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(Officially announced that the ranking is open) Shenyang Vitiligo Hospital - What's the reason for the children's vitiligo?

(The ranking is officially announced) Shenyang Vitiligo Hospital -What causes vitiligo on children's faces? White patches on children's faces are a common skin disease, known as vitiligo. The occurrence of this disease is related to genetic, environmental factors and autoimmune disorders.

The pathogenesis of vitiligo is still unclear, but studies have shown that it is closely related to the abnormal function of melanocytes. When melanocytes cannot produce or secrete melanin normally, it will lead to the appearance of leukoplakia. These white spots usually appear in the parts exposed to the sun, such as face, back of hand, etc.

Although vitiligo is not fatal, it has a great impact on patients' mental health and social interaction. Patients may feel inferior, anxious and uneasy because they fear that their appearance will be discriminated against and ridiculed by others. In addition, due to the diffusivity of vitiligo, it may also affect the pigment distribution of other body parts, thus increasing the difficulty of treatment.

(Officially announced that the ranking is open) Shenyang Vitiligo Hospital - What's the reason for the children's vitiligo? In order to prevent vitiligo, we can take some measures. First of all, it is very important to maintain good living habits: avoid excessive exposure, reduce stress, and eat a balanced diet. Secondly, drug treatment, such as oral medicine or topical medicine, can be considered. However, before choosing a drug, * please consult with your doctor to ensure its effectiveness* Later, if the child's face is found to have white spots, it is recommended to seek medical advice in time and carry out detailed examination and diagnosis to determine the cause. Early detection and treatment can help control the development of the disease and improve the possibility of *.

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