Guangzhou Weekly | Both supply and demand of first-hand residential buildings fell back, and many departments expressed support for the steady development of real estate

Focus Research Institute 2022-12-26 17:38:47
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In terms of policy, the market news said that "Guangzhou has canceled the reference price of second-hand housing", and the staff of the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau confirmed that the reference price mechanism of second-hand housing has not been canceled at present, and the original policy is still followed. In terms of transactions, 1319 first-hand residential houses were sold in Guangzhou that week, down 3.5% month on month; With an area of 141300 square meters

Focus Research Institute Guangzhou Real Estate Market Weekly Report

Reporting period: December 19 to December 25, 2022

Date of production: December 26, 2022

Researcher: Huang Ying

Market focus

The supply and demand of first-hand residential buildings in Guangzhou fell back that week. At the same time, only a few projects promote marketing actions, and the market atmosphere is cold.


Policy aspects The market news said that "Guangzhou has canceled the reference price of second-hand housing", and the staff of the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau confirmed that the reference price mechanism of second-hand housing has not been canceled at present, and the original policy is still followed. The staff of many banks said that the loans of second-hand housing mortgage of Guangzhou regional banks were not based on the reference price, but on the actual transaction price and evaluation price.

In the secondary market, In the week, 1377 first-hand residential units were newly supplied in Guangzhou, down 27.72% month on month; It covers an area of 139700 square meters, down 30.08% month on month. The new supply of commercial commercial housing was 400 units, down 40.12% month on month; It covers an area of 53900 square meters, up 67.39% month on month.

In terms of transaction, 1319 first-hand residential houses were sold in Guangzhou that week, down 3.5% month on month; It covers an area of 141300 square meters, down 2.08% month on month. Among them, Zengcheng, Huangpu and Panyu ranked the top three with 328 units, 234 units and 186 units respectively.

Recently, the State Council, China Securities Regulatory Commission and the People's Bank of China have once again voiced their support for the steady development of real estate, implemented support for rigid and improved housing demand, and guided financial institutions to support the restructuring and M&A of the real estate industry. In addition, recently, Guangzhou Netcom reported that the guidance price for second-hand housing had been cancelled. Although the official said that it had not been cancelled, it was still implemented according to the original policy, but the major intermediary platforms had been quietly opened. Good news abounded, actively guiding the market back on track.

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