Huichun Jinghe Street Cultural Community launched the party building alliance activity of "co building, sharing, giving books and building dreams" City Affairs - Hunchun Station Liang Huanhuan three million eight hundred and fifty-four thousand four hundred and sixty-three
Huichun Jinghe Street Cultural Community launched the party building alliance activity of "co building, sharing, giving books and building dreams" City Affairs - Hunchun Station Liang Huanhuan three million eight hundred and fifty-four thousand four hundred and sixty-three
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Huichun Jinghe Street Cultural Community launched the party building alliance activity of "co building, sharing, giving books and building dreams"

2024-06-05 10:53      Source: China Jilin Network

In order to further strengthen the awareness of the community of the Chinese nation and enrich the cultural reading space of the people of all ethnic groups in the community, on June 5, Hunchun Municipal Archives, the party building alliance unit of Jinghe Street Cultural Community in Hunchun City, walked into the community and jointly carried out the activity of "co building, sharing, giving books and building dreams" to present red pomegranate party building alliance pictures and books.

At the activity site, the party branch members of Hunchun Archives sent books such as Hunchun Yearbook and Fangchuan Village Annals to the cultural community, and the secretary of the community party committee expressed gratitude on behalf of the residents of all ethnic groups in the community and received the donated books.

Donate a ray of scholarly fragrance to add warmth. This activity enriched the types of "book reading rooms" in the community, and promoted the development of community culture construction and the construction of Shuxiang community.

This activity has achieved tangible results in normalizing the community party building alliance units, serving the masses in a long-term manner, participating in community governance, and serving the grassroots.

In the future, the cultural community will continue to increase communication with the party building alliance units, take the needs of the masses as the guide, give full play to the advantages of pair building cooperation, organization and resources, carry out in-depth cooperation in cultural exchanges, activities and other aspects, constantly optimize the organizational form and content of activities, and better serve the masses of the paired community, We will push forward the work of co construction, co governance and civilization building to a new level.

Correspondent Tie Weiwen/Photo

Editor: Liang Huanhuan Jiwang News Hotline: 0431-82902222