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It's on the list! Shenyang Normal Vitiligo Treatment Center "Top Ten" What Is Hair Follicle Vitiligo

Hair follicle vitiligo is a kind of vitiligo, which refers to the vitiligo that occurs in any part with hair, and the hair is discolored and white due to the damage of the black cell function of the hair follicle. Mainly seen in hair, followed by eyebrows and armpits. The clinical manifestation of leukoplakia is that the hair in the leukoplakia becomes discolored and white due to the destruction of hair pigment. Generally seen in unilateral or bilateral vitiligo. This disease has a long course and is generally difficult to treat.

Usually, the white spots are round, oval or irregular in shape, with unclear boundaries with the surrounding skin, and there are hairs in the white spots. This type of vitiligo can be called follicular vitiligo.

Hair follicle vitiligo is a localized skin white spot, which usually appears on the head, face, neck, back of hand and other parts, and may be single or multiple. The skin lesions of follicular vitiligo are generally white and vary in size. White hair may appear, and black hair may also appear. Patients with follicular vitiligo usually do not have obvious symptoms, but will affect their personal beauty. If they want to be treated, they can use tacrolimus ointment, carbotriol ointment and other drugs under the guidance of the doctor, or they can use ultraviolet radiation as an auxiliary treatment.

Generally speaking, the hair of follicular vitiligo turns white * The hair turns white, followed by the eyebrows, then the pubic hair and armpit hair. Often the hair in the white spot turns white, which indicates that the function of the black cells in your hair follicles has been destroyed. At this time, it indicates that the disease is serious or indicates that your vitiligo is in progress. At this time, you should pay attention to going to the hospital for treatment in time. You should not let the white spot continue to expand, nor let the hair continue to grow white. This is a type of hair follicle vitiligo, which should arouse our attention.

Shenyang Zhongya suggested that patients should pay attention to the sun protection of their skin in their daily life and avoid long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation to avoid aggravating the disease. At the same time, patients should also pay attention to healthy diet, eat fresh fruits and vegetables in proper amount, and avoid eating spicy and stimulating food, so as not to affect the recovery of the disease. If the patient has uncomfortable symptoms, it is recommended to go to the hospital for treatment in time.

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