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From never knowing computers to e-commerce, the monthly sales of 10 million yuan!
Every day in the business world is full of ups and downs. As many people go to the sea, they will quit! But there are always people who can break through the tight encirclement and go farther and farther on the road of e-commerce! Anhui Wanhuacao Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is the star that broke through the tight encirclement and finally glowed on the e-commerce road!
Person in charge: Mr. Ding
-Success stories
Shared by: Recommended waiter: November 1, 2018 four People browsing

Can do e-commerce without computer foundation

Ding Kelin, the person in charge of the company, is a person who has never contacted e-commerce and does not know much about computers, but he has achieved 10 million yuan in e-commerce business in a few years!  


So it's never too late for e-commerce to start. Even if it has no foundation, it can also be promoted through learning and teamwork. Ding Kelin is a good example.

Ding Kelin, General Manager of Anhui Wanhuacao Biotechnology Co., Ltd


Preliminary understanding, one step at a time


Anhui Wanhuacao Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Wanhuacao"), located in Bozhou City, the first of the "four major drug capitals", was formerly Bozhou Wanhuacao Health Products Co., Ltd. The company was founded in 2009, mainly engaged in the purchase and sales of agricultural and sideline products; Primary processing of agricultural products; At the beginning of its establishment, the company's goal was only to serve physical stores, supermarkets and pharmacies.


Later, by chance, Ding Kelin learned that Alibaba 1688 could also open a store. Thinking that this was an opportunity to show the company's products to customers nationwide or even the whole network, he decided to go! In 2012, Wanhuacao officially settled in Alibaba 1688 and opened Integrity Link. In that year, Dinglin's computer foundation was almost zero


Because I didn't understand anything at the early stage, and because of the lack of personnel at that time, I didn't pay enough attention to this issue. In those years, the platform business actually didn't receive many orders, so the company's e-commerce experienced five years of suffering.  


Until June 2014, Wanhuacao officially started to establish an e-commerce sales team. At that time, there were two sales platforms - Alibaba 1688 platform and Tmall platform. At that time, there were only four people in the team, mainly engaged in OEM OEM OEM business.


According to Ding Kelin, the company's business on Alibaba at that time was really a step by step, and everything was learned step by step. From product shooting to backstage operation to operation management, basically one had to learn several things. The direct result was that the sales of the first month was 30000 yuan, the second month was 50000 yuan, and by the end of 2014, the monthly sales gradually rose to 150000 yuan! This had almost caught up with the offline entity sales of the company at that time!


Build a team and improve in stages


When the company developed to 2015, it reached a stage of improvement. At this stage, the core personnel of the company developed several competitive products, that is, the popular products in 1688. With these popular products, the company's average monthly sales on the Alibaba platform in the current year were about 900000~1000000, and the total annual sales were about 15 million.


Relying on previous experience, Wanhuacao Company began to grow rapidly in 2016, with an annual total sales of 30 million yuan. At that time, the new plant of 10000 flowers and plants was also officially put into use. The new plant covers an area of nearly 40 mu, with a building area of nearly 30000 square meters. The team size also increased from the original 4 people to 20 people, and the number of employees in the plant increased from dozens to more than 300 people. At the same time, Wanhuacao has also introduced a number of new equipment to improve production efficiency and product quality. After the accumulation of the previous years, the monthly sales of ten thousand flowers and grasses will exceed 10 million by 2018!


Change your mind and do business all over the world

"According to the company's business situation, at the beginning, we just used Alibaba 1688 platform as a window for external publicity, and didn't want to spend much time to take care of it," said Ding Kelin, who is both the head of Wanhuacao and the general manager of Wanhuacao, "Even though we know that e-commerce is a big trend... Later, we changed our mind by chance and found that this platform is well managed and there are really unlimited business opportunities..."


Dinglin believes that the first thing to do well as a business is Use the mentality of Taobao to operate Alibaba, and use the patience of Taobao customer service to treat every Alibaba customer sincerely Only in this way can we accumulate customers and make deals from less to more.


Today, Wanhuacao has become a powerful merchant on the 1688 platform. Even if you don't leave home, the business volume after daily operations can gradually stabilize. Alibaba 1688 is one of the main sources of business volume of Wanhuacao Company!

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