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The "Play" Era after 1995
Like many other post-95 students, Wang Lei is quite curious about new things, but he also has a vision of foresight that many of his peers do not have. When most of his peers were still studying on campus, Wang Lei went further and further on the road of running e-commerce. In 2017, he registered a company and established his own e-commerce team. His topic of concern was not what clothes were the latest fashion or what idols were the most dazzling, but how to promote brands and how to operate the company. No one could underestimate this post-95 entrepreneur!
Person in charge: Mr. Wang
-Success stories
Shared by: Recommended waiter: November 1, 2018 four People browsing

The post-95 generation is a group that the media and the public frequently pay attention to today. They are so unique that they cannot be described comprehensively and vividly in simple words. So people try to interpret their characteristics with various labels. Premature, non mainstream, negative, lack of responsibility are mostly negative information. However, from Wang Lei, who is only 21 years old, we can see some of the characteristics of the post-95 generation that have been covered up by negative labels: smart, independent, brave, confident and creative.


Wang Lei is the person in charge of e-commerce of Linyi Lanshan Junxiao Household Products Factory. When most of his peers were still studying on campus, Wang Lei went further and further on the road of running e-commerce. In 2017, he registered a company and established his own e-commerce team. His topic of concern was not what clothes were trendy or what idols were most dazzling, but how to promote brands and how to operate the company. No one could underestimate this post-95 entrepreneur!

Like many other post-95 students, Wang Lei is quite curious about new things, but he also has a vision of foresight that many of his peers do not have. Wang Lei started out as a salesperson in a FMCG company. Although he didn't have much experience at that time, he usually liked to read some books on enterprise management, so he began to learn about enterprise management slowly, and then resigned resolutely to start his own business. After 1995, he contacted e-commerce early, so he chose e-commerce platform as his first choice for entrepreneurship and Alibaba.


When asked why he chose Alibaba platform, he said that one is the change of trade mode. In recent years, it has changed from a stall type agricultural market, a shed in the western suburbs, a professional wholesale market, and Linyi wholesale city to a new model of online shopping mall+offline wholesale city; The second is the change of order mode, which is divided into four parts: face-to-face order, phone order, social software order, and guarantee platform transaction; The most important thing is that Linyi people have the advantage of being Alibaba. Now there are 101 professional wholesale markets in the central city of Linyi, with a total operating area of 10.5548 million square meters, and a total of 69000 shops and stalls. He said that as an entrepreneur, he can almost find more than 80% of the manufacturers of products in Linyi, lower the flow cost, and expand his customers more quickly!


He saw a huge business opportunity on Alibaba, devoted himself to the operation of online stores, and set up his own e-commerce team at the first time. "Art Van Gogh" (art designer), "Storage Handsome" (inventory management), "God of Strategy" (operation), and "Sales Elite" (customer service) are important members of their team. Each of them has his own area of expertise. Tell them the needs of some stores, and they can do very well.

Of course, there are also disagreements in the team. Instead of sticking to their own ideas, they keep communicating and trying to find their own direction and rules to make the store better and better. With a highly tacit e-commerce team, Junxiao Craft Products Factory, an e-commerce company just one and a half years old, has achieved an annual sales of 1000W, and has sold its products to more than 90% of provinces and cities across the country through the 1688 channel!


When it comes to online business competition, he feels that the most important thing is to learn. He learned a lot of skills to operate the store through others' sharing, and also shared his own store experience for common exchange. He said that e-commerce is to develop together and contribute to the development of local e-commerce.

As a post-95, he said that his advantage is to dare to say, do, and dare! He plans to become an independent design and production enterprise in the second half of 2019. Grasp the innovation of new products and the price advantage of old products, so as to achieve a real e-commerce team that can grasp the price! Create your own new online+offline wholesale model!

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