What are the functions and benefits of flashbacks? Attached with solutions and steps!

What are the functions and benefits of flashbacks? Attached problem solving

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● Exam site description [Exam site] ① The ③ ④ ⑤ paragraphs are interlocutory words, and the role of these paragraphs in content and structure is analyzed in combination with the full text. (Suqian City, Jiangsu Province) Pull out the Key ② From the full text, what is the sequence of (11) - (20) natural paragraphs in the text? What's the use? ("Interlude") (Yueyang City) "One Fen to Go" [Examination and Analysis] "Shunxu" is also called Zhengxu, which is one of the narrative techniques
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What are the functions and benefits of flashbacks? Attached with solutions and steps!

 What are the functions and benefits of flashbacks? Attached with solutions and steps!

 What are the functions and benefits of flashbacks? Attached with solutions and steps!  What are the functions and benefits of flashbacks? Attached with solutions and steps!
Interlude: I want to let the world know that you have contracted this fish pond.