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How to make the promotion more effective
Many people enter a depression period after the promotion. What if they can also have core competitiveness after the promotion? Today, the person in charge of Alibaba E-commerce Business Department of Linyi Lingjie Packaging Co., Ltd., and also a senior lecturer of Alibaba SME Business School, will share with you, so as to get a higher ranking after the promotion.
Person in charge: Gao Hongen
-Success stories
Shared by: Recommended waiter: January 5, 2019 seven People browsing

Hello, business friends, I'm Gao Hongen, head of Alibaba E-commerce Business Department of Linyi Lingjie Packaging Co., Ltd., and also a senior lecturer of Alibaba SME Business School. Many people enter a depression period after the promotion. What if they can also have core competitiveness after the promotion? Let's share with you today, so that we can get a higher ranking after the promotion. This is the data presentation of the next month after our promotion. At present, the first and second pit positions on the flow side are occupied by us:

      1218 Greatly promoted our trading volume to be the first in the packaging industry on that day The goals and tasks of the three stores were all completed. In the big rhythm of the day, we achieved our outstanding performance as the industry benchmark, whether in the control or transformation of the rhythm.

According to the products' participation in Taoyuan and the actual business conference, there is no crazy traffic like 159 conference hall in terms of traffic. We only have about 50-60% more traffic than usual. These customer traffic is very accurate. Generally speaking, we can accept such data more than the sudden rise and fall.

Many businesses will increase their conversion rate when they make a big push. Our conversion rate on the day is higher than the average conversion rate indicator of peers, close to peer excellence, because when your store reaches the top, your traffic is higher than that of peers, but many times the conversion rate is lower than that of peers, and this indicator is higher than that of peers on the day.

In terms of presentation: it has increased by about 10% compared with the usual time. In fact, the amount of presentation has a lot to do with the venue you signed up for on the same day, and also has a lot to do with the trading volume on the same day. The click conversion rate has increased by 33% compared with the usual time. In fact, I understand the click conversion rate is that click first, forming browsing, collection, deep click, and additional purchase can only be carried out, This requires us to have a lot to do with the transmission of the main map on the big promotion details page. Let's take a look at the trading index in the past 30 days after our promotion. The screenshot time is 1.11

In terms of the number of buyers paid: the number of buyers increased significantly on the same day. The number of old customers and new customers in three stores increased by 50% year on year. The injection of new customers has greatly improved the fresh blood of our old stores. The repurchase of old customers has also greatly improved the repurchase rate of our stores, especially one of our small stores received more than a dozen customers with a customer price of more than 400 on the same day, These customers are of great significance to us, because each store has a different level. In the second level stores, we want to improve. There are many ways. We didn't play 159 venues. Because of the characteristics of the product, there is no sample taking rate of FMCG products. We have greatly improved the injection of new customers through the sourcing venues and package mailing venues, The future of these customers is also our focus. The data presentation of the two old stores on the same day also doubled. Although the activity intensity was a bit large, it was a little needed. It seemed to lose money. In fact, the comprehensive ranking of the stores in the later period and the weight of the individual products had a qualitative improvement. Compared with the loss of a day, everyone would calculate the business, which is more cost-effective?

The comprehensive influence of the store: In addition to the sales data and the store's six core data, we also pay great attention to the promotion of products. Products have two meanings. The product power of products. Through the injection of these new customers, they can experience the cost performance of our products as well as the unique services of our team different from other small businesses; The second meaning is the added value of the product brand. Our three stores, one super store, one franchise store, and one brand flagship store, communicate our brand to buyers through product sales. The current brand does not have brand influence, so the promotion is also a very good publicity channel. In addition, for our source manufacturers, it gives buyers a sense of flagship experience, It is of great significance to the customer's second turn around later.


What should be done before the promotion?


1: Select products, select products to be promoted by the store, and report as much as possible

2: Select the venue for registration, check the identity attribute of the number of buyers, and select the corresponding venue

3: Do a good job in planning the amount of water storage and the number of water storage buyers, and greatly promote the control of the water storage conversion rate of the day

4: Be aware of large amount payment in advance and prepare various closed-loop emergency plans for payment

customer service:

1: Do a good job of regular customers' return visit, inform regular customers of the benefit points and time points of the activity, and notify them by telephone, CRM SMS, WeChat and Wangwang every day.

2: We should do a good job of transformation on the same day, instead of blindly making card profits. Some high-quality customers may become loyal and high-quality customers in the future.

art designer:

1: Poster design, home page, shop sign, detail page, main picture, etc. of the promotion activity are publicized, and the PC side and wireless side are synchronized: 2: Make posters on the mobile side of the promotion activity for some offline customers to view conveniently, and send them to customers through WeChat.

What should Dasu pay attention to on that day?

Operation: control the rhythm of the day and complete the set tasks as soon as possible, so as to be in an ideal ranking in the activity scene.


Customer service: The most important thing is the transformation on that day. Each merchant has its own tactics. Our idea is to transform as many buyers as possible on that day to facilitate the later secondary development. So in this link, we have no dead card profits.


What needs to be done in the later stage of the promotion?

Recheck: for the summary of the promotion, analyze the data comparison before and after the promotion, find out the shortcomings and improvement points, make targeted plans and measures at the next promotion, promote new customers, and go to secondary development and maintenance later.

Self marketing.

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