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Great news! The famous "strength hospital" in Shenyang for vitiligo - how about hormone drugs for vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a common skin disease, which is caused by the destruction of melanocytes, and may be related to family genetics, autoimmune diseases and other reasons. Patients usually have skin white spots, local itching, depigmentation and other symptoms.

Hormone therapy has some therapeutic effects on vitiligo. Hormone therapy achieves its therapeutic purpose mainly by regulating the immune system. The occurrence of vitiligo is related to the abnormality of the immune system. Hormones have an immunomodulatory effect, which can inhibit the abnormal immune response, reduce inflammation and cell damage, thus promoting the regeneration and recovery of melanocytes.

Hormone therapy is mainly applicable to patients with severe vitiligo, which can effectively control the condition and promote the recovery of leukoplakia. Common hormone drugs include oral hormone, topical hormone and injection hormone. During treatment, the type and dosage of hormone drugs should be selected according to the patient's condition and the doctor's recommendations.

It should be noted that hormone therapy may bring some bad effects, such as obesity, irregular menstruation, etc. Patients should closely observe their physical conditions and seek medical advice in case of any abnormality. At the same time, hormone therapy should not be used for a long time, but should be used reasonably under the guidance of doctors. After the condition is controlled, the dosage should be gradually reduced until the drug is stopped.

In addition, it is suggested that patients should avoid scratching the affected part with their hands in daily life to avoid skin damage and infection. At the same time, patients also need to pay attention to keeping their skin clean and sanitary, and changing laundry frequently to avoid aggravating their condition. If the patient has uncomfortable symptoms, it is recommended to go to the hospital for treatment in time.

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