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Can biological agents treat vitiligo? Shenyang Hospital for vitiligo

Can biological agents treat vitiligo? Shenyang Hospital for vitiligo? Vitiligo is a very painful disease because people often discriminate against it when they go out. For vitiligo, people should not only actively treat it in life, but also pay attention to improving immunity in diet to properly alleviate the disease. Human body mechanism has a great relationship with diet in life. If the diet is reasonable and nutritious, it can enhance the resistance to disease. So, what can vitiligo patients eat to enhance their immunity? Shenyang Vitiligo Hospital Answer:

1. Dark fruit

We all know that fruit has a great effect on the human body and can supplement a lot of vitamins, but it is important to know that dark fruit can better stimulate the immune system of the human body, especially for patients with vitiligo, they can usually eat more mulberries or bananas.

2. Eggs

Many people know that eggs are rich in protein. Eggs can improve the immunity of the human body. Eating one egg every day can make the patient's body better and better. However, it should be noted that if you eat too many eggs, you will also supplement too much protein, which will be harmful to the body at that time. * You should eat an appropriate amount.

3. Bean products

For patients with vitiligo, what to eat to strengthen their immunity, bean food is very good. It contains a lot of protein. For patients with vitiligo, they should eat more * protein every day. For example, soy milk tofu and tofu brain will be very helpful to patients.

4. Potatoes

This kind of food can supplement a large amount of vitamin B1 for the human body, and it is also some nutrients needed by the human body. Therefore, patients with vitiligo can eat more yams in their daily life, as well as sweet potatoes and other foods can well enhance the human body's immunity.

Shenyang vitiligo treatment hospital warm tip: but we should also pay attention not to eat too much, because the extreme is the opposite, so * to eat in moderation, or should be under the guidance of the doctor to eat scientifically.

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