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In the first five months, Hubei's "new three samples" export increased by more than 80% to 8.41 billion yuan
2024-06-14 09:37:16 Source: hubei daily Edited by: Gao Yushan Editor in charge: Shi Limin

Original title: New energy vehicles, lithium batteries, photovoltaic products play a leading role in Hubei's "new three kinds" export growth of more than 80%

It was learned from Wuhan Customs on June 13 that Hubei's total import and export value in the first five months of this year was 262.5 billion yuan, up 7.6% year on year. Among them, the export was 179.46 billion yuan, up 6.1%; Imports reached 83.04 billion yuan, up 10.8%. Among them, the export of "new three kinds" (new energy vehicles, lithium batteries, photovoltaic) products was 8.41 billion yuan, an increase of more than 80%.

The proportion of import and export through general trade exceeded 70%, which was 197.76 billion yuan, contributing 63.2% to the growth of import and export in Hubei. In the same period, 31.94 billion yuan was imported and exported through processing trade and 21.82 billion yuan was exported through bonded logistics.

ASEAN continues to maintain its position as the largest trading partner. Sichuan's import and export to ASEAN reached 49.01 billion yuan, an increase of more than 20%. During the same period, the European Union and the United States were Hubei's second and third largest trading partners, with imports and exports of 29.44 billion yuan and 23.54 billion yuan respectively. In addition, import and export to countries jointly building the "Belt and Road" amounted to 128.03 billion yuan.

The import and export of private enterprises accounted for nearly 70%, which was 181.45 billion yuan, driving the import and export growth of Hubei by 6.6 percentage points. During the same period, the import and export of foreign-invested enterprises was 41.09 billion yuan, and that of state-owned enterprises was 39.87 billion yuan.

Wuhan's import and export accounted for more than 50% of the total, which was 140.94 billion yuan, and contributed 56.8% to the overall growth of Hubei's import and export over the same period. The import and export value of Huangshi and Yichang both exceeded 20 billion yuan. Enshi, Ezhou and Yichang rank among the top three cities in terms of growth rate.

The export proportion of mechanical and electrical products increased. Our province exported 100.14 billion yuan of electromechanical products, accounting for 55.8% of Hubei's total export value in the same period, up 8.3 percentage points year on year. Among them, the exports of automatic data processing equipment and its parts, and automobiles (including chassis) were 9.59 billion yuan and 9.52 billion yuan respectively. During the same period, the export of labor-intensive products reached 32.93 billion yuan.

Imports of metal ores and agricultural products increased. Hubei imported 22.65 billion yuan of metal ores, an increase of more than 30%. Among them, copper ore and iron ore increased rapidly. Over the same period, imports of agricultural products reached 6.79 billion yuan, up 90%. (Reporter Zhang Aihu, Correspondent Wu Guanxuan)

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