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Hengjiali: Notes on store planning with annual sales of 10 million yuan
Five step strategic planning brings online transactions back to life, and listen to Mr. Wang Hui's sharing
Person in charge: Wang Hui
-Success stories
Shared by: Recommended waiter: Fuzhou Hengjiali Crafts Co., Ltd November 5, 2018 twelve People browsing

Fuzhou Hengjiali Crafts Co., Ltd (Hereinafter referred to as "Hengjiali") is a 1688 store mainly engaged in solid wood boards, with an annual sales of about 10 million at present. However, before August 2017, the sales of Hengjiali stores were not so enviable.


As early as 2015, Hengjiali has opened 1688 Chengxintong stores. During the period from 2015 to 2017, the status of the store did not meet the expectations. Mr. Wang Hui, the founder of the company, wanted to give up shop 1688, but he was not reconciled. After all, he invested a lot of energy and money in this shop. After many times of thinking and asking for the suggestions of professionals, Mr. Wang Hui decided to re plan the store, start from scratch and operate seriously.


Basic information of Hengjiali store:

Main product: solid wood board

Wangpu Address:


△ Screenshot of the home page of Hengjiali Store


"In fact, Hengjiali's store was restarted in August 2017," said Mr. Wang Hui.

For this reason, we also invited Mr. Wang Hui of Heng Jiali to share with us the way of rebirth of Heng Jiali's shop.

Mr. Wang Hui said that he had made a five step strategic plan for the store.

Step 1: Store product layering, highlighting highlights

Lay a good foundation for the store, display the products in layers, and highlight the highlights of the products by using the store signs and the broadcast map.

For example, the products can be divided into office series, tea table series, chair series and bracket series according to their uses, so that customers can find the product categories they need when entering the store.


△ Product classification of Hengjiali store

  △ Screenshot of Hengjiali store


Step 2: Create a blockbuster with online sales treasure

The foundation of the store has been well established. If you want to have sales, you must also combine online sales treasure and other promotional tools.

At present, the promotion of online sales treasure of the store is mainly self-service promotion and first display, supplemented by the whole store butler, and combined with multi product marketing to improve the flow of the store, increase the number of visitors, and increase inquiries.

For example, self-service promotion: it can make products rank on the left side of the main search page.


△ Screenshot of Heng Jiali store's online sales treasure launch effect

However, it should be noted that the effect of paid promotion tools such as online sales treasure is not immediate. Many businesses will feel that they can't make ends meet in the early stage of launching online shopping, but 1688 is a wholesale platform that stresses periodicity. If you give up in the early stage, it will be basically dead. However, if you stick to it and seriously promote it, it will only take 3-5 months to get back to the cost. Just as the lines in the movie Let the Bullets Fly need to "let the bullets fly for a while".


Step 3: Both new and old customers

If you want to do a good business on the 1688 platform, you must expand new customers and maintain old customers who have traded before. At ordinary times, the store has activities to notify them as soon as possible, so that regular customers can enjoy more discounts and they can feel our attention to them. Only when new and old customers work together, the business of the store will become better and better.

At present, the small orders of our store turnover from new customers are growing into large orders of old customers.


Step 4: Continuous optimization

The Internet market is changing every day. Since it is an Internet business, we should continue to optimize the proportion of products, promotion plans and traffic in combination with the market.

Here, I would like to thank Xiao Wang, the customer service waiter of online shopping mall, for his operation guidance. Xiao Wang always contacts me in the first time when there is abnormal traffic in the store, or helps me adjust the background remotely.


Step 5: Create brand image

If you want all buyers in the big board industry to remember you as soon as possible, you must make your corporate image deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and have brand influence. Therefore, Heng Jiali's logo is placed on the top left corner of all product maps. Over time, the role of brand effect appeared.


△ Heng Jiali's store products are all marked with brand logo

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