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What types of questions are included in the gre exam

[liuxue86.com - GRE exam information]

GRE, the full name of Graduate Record Examination, is suitable for applying for master's degree, doctor's degree, MBA and other education programs in science and engineering, humanities and social sciences, business, law and other disciplines around the world, and is sponsored by ETS (Educational Testing Service) as a reference for global graduate school enrollment and scholarship issuance. The following editor brings you some information about the content of the gre exam. Welcome to read it.

Gre exam content and question type

   1、 What is the content of GRE test

The GRE consists of three parts: language, mathematics and analytical writing.

1. Language part

The Chinese part of the GRE exam consists of two types of questions: word selection and reading. The question type is very simple, but it requires the examinee to master a large number of words. The Chinese examination covers a wide range of fields, including humanities, astrogeography, political history and art.

2. Mathematics

Mathematics examination is mainly a test of the basic mathematical ability of the examination. There are generally three forms of examination questions, namely, single choice questions, multiple choice questions and blank filling questions. Here we need to pay attention to mastering some professional terms.

3. Writing

The writing part also plays a very important role in the GRE exam. The focus of the writing part is analysis. Candidates need to express their personal views and make analysis. The examinee's logical thinking ability is mainly examined.

   2、 What questions do you take in GRE

1. Introduction to the specific distribution of GRE language topics

1-6 questions: sentence filling questions. It contains two single blank questions, two double blank questions and two three blank questions. Generally speaking, the second question of the same topic will be more difficult.

7-13: Reading comprehension. Among them, questions 7-10 are middle length reading. 11 A reading article entitled ARGUMENT. 12-13 is short reading. Sometimes in the examination of two parts of Chinese, one part will combine the middle story and short story questions into a long reading with a large amount of reading.

14-17: Sentence equivalence. The difficulty will not increase with the number of questions, and the difficulty of the four questions is basically the same.

18-20: Reading comprehension. Generally, 18-19 questions are short reading. 20 entitled ARGUMENT reading.

2. Introduction to the Specific Distribution of Some Problems in GRE Mathematics

1-7 questions: quantity comparison questions. The difficulty will gradually increase with the question number. Generally, the first question is the simplest, while the seventh question is the most difficult.

Question 8-20: Problem solving. Among them, 8-12 questions are composed of multiple choice single choice questions, numerical input questions (usually only one question) and short multiple choice questions (usually three questions).

13-16 are data interpretation questions.

The 17-20 questions are multiple choice and numerical input questions.

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   Recommended reading:

   What are the contents of GRE exam

   What types of questions are included in the gre exam

   GRE content

   Introduction to GRE examination content

   What are the contents and types of IELTS test

To learn more about the GRE exam information network, please visit: GRE exam information

Source: https://gre.liuxue86.com/g/5135444.html
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