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2024: Fuxin vitiligo hospital - Shenyang hospital specializing in vitiligo ranked top three - how to repair vitiligo after sunburn in summer

The skin of vitiligo patients is more sensitive and more vulnerable to external stimulation, especially in summer, they are very likely to be sunburnt. So, what should vitiligo patients do after being sunburnt? Shenyang Zhongya introduces:

1. Sun visor

The use of sun visors can effectively prevent ultraviolet rays from further damaging the skin and reduce melanosis. It is suitable for people who need to be exposed to the sun for a long time during outdoor activities.

2. Sunscreen

The ingredients in sunscreen can help absorb or reflect harmful rays in sunlight, thereby reducing the risk of sunburn. It is suitable for daily use by all people, especially in hot weather or beach and other strong sunlight environment.

3. Vitamin E milk

Vitamin E milk has antioxidant effect, which can help repair damaged skin cells and promote wound healing. For mild sunburn, apply appropriate amount to the affected area several times a day.

4. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant, which can inhibit the synthesis of melanin and help to fade color spots. Internal intake of vitamin C has a positive effect on skin tone adjustment. It is recommended to obtain it through food intake or oral supplements.

5. Skin transplantation

Skin transplantation is a surgical method to transplant healthy skin from one part to the damaged area to restore its function and appearance. Mainly for large and deep white spots, it should be conducted under the guidance of professional doctors.

Avoid scratching damaged skin after sunburn to avoid aggravating inflammatory reaction or causing secondary infection. At the same time, pay attention to maintaining good living habits, such as adequate sleep and balanced diet, which will help promote skin health.

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