Fill in appointment information
  • four Submit and receive registration information
  • five Follow the prompts for hospital return visit

Secondary epilepsy

one Doctor visits make an appointment

Epilepsy Department

three Doctor visits make an appointment

Idiopathic epilepsy

three Doctor visits make an appointment

Intractable epilepsy

two Doctor visits make an appointment

Juvenile epilepsy

three Doctor visits make an appointment

Geriatric Epilepsy Department

one Doctor visits make an appointment

Infantile epilepsy

two Doctor visits make an appointment

Sow insanity

one Doctor visits make an appointment

Childhood epilepsy

three Doctor visits make an appointment

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