Graduate School of Beijing Jiaotong University

Notice to Candidates for the National Postgraduate Entrance Examination (Preliminary Examination) in 2024 at the Examination Center (1104) of Beijing Jiaotong University


two thousand and twenty-four The National Postgraduate Entrance Examination will be held from December 23 to 25, 2023. Candidates who take the examination at the examination center of Beijing Jiaotong University (code 1104) should carefully read the relevant announcements of the examination issued by Beijing Education Examination Institute and this examination center, and strictly abide by the regulations. Where the examinee fails to comply with the requirements of the regulations, resulting in inability to participate in the examination, the examinee shall bear the responsibility.

1、 Examination time

Examination date

twelve June 23 (Saturday)

twelve April 24th (Sunday)

twelve Month 25th

( Monday)

Examination time

8:30 —11:30

14:00 —17:00

8:30 —11:30

14:00 —17:00

8:30 —14:30

Examination subjects

Ideological and political theory

Comprehensive management ability

foreign language


Business Section I

Business Section II

Exam subjects over 3 hours


2、 Examination room arrangement

The examination venue of Beijing Jiaotong University is arranged in the main campus of Beijing Jiaotong University (address: No. 3, Shangyuan Village, Haidian District, Beijing) Siyuan Building, Siyuan West Building, Siyuan East Building, Yifu Building and Architectural Art Building, Please check the candidate's Admission Card for the specific examination venue.

twelve On September 25, candidates who applied for Beijing Jiaotong University and whose business class II was "501 Architectural Fast Design (6 hours)" and "502 Urban Planning Fast Design (6 hours)", the examination room of business class II was arranged in Classrooms 203 and 204 on the second floor of the Architectural Arts Building (No. 17 Teaching Building).

3、 Entrance process, storage and security inspection requirements for examinees

one Examination day 6:50 a.m., 12:30 p.m At the beginning, all off campus examinees can walk into the campus from the south or west gate of the main campus, and other school gates are forbidden for off campus examinees to enter. examinee You can enter the examination site to take the exam with your "examination permit" and valid identity card held during qualification examination. Candidates who do not carry all relevant materials or whose identity cannot be confirmed are not allowed to enter the campus.

two According to the document requirements of the Ministry of Education and Beijing Municipality Newly added intelligent security gate inspection link for entrance examination Candidates are only allowed to enter the examination building with their admission cards, valid identity cards and qualified examination supplies. It is strictly prohibited for examinees to bring various electronic communication tools (such as mobile phones, smart watches and other smart wearable devices), learning materials and other items into the examination building. If they do, they should be stored in the corresponding item storage place in the examination building in advance.

At the entrance of each examination building, there is an intelligent security gate. All examinees should consciously accept the security check. When passing the security check, they are not allowed to carry mobile phones, smart watches (bracelets), smart glasses and other illegal items in the exam. The examinees can enter the exam only after passing the security check. In case of alarm at the security gate, the examinee must quickly check himself/herself and voluntarily hand over the articles that may cause the alarm, and pass the security gate again. After confirming that there is no alarm, he/she can enter the examination room. It is recommended that examinees do not carry electronic communication tools, keys, magnetic cards, lighters, metal bracelets, rings, necklaces and other items, and do not wear clothes, shoes, hats, hair cards, etc. with metal decorations on the day of the examination, so as to avoid repeated security checks and affect the normal entrance examination.

three The flow chart of candidates' admission is as follows:


After entering the campus, the examinee must first go to the examinee's belongings storage place corresponding to the examination building to store their belongings. Among them, if the examination place is located in Siyuan Building and Siyuan West Building, the goods storage place is located in the small square in front of Siyuan Building; If the examination place is in the East Siyuan Building, the storage place is in front of the East Siyuan Building; If the examination place is in Yifu Building, the article storage place is in front of Yifu Building.

When the examinee passes through the intelligent security gate, if he/she is found to be carrying suspected illegal items, prompts for abnormalities, etc., he/she must deposit them in the examinee's articles storage place. After passing the "intelligent security gate" again and confirming no errors, he/she can enter the exam.


five The opening hours of each examination building are 7:50 a.m., 13:20 p.m The school gate is about 15 minutes' walk from the farthest test building (Yifu Building). Due to the limited time for entrance to the exam, it will take a certain time for goods storage and security check at the security gate. Especially for goods storage, it is necessary to queue up outdoors for orderly access. It is expected that the queue time will be long during the peak time for entrance to each exam and after the exam. Please plan the time reasonably and arrive at school at least one hour in advance on the day of the exam. Try not to bring anything irrelevant to the exam supplies. The entrance delay caused by personal reasons shall be the responsibility of the individual.

★ It is suggested that the new candidates of our school store their mobile phones, backpacks, review materials and other items in the dormitory, and only take their "Examination Admission Card", valid resident ID cards and necessary examination supplies to the examination building.

Other examinees should try not to carry mobile phones, backpacks and other items unrelated to the exam, but can entrust other accompanying personnel to keep them. If you really need to bring it to school, please store it in the designated place Enter the site orderly.

six If the security inspection equipment cannot be used for inspection due to special physical conditions (such as the installation of cardiac pacemakers, metal dental appliances, use of hearing aids, pregnant women, etc.), the examinee shall issue a certificate issued by the medical institution in advance (it must be stamped by the official institution or provide official standard materials). Please send the application (indicating the examinee's name, ID card number, contact information and special reasons for the inability to use the security inspection equipment, and handwritten signature) and the electronic version of the certificate issued by the medical institution to the research and recruitment office before December 21 (Thursday)( )。 Before each examination, the original application form and the original certificate of the medical institution shall be presented for admission.

4、 Instructions for storage of examinee's belongings

The examination center has set up a storage place near each examination building, and the examinees are requested to deposit the items in different areas according to the examination address on the examination permit.

Each candidate is allowed to store items only once per exam. Before each exam, the examinee needs to pick up two labels (2) from the item store, one of which should be pasted to the obvious place where the examinee needs to store the items and handed over to the staff for storage, and the other one should be kept properly by the examinee. Do not lose it.

When the examinee stores his/her belongings, he/she must carefully check again to make sure that he/she does not carry any illegal items such as mobile phones and smart watches, so as to avoid repeated security checks and affect the normal entrance examination.

After the examination, the examinee will collect his/her belongings at the storage point with the tag, and the tag will be recycled when collecting. If the access tag is accidentally lost, please contact the on-site staff for assistance.

The deposit office of the examination site will not deposit valuable and fragile items irrelevant to the examination. Please do not carry such items. If you do, please handle them yourself at your own responsibility.

The opening hours of the examination site's goods storage are 6:50 - 18:00. Please take away your belongings as soon as possible after the exam every afternoon. The stored items shall not stay overnight and must be taken away on the same day.

5、 Examination requirements

one Candidates enter the examination room with the "Admission Card" and valid resident identity cards, and cooperate with the staff to complete security checks, identity verification and other work.

twelve From September 13 to December 25, candidates can log in to the "China Postgraduate Enrollment Information Network" with their online username and password( )Download and print the Admission Certificate. Note: Use A4 size white paper for printing, and the front and back sides of the Examination Admission Certificate shall not be altered or written during the use period, otherwise, if found after the start of the exam, it will be treated as a violation of the exam.

The Admission Certificate is an important voucher for candidates to take the exam, inquire about their scores, take the second exam, and enroll. Please download and save the electronic documents in time.

two After entering the examination room, the examinees must take their seats according to their number (a candidate information form with photos is posted at the entrance of the examination room, and a candidate information label is posted on the desk of the corresponding seat in the examination room). After taking a seat, put the Entrance Examination Permit and valid ID card on the corner of the table near the aisle for future reference.

three The substitute test has violated the Criminal Law. If there is a substitute test, he or she must leave before the test begins, otherwise he or she will be dealt with according to relevant laws and regulations.

four National Unified Examination Subject Examination: You can start answering after the bell rings Otherwise, it will be treated as an exam violation. Answer cards are used for all questions. The 2B pencil is used for the multiple choice questions on the answer card, and the black signature pen is used for the non multiple choice questions. The answer card of unified examination subject needs to be pasted with "barcode of examinee information" (rectangular, issued by the invigilator, and each answer card has a barcode). In order to ensure the normal marking of the answer sheet, please be sure to paste the barcode of the examinee information correctly, fill in the name, examinee number and other information clearly at the designated location, and answer in the area specified in the answer sheet. Any missing barcode, missing (smearing), wrong (smearing) or illegible answer sheet will affect the marking result, and the examinee shall bear the responsibility.

five Examination of self assigned subjects of the enrollment unit: Only after the bell rings can the test paper bag be opened and answered Otherwise, it will be treated as an exam violation. After opening the test paper bag, the examinee must carefully check whether the test paper is misplaced, complete, legible and undamaged. Once any problem is found, raise your hand and report to the invigilator immediately. After the examination, the examinee will Put the test paper and answer sheet into the test paper bag, seal it with a sealing strip, and then sign my name on the sealing strip The examinee shall be responsible for the items contained in the test paper bag. If there is any shortage, it will be treated as a violation of the examination rules, and the responsibility shall be borne by the examinee.

six When examinees answer questions, their answers should be written on the answer sheet (card) as required. The answers written on the test paper, draft paper or outside the area specified in the answer sheet (card) are invalid, and the responsibility should be borne by the examinees themselves.

seven The time for examinees to hand in their papers in advance is between 30 minutes and 15 minutes before the end of each subject examination. Candidates are not allowed to enter the site for further examination after they hand in their papers, nor to stay or talk in the area specified by the examination site.

eight After the end of the exam signal is sent, the examinee should immediately stop answering questions and writing, otherwise it will be treated as a violation of the exam. After the invigilator has collected all the examination materials and checked them to be correct, the examinee can leave the seat and the examination room. Test papers, answer sheets (cards) and draft papers are not allowed to leave the examination room, Otherwise, it will be treated as an exam violation.

nine After the examination, the examinees shall leave the examination room in order according to the instructions of the invigilator, shall not stay in the examination room, shall not be crowded, and shall keep the distance between people not less than one meter.

6、 Examination stationery

The examination stationeries are not uniformly distributed in the examination center of our school, and the examinees must prepare their own examination supplies (such as black handwriting signature pens, 2B pencils, ordinary rulers, rubbers, drawing instruments, etc.) within the examination requirements.

Except chemistry (agriculture) (subject code 315), calculators are not allowed to be carried and used in other subjects of the national unified examination. If there are special instructions in the Admission Certificate for self assigned subjects of the enrollment unit, a simple calculator without memory programming function can be used. If there are no special instructions, it is not allowed to carry and use a calculator. After the test starts, if you find that you carry it, you will be treated as a violation of the test.

Candidates are not allowed to bring any books and periodicals, newspapers, manuscript paper, pictures, materials, tools with communication functions (such as mobile phones, smart watches, smart glasses, photographic, scanning and other devices), or electronic products with storage, programming, query functions, as well as correction fluids, correction tapes and other materials into the examination room. After the test starts, if you find that you carry it, you will be treated as a violation of the test.

Our school's test stations uniformly provide self-adhesive sealing strips for the sealing of self proposition test bags, so that candidates do not need to carry glue, glue sticks, etc.

The examination room is equipped with a clock. The time displayed by the clock is for reference only. The specific time of the beginning and end of the examination must be subject to the bell ringing in the examination room.

7、 Diet and rest

twelve Candidates must leave the exam building after the exam is over in the morning of 23rd to 24th May.

The school arranges the first floor of the student activity center as the lunch area and rest area for off campus examinees, and the Ximen Stadium as the pre exam rest area for off campus examinees (opening hours: 11:30-13:30).

Off campus examinees can choose to have meals on the first floor of the student activity center (WeChat payment only) or off campus, and can have a lunch break in the Ximen Stadium. Please go to other restaurants for meals. If an off campus candidate enters the university again after leaving the university, he or she still needs to check the Admission Card and valid resident ID card before entering the university.

8、 Transportation

The school does not arrange examinees to check the examination room before the examination It is recommended that candidates get familiar with the terrain of the campus and the location of the examination room through electronic maps in advance. The school does not provide parking spaces, and social vehicles and examinee relatives and friends are forbidden to enter the school. It is recommended that examinees travel green. The subway and bus around the school are shown in the following figure.

The hotels near the south and west gates of the school are shown in the following figure. If necessary, candidates can contact for accommodation.


9、 Important tips

one Candidates should establish the concept of honest examination, abide by the letter of commitment for honest examination signed by themselves, cherish personal reputation, and abide by the examination discipline. The cheating of examinees will be recorded in the integrity file of national unified examinees. Cheating on behalf of examinees, organizing examinations, and illegally providing test questions and answers have violated the Criminal Law and will be subject to legal sanctions.

two Please carefully read the Examination Venue Rules, the Ninth Amendment to the Criminal Law, the Measures for Handling Violations of the National Education Examination, and the Notice on Examination Discipline of Beijing Jiaotong University, and comply with the relevant regulations. You must obey the arrangement of the examination staff on campus. Any violation of the examination regulations shall be handled in accordance with the Measures for Handling Violations of National Education Examination and the Criminal Law Amendment (9).

three Please pay close attention to the website of Beijing Education Examination Institute( )WeChat official account of "Beijing Examinations and Research Examinations", special website for postgraduate enrollment of Beijing Jiaotong University( )The announcement issued by the WeChat official account of "Research and Recruitment Office of Beijing Jiaotong University" to understand the relevant requirements of Beijing and examination sites.

four Please pay attention to the weather changes and traffic conditions during the examination, pay attention to cold protection, anti slip and anti freeze, and reasonably arrange travel.


Beijing Jiaotong University Test Center Tel: 010-51688153, 010-51688162, E-mail:

Beijing Education Examination Institute supervision and reporting hotline: 010-82837135