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Skills for preparing for the 2024 Hebei civil servant examination: problem-solving skills for process countermeasures

  2024 Hebei Civil Servant Examination Skills for preparing for the examination of argumentation: problem-solving skills for process countermeasures

The proportion of process countermeasures in various examinations is not high, but the overall answer structure of such questions is similar to the emergency response and planning organization questions in the interview examination, so once they appear in the written examination, candidates without corresponding preparation will be difficult to deal with. Today, Huatu Education will give you a brief introduction to some solutions to process countermeasure questions to help you have a clear understanding of the test questions.

1、 Characteristics of questions:

(1) Question form:

For XX problem, to carry out a special rectification action/activity, please talk about your work idea/let you do it, what do you think

For example, the illegal problems exposed by village S in "given data 4" attracted the attention of the relevant functional departments of the county where they are located, and they decided to carry out a special rectification activity. If you are a staff member of the functional department, please put forward your work ideas on how to carry out this activity. (25 points)

Requirements: specific measures, strong pertinence, clear organization, about 250 words in length.

(2) Essence of question type:

The problems to be solved by process countermeasure problems are usually one or one type, and the method to solve problems is usually one action or one activity, but there are multiple steps in the action or activity, and there is a certain order between the steps.

2、 Problem solving skills:

(1) Solution steps: question review - point finding - processing - writing

(2) Specific methods: The basic problem-solving skills for such questions are the same as those for general countermeasure questions, but there are two differences: ① there is a sequence of countermeasures; ② There are some common countermeasures for such problems. Now, these two special elements are summarized as follows:

1. Before: Preparation: organizing personnel, investigating, making plans, material preparation, publicity and mobilization, issuing notices, etc

2. Medium: Implementation:

1) Rectification action: time, place, target - punishment: strike according to law, strengthen law enforcement, etc

2) Activity: activity link: determined according to problems

3. Post: long-term mechanism

1) Regularly and irregularly; 2) Perfect the system and supervision; 3) Publicity and education; 4) Other aftercare work

3、 Practical drill:

Simulated sample question: Please put forward suggestions on how X city government should properly handle the "kindergarten drug feeding incident" in combination with the "given information".

Requirements: the proposed measures shall be comprehensive, operable and clear, no more than 300 words

Materials: On March 10, 2014, some parents reported through microblog that a kindergarten in X city was taking unknown drugs for children. The white pill was written with the word "ABOB". After inquiry, it was known that it was an antiviral drug commonly known as "virusoid". It was also reported that the lover of the kindergarten principal was a leader of a district government. Many parents generally expressed dissatisfaction. Drug taking incidents continued to ferment. On March 12, another kindergarten in the city also took the drug, causing parents to gather. At 19:30 on March 12, some parents of the kindergarten blocked the intersection of Keji Road and Zhangba Road in the city. The Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee rushed to the scene for emergency disposal, actively mediated and persuaded on the scene, and the situation was under control.

On March 13, the municipal government of X reported that it was verified that the news that the lover of the kindergarten principal was the leader of a district government was untrue. The legal representative of the two kindergartens, Mr. Sun, and Mr. Zhao, the executive director of the kindergartens, Mr. Huang, the health care doctor of the kindergartens, Mr. Mei, the head of the kindergartens, and Mr. Zhao, the deputy head of the kindergartens, were suspected of illegal medical practice. 65 children had physical abnormalities such as "excessive sweating" and "loss of appetite", and no common indicators were found abnormal.

In the month after the drug feeding incident, hundreds of parents took their children to hospitals in the city and even outside the city for physical examination in order to confirm whether their children were in abnormal health. The reporter collected and counted more than 500 such physical examination reports, and found that more than 300 physical examination reports had abnormal indicators. Of the 30 children in a class, only 5 were normal in all four examinations. The rest of the children had abnormal physical examination indicators, and the problems focused on high myocardial enzymes and cryptouria, which is commonly known as blood in urine. According to the materials held by parents, the number of children with physical abnormalities has far exceeded the 65 officially announced at the beginning, and the symptoms are not limited to the "sweating" and "loss of appetite" reported by the local government. Therefore, the conclusion that the official previously reported "no abnormal common indicators" has naturally been questioned.

The parents' doubts were not only based on their own physical examination results, but also questioned whether the local government departments were responsible for the physical examination of children taking drugs after the incident and whether the physical examination results were accurate. Among the B ultrasound reports of local children provided by some parents to reporters, 6 reports attracted the attention of reporters. These six reports belong to six children respectively, but the contents are the same. Whether it is the B-scan film or the inspection data and conclusion. In particular, it is worth noting that the detection time of these six reports is exactly the same, not bad for a second. A parent told the reporter what he heard when he went to the designated hospital for examination: "When we took the child for examination, there was a parent in front who said that his child had not yet gone to the bed for B-ultrasound. The doctor took out the B-ultrasound just after he reported the child's name, and gave the list before the examination."

For the above events, the provincial party secretary and governor made instructions respectively, requiring X municipal government to thoroughly investigate and seriously investigate. The matter should be properly handled from the perspective of maintaining the health of children.

[Reference analysis]

(1) Examining the question: after analyzing the question stem information, we found that the problem to be solved was "kindergarten drug feeding incident", and asked X city government how to properly handle it, which has strong timeliness, that is, asked X government how to do next - it can be handled according to the process countermeasures

(2) Sort out materials and find points:

The main contradictions are: parents' questioning; Students' physical health; Whether the medical examination report is false; Punishment of relevant personnel who violate laws and disciplines.

(3) Processing key points - solve the above problems by combining basic problem-solving methods

Basic countermeasures needed: organize relevant personnel to investigate the situation, carry out physical examination again, treat children who are ill, respond to parents' doubts, deal with relevant offenders according to laws and regulations, and follow up a long-term mechanism.

(4) Writing - arrange the above countermeasures in chronological order and expand them in combination with the material content

It is suggested that X municipal government should take the following measures: First, establish a leading group. Cooperate with education, health and other departments to establish a leading group to comprehensively coordinate the work; 2、 Fully understand the situation. The education department should go deep into the school to fully understand the situation of the school and parents; The health department goes to the hospital to fully understand the details of physical examination, and goes to the drug supplier to master the basic information of the drug; 3、 Organize physical examination and infant treatment. Introducing authoritative medical institutions, re organizing physical examination for children involved, and inviting parents, media supervision, and authoritative experts to identify; According to the physical examination results, the children with abnormal health should be treated in time; 4、 Punishment according to law. According to the investigation details, the personnel involved shall be punished according to law and be held accountable; 5、 Public announcement. Form a report on the real situation and subsequent processing results learned from the investigation and publish them; 6、 Build a long-term mechanism. Improve the drug use and supervision system in kindergartens.

The above is the whole content of the skills for preparing for the 2024 Hebei civil servant exam: the skills for solving problems in process countermeasures. For more information about civil servant preparation, civil servant preparation skills, and high score skills in Hebei civil servant exam, please add customer service Hebei Civil Servant Examination Group , and attention Hebei Civil Servant Examination Network / Hebei Personnel Examination Network

Text label: Civil servants prepare for examination Skills of preparing for examination for civil servants

(Edit: xinsiying)

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