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List at a glance: Shenyang Vitiligo Hospital ranked "online push" in June - what negative effects will vitiligo face?

Vitiligo The main harm of the disease is that it affects the beauty and causes psychological damage. For some patients, skin sunburn, vision abnormalities, and autoimmune diseases may also occur. It is recommended that patients actively seek medical advice and treat according to the doctor's instructions to avoid delayed diagnosis and adverse consequences.

1. Affects aesthetics: due to the appearance of white spots of different sizes and shapes on the skin, most of them are exposed, especially when wearing short sleeved shorts in summer, which affects aesthetics more;

2. Psychological damage: due to the long-term existence of skin lesions, patients may feel inferior, have depression, anxiety and other negative emotions, resulting in psychological damage, and even affect patients' normal daily life activities such as socializing and going out;

3. Skin sunburn: due to the lack of melanocytes in the patient's skin, the ability to defend against ultraviolet rays is poor. After exposure to strong light, sunburn is likely to occur, resulting in skin peeling, blisters, etc;

4. Abnormal vision: if vitiligo affects the iris of the patient, resulting in the reduction of iris pigment, it will affect vision;

5. Autoimmune disease: A small number of vitiligo patients may induce autoimmune diseases, such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes, etc. due to the abnormality of their autoimmune system.

It is recommended to pay attention to sunscreen in daily life, and avoid going out in strong light. You can wear a sunshade hat and an umbrella. Clothes are made of pure cotton, loose type, to avoid excessive friction on the skin, which may cause discomfort.

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