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What is the gre exam process like

Dictionaries |

2023-09-04 14:42


[liuxue86.com - GRE exam information]

As we all know, the full name of gre is Graduate Record Examination, which refers to the American Graduate Entrance Examination. So do you know what the gre exam process looks like? If you are still unclear, let's take a look at the information about GRE brought by the editor. I hope it will help you after reading it.

GRE examination process

   1、 Before examination

1. The entrance shall be half an hour ahead of schedule. At the same time, you should carry your ID card and the confirmation letter of the examination room. Other items cannot be taken into the examination room. Pen and draft paper will be distributed on site. You can bring some water and food to replenish energy during the break.

2. Upon arrival, they will check and sign a confidentiality agreement. There will be a locker for your personal belongings. During the security check process, face recognition will be carried out, and then you will be given an examination number, and then you can press the number to enter the position. After you find the number and sit down, your picture will be displayed on the screen.

3. After entering the examination room, you can only wait for the exam, so you should solve the convenience problems and personal matters before entering the examination room.

   2、 In the exam

1. Before the test, the invigilator will explain the precautions. After that, the invigilator will unlock the keyboard on the test stand and wait for the test.

2. The GRE exam mainly includes composition, Chinese and mathematics. The first section is the writing part, first the issue and then the argument, 30 minutes each. There are five sections in Chinese V and Math Q, and the order may be VQVQV or QVQVQ, which is randomly assigned.

3. At the end of each section, there will be a one minute break. If you do not want to take a break and continue the exam directly, you will automatically enter the next section. There will be a 10 minute break after the third and fourth sections, and you can choose whether to take a break or not. If you want to take a break, you must remember to take your ID card! Come back and wait for the invigilator to enter the password to continue the exam again.

4. It should be noted here that GRE's Chinese and math subjects are adaptive examinations, that is, the difficulty of the questions you will encounter in the next section depends on how you work in the previous section.

   3、 After the exam

1. After the examination, the scores of Chinese and mathematics can be given on the spot. The composition will take some time. The whole transcript will be mailed directly to the examinee by ETS on 10-15 days.

2. The examinee can choose to retain or cancel the score on the spot, and the retention will display the Chinese and math scores, and can choose 4 schools to send the transcript free of charge after completing the exam. If you do not fill in the form on the day of the exam, you need to pay for sending the scores later.

   Recommended reading:

   GRE examination process

   Review process of GRE examination

   Explain the GRE examination process in detail

   Analysis of the new GRE examination process

   Introduction to GRE test reading process

To learn more about the GRE exam information network, please visit: GRE exam information

Source: https://gre.liuxue86.com/g/5129321.html
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