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2024-05-23 [Car Purchase Manual] The square box of 4 meters and 7 meters can sell for less than 100000 yuan! BJ30 is threatening to subvert the square box market?
Read the full text>> In the past two years, the square box SUV market has been at its peak, ranging from a million class luxury car to tens of thousands of yuan of new energy. As the ancestor of China's off-road vehicles, BAIC Motor Corporation Limited has also begun to roll up. The BJ30 just launched has a price of only 9.99 million yuan. You know that it is a serious 4-meter-7 SUV. Do you think it is going to stir up the square box market? Return to the top again! Trumpchi ES9 will
2024-05-20 [Car Purchase Manual] Is the discount for fuel vehicles in May worth copying? How about the specific discount of TUGUAN L's premium model?
Read the full text>> With the start of this year's new energy price war, fuel vehicles have also been offering discounts since the beginning of the year. Recently, we introduced a lot of fuel vehicle discounts. When we bought cars, we were confused about the current car discounts. After some cars actually arrived at the store, they found that the discounts were not as much as they were introduced. This time, we saw that the Tiguan L2024 outstanding model was not long on the market, The discount is also very
2024-05-16 [Car Purchase Manual] 212 Revival Denza Z9 GT data release Do you like the new car declared by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Read the full text>> In the last issue of the application list of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, we have taken stock of some new cars. This time, we continue to say that these include the upcoming revival of the Shenche Beijing 212, as well as Denza Z9GT, which has announced plug-in power data. Baojun has also launched a new model, Yunhai, and Chang'an CS75PLUS has also ushered in a new generation. Do you like it? Return to the top again! Trumpchi ES9 is positioned at medium and large SUVs, so naturally
2024-05-15 [Car Purchase Manual] The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology exposes that seal X and AION V will soon have a wave of new cars!
Read the full text>> Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced a large number of new car application drawings in the application list, including many heavy models such as BYD Seal X, Dark Blue S05, Dark Blue L07, Avita 07, AIONV, etc. Are there any of these models that you pay attention to? Return to the top again! Trumpchi ES9 is positioned at medium and large SUVs, so it naturally has a size that meets the positioning. The length of 5015mm has exceeded
2024-05-06 [Car Purchase Manual] Don't just focus on Camry 2.0L hybrid with higher cost performance e: HEV is the treasure car
Read the full text>> Recently, the high-profile ninth generation Camry was officially launched, which once again ignited the enthusiasm of the market. The price of 1718-269800 yuan has once again lowered the threshold of joint venture hybrid cars. In addition to a more robust and sharp design, this new generation has also added a 2.0L hybrid system, which makes up for the shortage of 2.0L fuel power before. At the same time, as it is also equipped with 2.0L hybrid, but the price is cheaper
2024-04-17 [Car Purchase Manual] Tuon vs Hanlanda Benchmark Big Guy Competition Just listen to my purchase of Tuon!
Read the full text>> Although the current popularity of the 300000 level seven seat SUV is not high, the sales volume is still stable. The most representative of them must be Tuon and Hananda. So who can better install them and who is more friendly to new drivers? Return to the top again! Trumpchi ES9 is positioned at medium and large SUVs, so it naturally has a size that meets the positioning. The length of 5015mm has exceeded the mainstream in the market, which will bring good interior space
2024-04-11 [Car Purchase Manual] Xiaomi SU7 is delicious, but the budget is limited? How about Nezha S, who has less than 200000 yuan?
Read the full text>> Recently, the Xiaomi SU7 continues to be hot, but the threshold price of 215900 yuan is still a little high. For those who want to buy a medium and large new energy vehicle with limited budget, is the Nezha S more cost-effective? Return to the top again! Trumpchi ES9 is positioned at medium and large SUVs, so it naturally has a size that meets the positioning. The length of 5015mm has exceeded the mainstream in the market, which will bring good results
2024-03-29 [Test drive evaluation] Compared with the 7 models with a million price difference, the Chang'an Qiyuan A07 true fragrance version is second only to the BMW i7?
Read the full text>> The Institute of Hard Core Technology recently completed a big horizontal review with a price of more than 1 million yuan. There were seven "seven generation" cars participating in the review. They were Chang'an Qiyuan A07 Genuine Fragrance Edition, Jikrypton 007, Xiaopeng P7i, Zhijie S7, Zhiji L7, Weilai ET7, BMW i7. Seeing the name and price, the first thought was whether these cars were only connected by 7 cars+names, But the result is Chang'anqi
2024-03-27 [Car Purchase Manual] The 139800 Sonata has caused trouble. Can more than 100000 cars really make people fall in love at first sight?
Read the full text>> Now the wind of inner roll has reached the Chinese car market. In fact, Beijing Hyundai has the most say in the matter of inner roll. Especially when the ninth generation Sonata was priced by configuration, Beijing Hyundai took the lead in opening the cost performance line when the joint venture models at the same level were priced by configuration. The price is very affordable and not stingy with configuration, Conquer consumers with texture and convenient and comfortable driving experience, plus Korean car I
2024-03-21 [Car Purchase Manual] Zero run is more popular than BYD? Zero run C10 vs Song PLUS
Read the full text>> Recently, the word "798" has become a bit popular. The popularity has made the price reduction of BYD Song PLUS quiet. Song PLUS directly adjusted the starting price to 129800 yuan in February this year. A tragic brother made a down payment of 20000 yuan at the end of last year. He raised a BYD Song PLUSDM-i for eight years. It didn't take half a year to drop 20000 yuan, and the down payment evaporated, This brother can't bear to call his heart directly. I advise him to
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