Burrow Soak red beans before boiling

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Welcome to watch Second Sister's article. Does it take too long to cook red beans? Teach you a move, red beans boiled quickly also soft rotten blossoming article. This picture and text is an original work of Second Sister's food. Reproduction and plagiarism are strictly prohibited. If you have any ideas about food, please communicate with me! Second Sister's delicacies can teach you how to make home-made delicacies. Second sister's experience: It takes a long time to cook red beans. How to cook them quickly is an indispensable delicacy. The red beans we buy often make red bean porridge or
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Welcome to watch Second Sister's article. Does it take too long to cook red beans? Teach you a move, red beans boiled quickly also soft rotten blossoming article. This picture and text is an original work of Second Sister's food. Reproduction and plagiarism are strictly prohibited. If you have any ideas about food, please communicate with me! Second Sister's delicacies can teach you how to make home-made delicacies. Second sister's experience: It takes a long time to cook red beans. How to cook them quickly is an indispensable delicacy. The red beans we buy often make red bean porridge or

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How long do you need to soak the red beans before cooking

Welcome to watch Second Sister's article. Does it take too long to cook red beans? Teach you a move, red bean

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