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Health Express! Which psychiatric hospitals in Jinan are specialized in psychological skills for alleviating post-traumatic stress disorder

Jinan Good Depression Hospital He said that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health problem that may develop after experiencing or witnessing extremely stressful, threatening or traumatic events. These events may include war, violent attacks, natural disasters, sexual assault or other serious life experiences. Symptoms of PTSD may include flashbacks, nightmares, emotional problems, anxiety, and avoidance of trauma related things. Here are some psychological skills that can help ease PTSD attacks:

1. Deep breathing and relaxation exercise: When you feel anxious or triggers appear, try deep breathing exercise. Inhale slowly, then exhale slowly, focusing on the feeling of breathing. This can help you relax your body and mind, and reduce tension. 2. Cognitive reconstruction: learn to recognize and challenge unhealthy thinking patterns. Replace the negative self dialogue and look at the situation in a more positive and realistic way. Recognizing thinking biases and trying to change the way you think can reduce anxiety and fear. 3. Grounding technology: When you begin to feel uneasy or separated, use the grounding technology to bring yourself back to the present. This can include feeling your body, touching objects, observing the surrounding environment or performing simple tasks, such as counting colors or naming what you see. 4. Psychological separation: try to separate oneself from the memory and emotion of traumatic events. Realize that these are past experiences and that you are safe now. Use visualization or imagination techniques to create a secure space or shield. 5. Seeking support: share your experiences and feelings with friends and relatives, or consider joining a support group or talking with mental health professionals. Sharing and gaining understanding can reduce loneliness and burden. 6. Activity and self-care: maintain a healthy lifestyle, including good diet, adequate sleep and moderate exercise. Participate in favorite activities, hobbies or relaxation techniques, such as meditation, yoga or reading. 7. Response trigger: understand the factors that may trigger the onset of PTSD, and develop a response plan. This may include avoiding certain scenarios or people and preparing coping strategies, such as communicating your needs with others in advance. 8. Time and patience: rehabilitation is a process that requires time and continuous efforts. Be patient with yourself and accept the possible ups and downs and challenges.

It should be noted that everyone's rehabilitation path is unique and may require professional help. If you or the people around you are experiencing PTSD, it is vital to seek professional mental health support in a timely manner. Where is Jinan good for diagnosis and treatment of mental illness? Where is Jinan schizophrenic treatment good? Local professional institutions or doctors can be consulted to provide more specific assessment and treatment suggestions. At the same time, seeking help is a brave and important step, which helps to restore mental health and improve the quality of life. Where is the good mental hospital in Jinan? Jinan which hospital psychiatry specialty good? I hope these psychological skills can help you alleviate PTSD attacks.

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