Quick Fact Book of Salute, Professional Salute Dissection [Reprint]


From: Jimmy (bosom sister) 10:40:38, October 18, 2012

First of all, I want to tell you the advantages of being a bitch.

If you are a student or a coquette, you can easily do the following: let the ugly man in your class ask you to have dinner every day. You can take the money saved to Taobao to buy fake goods and tell people around you that it is your mother's birthday gift; You two are an enviable couple in the eyes of the earth eating girls. You can improve your status among women by following the trend; Baoyan did this step. In the eyes of outsiders, your boyfriend is handsome and handsome, and he is still good at learning. He is very angry with those soil eating girls who occupy seats in the study room every day.

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Speed reducing glass? Bullshit!

In fact, I hate this kind of "2b" statement. If I have a little scientific knowledge, I know it is pure nonsense (and why the keyboard is qwert, I have said it before). However, many people continue to use the word, and this time I mention it because of something on Youku's home page about the Guangdong high-speed railway. The reporter pulled the god horse speed reducing glass on the high-speed railway. As a professional, he doesn't even have basic knowledge. With this word, it is necessary to say that the threshold of any industry has been lowered, Anyone who doesn't have common sense can be a reporter and take it for granted. Link here: http://news.youku.com/gaotie2012

Well, directly quote a passage from Baidu Encyclopedia:

A few decades ago, some car drivers had different sense of speed when driving trucks and cars. They did not understand science and could not explain it, so they took it for granted that foreign devils (at that time, China could not produce cars) applied some high-tech technology to the front windshield, which produced the effect of "deceleration". So there was a "deceleration glass", which was misinformed, It has been handed down to this day.

Link here: http://baike.baidu.com/view/1017.htm

In addition, if you go to Wikipedia to search for this term, you will find no relevant entries, which means that this is a word with Chinese characteristics. Well, Chinese characteristics are really powerful!


Following others is the most 2b thing!

Fuck Samsung Again and Again and Again……

Since Samsung didn't take all kinds of feedback seriously, I decided not to call any more. Samsung's 2b programmers always have various reasons. Indeed, it's my system problem. I should buy a new computer to match your 2b program. Mm-hmm. This logic is very good and powerful.
Although I don't give you feedback, I still want to come out and scold you, Do you fools write programs that never need to be tested?

If it is still my problem, please go to Google to see if I am the only one who breaks down the kids and can't upgrade before!

About Loser Programmers in Kunming

On the whole, the quality of CB's comments is getting worse and worse. There are crazy dogs biting everywhere. If you are serious, don't read them. Originally very simple things always have various 2b intentions to fish in troubled waters. However, there are also interesting things occasionally, and some people will write their impressions, such as this:

Hi, everyone, I am a graduate who is going to work as a programmer in Beijing.
I have been following the Kunming programmer on CB all the time. At first, I thought he was very vulgar and the topics he published were boring.
Later, I felt more and more that Kunming programmers were my predecessors and my role models.
He can still not lose his faith in life and courage to struggle after experiencing so many setbacks. I was deeply moved by his spirit, and I would like to pay tribute to the seniors here. I hope you can click your support to let this comment float up and let seniors see my intention.

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