injured all over the body

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and my blessing is also coming. I send my most simple blessing in the simplest words. I hope you who are reading text messages at this time will always be happy, and the Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

birds sing and flowers give forth fragrance

One yin and one yang is Tao.

Jain Shiguzi

Those who stick to their teeth and practice every day, and those scars in the body and heart, will become the strength I rely on to fight.

the source is distant and the stream long

Those who enjoy the happiness of the people also enjoy their happiness; Those who are worried about the people are also worried about their worries. Joy in the world, worry about the world. However, if you are not a king, you will not have it.

all is quiet at dead of night

No matter where I am, your joys and sorrows still affect my heart. Your happiness is my greatest wish. The world of mortals is moving like water, my dear, you have always been in my heart

praise with the advice

Music is a romantic taste, a warm memory, a beautiful happiness, and my everlasting attachment. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

I miss Jiang Mengru

Between the lines, it reveals my gruel for you.

Villagers of Yun Village 163438328239083

In the past, I would drag myself to chat with the person I like. Now, no matter how much I like it, I will shut down my computer and sleep when I am sleepy

Don't feel guilty

I want to write a beautiful novel and make the best animation [Bye]


To describe you, you are the person who wants to make me happy most, and also the person who makes me happy most.

What are the animations of reincarnation into a different world? (An inventory of the top ten animations about reincarnation into a different world)

"Different world crossing rebirth" refers to the hero's works of daily life in different world after crossing the ancient world. Including many fantasy or science fiction elements

What's the name of the wife of the peak of Deyun Society (personal information photo of the wife of the peak of Deyun Society) - www. qqq. com

Deyun Society was once precarious because of the departure of Guo Degang's apprentice. Now Deyun Society is famous for participating in various comedy programs, except Yue Yunpeng, Yu Qian, Sun

Bad people are divided into several levels (sharing different characters in the hierarchy of bad people in animation) - Understanding Cupertino Evaluation Network

The levels of "Bad Man" are as follows: big, middle, small, big, middle and small. Exceeding the big talent: not good looking. Big Heaven

Who is Wang Jianlin's father-in-law? (Introduction to Wang Jianlin's father-in-law's resume)

Wang Jianlin is the president of Wanda Group and the father of the president Wang, who is an online celebrity. In his early days, Wang Jianlin will choose to join the army with him

Dnf account vault upgrade price list (2022 latest account vault upgrade guide)

With the opening of the latest version of DNFdnF, especially the 95 version, a large number of new weapons and equipment have been added. The gorgeous magic stone warehouse has long been difficult

What are the first generation of full-time masters (ranking of the first generation of full-time masters)

At the beginning of the novel collection Full time Expert, it was about a professional player who had to leave the army and later played the role of pig and tiger in online games

What are the good looks of instant noodles? Recommend 5 interesting and healing masterpieces - Understanding Cupmaker

There must be some friends who complain that they have less and less time to catch up. Don't worry. Here are some very nice instant noodles for you to recommend in a short time

What does Avalon's Court say (Introduction to Avalon's Court's Novels) - Understanding Cupertino

In the sixth centralization of the new Fate series "Luck - Title Designation Affirming the Warcraft Front Babylonia" in October, Merlin firmware saw that it was still in the evening

Culture, reading, poetry

The next sentence of "mountain heavy water doubts no way" (the philosophy of "mountain heavy water doubts no way")

ten thousand nine hundred and ninety
nine hundred and eighty-two