Graduate School of Beijing Jiaotong University

Important reminder!!! Information reminder of 2024 master's degree candidates applying for Beijing Jiaotong University (10004) (registration data as of October 12, 2023)

Online reporting time:

two thousand and twenty-three September 24-27

two thousand and twenty-three October 8-25

9:00-22:00 every day


According to Beijing Jiaotong University two thousand and twenty-four Introduction to Admission of Postgraduates in《 two thousand and twenty-four Beijing Jiaotong University Admissions Unit( ten thousand and four )Online Newspaper Announcement, the deadline of the research and recruitment office two thousand and twenty-three year ten month twelve day twenty-two 00 Of The online report data is preliminarily reviewed, and the list and information of those who do not meet the enrollment conditions of our school are now prompted as follows. The following candidates are requested to log in to the Research Recruitment Network to modify the application information or re register before the deadline of online report, otherwise they are not allowed to take the exam.


1、 Our "part-time" program only enrolls "targeted employment" postgraduates, and the following online employment mode has been selected eleven Non targeted employment, please correct it to twelve Targeted employment, otherwise you are not allowed to take the exam.


Registration No

full name

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and fourteen

Wang Shixi

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and eighteen

Wang Ze

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and twenty-one

Du Xiaomin

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and thirty-five

Sun Jing

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and forty-two

Hu Yukuan

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and forty-three

Guo Chunyue

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and forty-six

Li Yanyan

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and fifty-seven

Chen Qian

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and sixty

Wang Jing

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and sixty-one

Xu Houqing

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and sixty-nine

Ai Xinran

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and eighty-four

Wei Shenglong

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and eighty-six

Zhang Shengbo

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and ninety-three

Wang Yuan

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand seven hundred and nineteen

Zhu Baoyu

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand seven hundred and twenty-two

Li Ziliang

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand seven hundred and forty-one

Liu Bo

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand seven hundred and forty-two

Zhang Zhen

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand seven hundred and forty-six

Wang Xinyu

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand seven hundred and forty-seven

Zhai Xiaofei

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand seven hundred and forty-nine

Wang Yan

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand seven hundred and sixty

Yuan Juntao

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven

Dong Yiran

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand seven hundred and eighty

Yang Baoqiang

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand seven hundred and eighty-one

Feng Liang

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand seven hundred and ninety-one

Cai Xiaofeng

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand seven hundred and ninety-three

Wang Wenzheng

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand and eight hundred

Suo Zhifang

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand eight hundred and fourteen

Zhang Xueze

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand eight hundred and twenty-one

Zhang Deyuan

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand eight hundred and thirty

Sun Yangmei

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand eight hundred and forty-four

Wang Shuang

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight

Li Xiaofei

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand nine hundred and three

A lot of money

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand nine hundred and fifteen

Shao Jingwei

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand nine hundred and twenty-five

Du Xin

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight

Du Yongfang

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand nine hundred and thirty-one

Wang Fa

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand nine hundred and fifty

Guo Xinlong

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand and ninety-six

Ma Xinhao

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand one hundred and thirteen

Duan Longli

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand one hundred and sixty-one


one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand one hundred and eighty-nine

Wang Kaiqiang

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand two hundred and eighteen

Wang Xinyu

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand two hundred and twenty-two

Wang Puxu

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand two hundred and forty-five

Peng Nanxi

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand two hundred and fifty-five

Zhang Huiling

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand and three hundred

Zhou Haifeng

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand three hundred and seventy-eight

Yin Hang

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand three hundred and eighty-four

Si Fei

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand four hundred and forty

Zhang Lingli

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand four hundred and eighty-nine

Wang Zhe

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand five hundred and sixty-one

Bai Jinyu

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand eight hundred and fifty-five

Zhang Kexin

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven

Zhang Zhaoyin

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine

Ni Chunxiao

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-eight thousand two hundred and sixteen

Qi Jinyang

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-eight thousand two hundred and seventy-nine

Liu Shiyao

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-eight thousand four hundred and twenty-seven

Niu Yiyi

one hundred and thirty million two hundred and eighty-nine thousand one hundred and thirty-five

Feng Renle

one hundred and thirty million four hundred and ninety-five thousand and ninety-three

Sun Guoxing

one hundred and thirty-one million ninety-four thousand and ninety-three

Xiang Xiaoyang

one hundred and thirty-one million one hundred and ninety-three thousand eight hundred and thirteen

Li Jianye

one hundred and thirty-one million six hundred and ninety-seven thousand six hundred and thirty-nine

Wang Xingxing

one hundred and thirty-one million six hundred and ninety-seven thousand six hundred and ninety-seven


one hundred and thirty-two million six hundred and ninety-eight thousand five hundred and one

Zhang Yasong

one hundred and fifty million four hundred and ninety-three thousand seven hundred and eighty

Zhang Xuanze

one hundred and fifty-two million five hundred and ninety-eight thousand two hundred and fifty-nine

Zheng Sensen

one hundred and fifty-three million two hundred and ninety-seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-five

Liu Haokun

two hundred and ten million seven hundred and ninety-four thousand one hundred and seventy-nine


two hundred and thirty-two million eight hundred and ninety thousand one hundred and ninety-four

Ren Xuefei

three hundred and forty million one hundred and eighty-three thousand one hundred and one

Xing Diwen

three hundred and seventy million one hundred and forty-eight thousand five hundred and forty-six

Liu Yanan

three hundred and seventy million one hundred and forty-nine thousand four hundred and fifty-six

Cai Mingzhuang

three hundred and seventy million one hundred and fifty-four thousand eight hundred and forty


three hundred and seventy-one million four hundred and eighty-eight thousand four hundred and seventy-three

Wang Yifan

four hundred and ten million five hundred and eighty-four thousand six hundred and eighty-eight

Liu Yuchao

four hundred and ten million eight hundred and ninety-four thousand three hundred and five

Guo Jichao

four hundred and forty-one million one hundred and seventy-eight thousand and nineteen

Qiu Junyan


2、 Our "full-time" only enrolls "non targeted employment" postgraduates (except for those with minor responsibilities), and the following online time reporting employment mode is selected twelve Targeted employment, please correct it to eleven Non targeted employment, otherwise you are not allowed to take the exam.


Registration No

full name

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand three hundred and ninety-five

Liao Jianhong

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-eight thousand three hundred and forty-nine

Jia Xin

six hundred and fifty million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand four hundred and eighty-seven

Jiang Tao


3、 The following candidates apply for our master's degree (excluding one hundred and twenty-five thousand and one hundred Business administration one hundred and twenty-five thousand six hundred and one Engineering Management), students with the same academic qualifications are not allowed to apply for the exam in principle without the consent of the college before applying for the exam.


Registration No

full name

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and ninety

Yang Suli

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand and seventy-eight

Han Ran

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand one hundred and ninety-nine

Li Yifei

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand and three hundred

Zhou Haifeng

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand five hundred and eighty-six

Zhao Na

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand six hundred and eighty-seven

Wang Shijie

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-three

Zhang Yanyi

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-eight thousand six hundred and eighty

Gai Yixuan

three hundred and twenty-one million one hundred and sixty-nine thousand one hundred and fifty-three


three hundred and seventy-one million four hundred and ninety thousand three hundred and seventy-nine

Huang Hao

six hundred and fifty million six hundred and ninety-three thousand seven hundred and thirteen

Dili Xiati River · Abdullah


4、 The following candidates apply for our school's law (law), and their graduation majors do not meet the requirements for application. Please modify their majors before the deadline of online application as soon as possible, or they are not allowed to take the exam.


Registration No

full name

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and seventy-one

Xu Jianfeng


5、 The following candidates apply for our school's architecture (professional degree), and their graduation majors do not meet the requirements for application. Please modify the application majors before the deadline of online application as soon as possible, or they are not allowed to take the exam.


Registration No

full name

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand one hundred and seventy-five

Gao Xia


The following candidates have a reminder of the verification of their academic status. Please carefully check whether the online information is filled in incorrectly, Please revise before the deadline of online report as soon as possible. If there is no error, Need to follow《 two thousand and twenty-four Beijing Jiaotong University Admissions Unit( ten thousand and four )Online bulletin 》And prepare corresponding materials in advance for subsequent review.


Registration No

full name

Tips for verification of student status and education

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and fifty

Liu Ying

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand six hundred and eighty-one

Liu Hua

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand seven hundred and sixty-one

Gao Zhanguo

If the verification fails, the graduation school has questions.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand seven hundred and ninety-two

Zhu Ling

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand eight hundred and twelve

Li Peng

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand eight hundred and twenty-five

Zhang Chuanqi

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand nine hundred and fourteen

Gao Yuqing

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand nine hundred and forty-six

Li Wenjun

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand nine hundred and fifty-five

He Libing

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand nine hundred and sixty-five

Zhang Deyun

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-six thousand nine hundred and eighty-six

Meng Fanhao

The calibration is not passed, and the graduation date is questionable.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand


No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand one hundred and six

Lin Yong

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand two hundred and eighteen

Wang Xinyu

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand two hundred and forty-two

Meng Chuanyi

If the verification fails, the graduation school has questions.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand and three hundred

Zhou Haifeng

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand four hundred and sixty-seven


No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand five hundred and sixty-one

Bai Jinyu

If the verification fails, the graduation school has questions.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand five hundred and eighty-six

Zhao Na

The verification fails, and the education code is questionable.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand six hundred and fourteen

Eucalyptus catalpa

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand six hundred and sixty-six

Yao Mengyun

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand seven hundred and one

Jin Jianwei

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand seven hundred and eighty

Yang Ke

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand eight hundred and fifty-two

Li Kechen

The calibration is not passed, and the graduation date is questionable.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand eight hundred and ninety

Li Meng

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand eight hundred and ninety-six

Zhang Xinxia

The verification fails, and the learning form is questionable.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and twenty-five

Li Jian

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and fifty-two

Zhou Kaixuan

If the verification fails, the graduation school has questions.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and eighty-nine

Ni Chunxiao

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and ninety-four

Chang Yaqi

Verification passed. Graduate student status.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-eight thousand and one

Zeng Xiankun

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-eight thousand and fifty

Qi Shuangyan

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-eight thousand one hundred and forty-nine

Wang Yang

The verification fails, and the education code is questionable.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-eight thousand four hundred and forty-eight

Pan Yue

If the verification fails, the graduation school has questions.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-eight thousand four hundred and ninety-three

Wang Yuheng

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and ten million four hundred and ninety-eight thousand six hundred and eighty-five

Zhang Tianqi

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and thirty million two hundred and eighty-nine thousand two hundred and fifty-four

Liu Zhiying

The calibration is not passed, and the graduation date is questionable. Graduate student status.

one hundred and thirty million two hundred and ninety-three thousand six hundred and seventy-two

Han Xinyue

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and thirty million two hundred and ninety-seven thousand six hundred and twenty-two

Wang Pengjun

The calibration is not passed, and the graduation date is questionable.

one hundred and thirty million three hundred and ninety-five thousand six hundred and one

Wang Qianyou

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and thirty million five hundred and ninety-two thousand five hundred and two

Hu Huirong

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and thirty-one million ninety-five thousand six hundred and forty-one

Guo Xingtong

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and thirty-one million seven hundred and ninety-nine thousand seven hundred and seventeen

Chen Xingye

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and thirty-two million two hundred and ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven

Wang Yunzhuo

The calibration is not passed, and the graduation date is questionable.

one hundred and forty-one million ninety-six thousand five hundred and thirty-five

Wang Yiqian

The calibration is not passed, and the graduation date is questionable.

one hundred and forty-one million three hundred and ninety-two thousand three hundred and ninety-five

Wang Tao

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

one hundred and fifty-three million two hundred and ninety-seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-five

Liu Haokun

The name and ID card number are not checked.

two hundred and thirty-two million three hundred and ninety-seven thousand seven hundred and seventy

Qu Ao

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

two hundred and thirty-two million eight hundred and ninety thousand four hundred and eighty-six

Li Anqi

The calibration is not passed, and the graduation date is questionable.

two hundred and thirty-two million eight hundred and ninety thousand five hundred and forty-eight

Guan Bowen

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

two hundred and thirty-three million two hundred and ninety-nine thousand three hundred and sixteen


No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

three hundred and thirty million three hundred and ninety-one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one

Leaf cyanine

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

three hundred and sixty million four hundred and ninety-eight thousand two hundred and thirty-three

Wu Xu

The calibration is not passed, and the graduation date is questionable.

three hundred and seventy million one hundred and forty-nine thousand two hundred and sixty-five

Cao Xinkuang

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

three hundred and seventy million two hundred and sixty-eight thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine

Li Sibin

If the verification fails, the graduation school has questions.

three hundred and seventy million two hundred and seventy-eight thousand six hundred and thirty-two

Cui Jiaming

The calibration is not passed, and the graduation date is questionable. Graduate student status.

three hundred and seventy million six hundred and seventy-one thousand and thirty-four

Zhang Weiting

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

three hundred and seventy million seven hundred and seventy-seven thousand three hundred and ninety-three

Ren Jinyi

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

three hundred and seventy-one million three hundred and eighty thousand four hundred and fifty-six

Zhu Ruiyong

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

three hundred and seventy-one million five hundred and ninety thousand three hundred and twenty-four

Hu Shaoyu

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

four hundred and ten million seven hundred and ninety-four thousand one hundred and fifty

Wang Xueqin

Verification passed. Graduate student status.

four hundred and eleven million six hundred and eighty-six thousand four hundred and nine

Tang Haiyin

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

four hundred and twenty-two million five hundred and ninety-nine thousand seven hundred and eighty-three

Zhang Siyu

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

four hundred and twenty-four million six hundred and ninety-eight thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine

Hao Xiao

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

five hundred and fourteen million three hundred and ninety-four thousand and eighty-four

Peng Yina

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

five hundred and twenty million one hundred and eighty-one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two

Zhao Liu

Verification passed. Graduate student status.

six hundred and fourteen million seven hundred and ninety-eight thousand two hundred and forty-four

Liu Qiannan

No education was found by name and academic certificate number.

six hundred and twenty-one million one hundred and ninety-eight thousand six hundred and ninety-eight

Chang Quanchen

The calibration is not passed, and the graduation date is questionable.


Due to the restriction of online newspaper information, there may still be candidates who do not meet the application requirements of our school but are not listed in the list. Please read the enrollment brochures, professional catalogues and online newspaper announcements carefully, and timely modify the application information or re register according to relevant requirements. The examinee shall bear the consequences of failing to register as required, filling in the wrong information online, filling in the wrong information or filling in the false information, resulting in failure to confirm or take the exam online.