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The secret of earning millions every month
Is it longing for a comfortable and stable life? Or do you choose to fight hard when you are young? This may be something that many post-80s and post-90s people once thought about, and Zhang Yiming, our entrepreneurial army today, is one of them.
Person in charge: Zhang Yiming
-Success stories
Shared by: Recommended waiter: November 1, 2018 seven People browsing

Linyi Xiangcypress Trading Co., Ltd. is located in Linyi Wanxingdu International Business Park. Main products of the company: fitness equipment, sporting goods, outdoor routes and other products.

Is it longing for a comfortable and stable life? Or do you choose to fight hard when you are young? This may be something that many post-80s and post-90s people once thought about, and Zhang Yiming, our entrepreneurial army today, is one of them.


His first job after graduating from college in 2011 was fitness equipment. From accounting, after-sales and driver, he has always been a key account manager. In 2014, due to family reasons, I returned to my hometown Linyi with my wife and started my own business! He once summed up his entrepreneurial experience in four words, "knowing the difference between cold and warm". The entrepreneurial road was not smooth. He had opened five physical stores before and after, but the income was average. After opening and closing, there is only one physical store.


As the post-90s generation also contacted e-commerce early, he realized that e-commerce is the trend of future development, so he opened the first Alibaba Honest Store in 16 years, because the physical store was also busy, but at that time he just used it as a display platform, and did not take care of it very well. By chance, he heard that his friend had made a good profit in running an Alibaba store. He thinks that others can do well, and I'm sure I can! So he regained confidence and officially opened his own road to Ali in December 2017.


"China Railway 14th Bureau Group Tunnel Engineering Co., Ltd., Jinan Yellow River Tunnel Project Department of China Railway 14th Bureau Large Shield Company, China Railway 11th Bureau Group First Engineering Co., Ltd., China Railway Fourth Bureau Electrification Company, China Railway Fourth Bureau Third Company, Guohua Suizhong Power Plant" and other state-owned enterprises are his cooperation customers! These were all brought to him after he became Ali, which he never imagined before.


How can he have the opportunity to cooperate with these big companies? Let's see how he did it.

He told Xiaobian that he had also done sourcing, WeChat supply and cross-border business before, which had brought him many big customers, but what he did most was quotation. He said that the first thing to know about the quotation is the inquiry crowd, which is the most basic; Then we should understand the demand of inquiry, who is using it, where and how to use it; Finally, the method of quotation is to know yourself and the enemy without losing a battle. When making quotation, we must understand the needs of customers and make unremitting efforts.


He said that the first quotation took quite a long time. It took 18 months and 25 quotations; But the second time, it took 20 days and three quotations. During this period, he concluded that we must persist. It is difficult to go from zero to one. It takes a long time, but it is easy to go from one to two. He has established a long-term and stable cooperative relationship with these state-owned enterprises and large companies through quotation. It is precisely because he has done a good job in quotation to help his shop reach 5A!


He said that direction is more important than effort, and he was glad he chose the right platform! Through his continuous learning and practice, he has made millions of dollars a month from an "e-commerce white". Along the way, he met with e-commerce people from different industries. When listening to their sharing, he said that it was also an encouragement to himself. When talking about his future plan, he said that he would become a lifelong learner. Through the online business competition, he has a clearer positioning of his shop, and his e-commerce road continues to move forward!

No matter what work a successful person is engaged in, he will never be careless or negligent.

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