Graduate School of Beijing Jiaotong University

Online Confirmation Notice of Beijing Jiaotong University Examination Center (1104) for 2024 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination

This announcement is only available to candidates who choose the "1104 Beijing Jiaotong University" test site for the 2024 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination.

The application process of the national postgraduate enrollment examination includes two stages: online application and online confirmation. All candidates who take part in the national postgraduate entrance examination must register online, pay fees online and confirm online within the specified time before the registration process is completed.

1、 Online confirmation of application conditions

The "1104 Beijing Jiaotong University" examination center only accepts online confirmation from the following candidates:

1.  Candidates who apply for Beijing Jiaotong University, China Academy of Railway Sciences, Beijing General Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and meet one of the following conditions:

(1) Fresh undergraduate graduates from universities in Beijing (including regular colleges and universities, adult colleges and universities, adult higher education held by regular colleges and universities and other fresh undergraduate graduates).

(2) Candidates who apply for "individual examination".

(3) Other previous candidates must meet the conditions of residence or work location in Beijing. The specific requirements are: candidates must have a residence in Beijing or basic endowment insurance or basic medical insurance (excluding supplementary payment) in the social insurance paid in Beijing for more than 6 consecutive months (inclusive) in the year of registration (January to September). Candidates whose registered permanent residence is confirmed online in Beijing must provide their registered permanent residence (booklet); Candidates whose residence is not in Beijing but whose work units are in Beijing must provide the Beijing Social Insurance Individual Rights and Interests Record (excluding supplementary payment) with normal payment for at least six consecutive months (January to September) in 2023 when confirming online. The Beijing Social Insurance Individual Rights and Interests Record requires application and printing on the Beijing Social Insurance Online Service Platform, The serial number and check code of the individual equity record are clearly visible and can be queried within the validity period.

2.  New graduates of Beijing Jiaotong University who apply for the entrance examination in the enrollment units outside Beijing (except those who apply for military colleges and universities).

Except for the above candidates, 1104 Test Center will not accept online confirmation from other candidates.

2、 Online confirmation schedule

The "1104 Beijing Jiaotong University" examination site adopts online confirmation, so the examinees do not need to confirm on site. The examinees must upload various materials online on time, and can complete the online confirmation process only after the application system prompts that they have passed the review.

1.  Time for examinee to upload materials for the first time:

two thousand and twenty-three 8:00 a.m. on November 2 to 14:00 p.m. on November 4.

2.  After review, candidates need to supplement the time of uploading materials:

two thousand and twenty-three 8:00 a.m. on November 2 to 16:00 p.m. on November 4.

3.  Examination site review material time:

two thousand and twenty-three 8:30 a.m., November 2, 2008 - 17:00 p.m., November 4, 2008.

3、 Log in to the online confirmation system

Candidates are advised to use their mobile phones to access the online confirmation system.

Online confirmation system website:

QR code:

After entering the login page, enter the Xuexin account and password you registered online to log in to the system.

4、 Candidates upload materials

one   My recent bareheaded color ID photo (used for admission card photo)

requirement: Front, bareheaded, makeup free, color head portrait electronic ID photos (white background) in the last three months; Only. jpg format is supported. The size is no more than 10M, and the width height ratio is 3:4; The head portrait shall be horizontally centered, and the horizontal rotation angle, tilt angle and pitch angle of the face shall be within ± 10 degrees. The distance between the eye position and the upper edge of the photo is 30% - 50% of the image height. The head portrait is symmetrical. The posture should be correct, the eyes should open naturally and look straight, the ears should be symmetrical, the mouth should close naturally, the left and right shoulders should be balanced, the head and shoulder should be upright and not too large or too small, and the proportion of the head and shoulder should be no less than 2/3 of the whole picture; The face shall not be covered, and the hair shall not cover the face, eyes, eyebrows, ears or cause shadows, and the facial features shall be exposed; The lighting light is uniform, and the face and nose cannot emit light, without highlights, spots, shadows, red eyes, etc; The portrait is focused accurately, with clear layers and no blurring; Please do not wear makeup, glasses, contact lenses, and beautiful eyes to take photos; The image should truly express the recent appearance of the examinee, and the photo content should be true and effective, without any modification (for example, PS and other photo editing software should not be used for processing, and the portrait features (such as scars, moles, hairstyles, etc.) should not be technically processed, and photos should not be taken again).

(Sample photo)

2.  I hold an ID card photo

Requirements: When shooting, take the whole arm and upper body of the certificate holder into the picture, the head and shoulder should be upright, the hair should not cover the face or cause shadows, and the five facial features should be exposed; Ensure that all information on the ID card is visible and complete.

(Sample photo)

Ordinary full-time undergraduate graduates who apply for non special plans and pass the unified examination only need to submit photos of admission cards, photos of holding identity cards, and no other materials.

3.  Other supplementary materials

The following materials 1 are required to be uploaded by all previous students, and materials 2-6 are required to be uploaded by relevant examinees. The uploaded materials are all in jpg format, and the size is no more than 2M.




Upload materials


All previous students

Upload the original photo of the diploma (master's or doctor's diploma or degree certificate if you apply for the exam as a master or doctor), or the photo of the Electronic Registration Form for Academic Degrees of the Ministry of Education or the Certification Report for Academic Degrees of China's Higher Education downloaded from Xuexin Network.


Past students from Beijing (excluding single candidates)

Upload the original photos of the first page of the household registration book (the seal page of the public security department) and the personal information page (the first page and individual single page of the collective household registration are provided, and the first page must have the seal of the household registration unit), as well as the original photos of the household registration certificate issued by the public security department.

(Candidates who have passed the household registration information comparison do not need to upload this material. It is recommended that candidates prepare relevant materials in advance. Whether to upload or not is subject to the prompt on the online confirmation system interface.)


Past students who are not from Beijing but work in Beijing (excluding single candidates)

upload two thousand and twenty-three At least consecutive years six Months( one Month to nine The Beijing Social Insurance Individual Rights and Interests Record (excluding supplementary payment) with normal payment is required to apply for and print on the "Beijing Social Insurance Online Service Platform". The serial number and check code of the individual rights and interests record are clearly visible and can be queried within the validity period.

(The examinee who has passed the social security information comparison does not need to upload this material. It is recommended that the examinee prepare the relevant materials in advance. Whether to upload them or not is subject to the prompt on the online confirmation system interface.)


Individual examinee

Upload the original photos of the two experts' recommendation letters (experts with senior professional and technical titles in the examinee's unit are required), the original photos of the letter of introduction from the personnel department of the examinee's unit (the letter of introduction must indicate that the examinee is the business backbone of the unit and agrees to apply for the Beijing Jiaotong University separate examination for master's degree), and the original photos of published papers or technical reports.

The original of the above materials must be sent to the Research and Recruitment Office of Beijing Jiaotong University by registered mail or EMS before November 6, 2023.


Graduate student or second bachelor degree candidate

Upload the original photo of the approval certificate issued by the training management department of the student unit (with the signature of the operator, contact information and seal of the department).

The original must be sent to the Research and Recruitment Office of Beijing Jiaotong University by registered mail or EMS before November 6, 2023.


Candidates who fail to pass the school status and education verification

Upload materials according to the situation:

one For self-taught examination or online education candidates who fail to pass the academic degree (student status) verification when reporting online, but can obtain a nationally recognized undergraduate diploma before entering 2024, they must upload the original photo of the transcript (seal) issued by the educational institution or university issuing the diploma.

two Previous students who failed to pass the academic qualification verification when reporting online must upload Electronic Registration Form for Academic Degrees of the Ministry of Education or Certification Report for Academic Degrees of China's Higher Education downloaded from Xuexin Network Photo.

three New students who fail to pass the student status verification when reporting online must upload Photos of the Online Verification Report of Student Status of the Ministry of Education downloaded from Xuexin Network.

four Candidates who fail to pass the academic degree (student status) verification due to the change of name or ID card number, except for uploading Electronic Registration Form of Academic Degrees of the Ministry of Education, Certification Report of Chinese Higher Education Academic Degrees or Online Verification Report of Student Status of the Ministry of Education In addition to the photos, it is also necessary to upload the account book (book) with the change records or the photos of the original certificate issued by the public security organ.

five Candidates who have obtained a degree certificate overseas should provide a photo of the certification report issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education. The 12 digit online verification code or the 7 digit certification number on the certification report must be clear and complete.

six For those candidates who can obtain the Certificate of Foreign Diplomas and Degrees issued by the Overseas Study Service Center of the Ministry of Education before admission in the same year, they must provide the transcripts or certificates of ongoing study recently provided by overseas universities.

4.  Candidates in the following two situations need to upload valid ID photos:

(1) If the ID card type is a resident ID card but the face of the identity verification fails, the ID card photo within the validity period (including the face of the portrait and the national emblem) must be submitted

Requirements: The photos of the second (or third) generation resident ID cards within the validity period should be uploaded in two pieces, namely, the portrait and the national emblem. Please ensure that the ID card has a complete frame, clear handwriting and even brightness.

(Sample photo)

(2) For non resident ID cards, valid ID photos must be submitted.

5.  The materials submitted by the examinee must be true and effective. If false materials are provided, the responsibility for failing to take the exam and enroll shall be borne by the examinee himself.

5、 View audit results

After the examinee successfully uploads the materials, he or she must log in to the system to view the review results within 24 hours. The review results will display the status of pending review, approved, materials to be supplemented, and failed review.

1.  To be reviewed: Candidate materials were not reviewed.

2.  Approved by: Candidates complete online confirmation.

three   Materials to be supplemented: Candidates must supplement (or modify) relevant materials and upload them again within the specified time according to the prompts.

4.  Failed to pass the review: If the examinee does not meet the application conditions, the online confirmation will fail, and the registration information will be invalid.

Note: The deadline for candidates to upload materials for the first time is 14:00, November 4, 2023 , the deadline for uploading materials to be supplemented after review is 16:00 p.m., November 4, 2023 Those who do not upload materials or supplement materials within the time limit cannot complete online confirmation. Candidates who fail to pass the examination or fail to make online confirmation after 16:00 p.m. on November 4, 2023 will no longer accept online confirmation. Candidates who have not completed online confirmation shall not take the exam, and the consequences shall be borne by the candidates themselves.

6、 Precautions

1.  The examinee must ensure the authenticity and accuracy of all information and materials filled in and uploaded. If the online confirmation or examination cannot be conducted due to the wrong filling, wrong filling, false filling and providing false materials, the examinee shall bear the consequences.

two   During the online confirmation period, the registration point will not accept the supplementary payment of the registration fee, and will not accept the supplementary registration.

3.  During the online confirmation period, the registration point will not accept the modification of the candidates' registration information.

  7、 Contact information

Tel: 010-51688153


mail box:

WeChat: bjtuyzb

Mailing address: Admission Office of Graduate School, Room 801, East Yifu Building, Beijing Jiaotong University, Haidian District, Beijing

Postal code: 100044