Wholesale price of engineering customized external wall tiles glazed anti freezing external wall tiles in Luliang City

Hebi Shancheng Shengtong Ceramic Tile Building Materials Factory
Ordinary merchants
Reference price:
1.50 yuan/piece
Henan Hebi
ceramics - Wall brick - glazed tile
Hebi Shengtong Ceramic Tile
Place of Origin:

Product description

Updated on 2023-11-09 15:27:08 View merchant information
Specifications Other cm varieties glazed tile
Water absorption 1 % Grade Superior
Maintenance method clean water density 13 g/m3
abrasion resistance 2000 rpm Surface effect Semi matt
style Countryside Modulus of rupture 474 Mpa
compressive strength 27 Mpa standard one hundred
Functional space other Wear resistance coefficient eight hundred and fifty-four
Applicable space outdoor pattern Jigsaw puzzle
series other

Then pave according to the specification requirements. If more than 1/3 of the pavement area is empty glazed tile If there is a lot of dust squeezed in the concave convex gap, use a brush to brush, and then wash with clean water to remove the dust on the brick surface. It should also be washed longitudinally, so as to clean the oil stain. In addition. Then directly flush ceramic tile At the joint of. The amount of toothpaste The method of cleaning up the dirt on the ceramic tile: * * Squeeze an appropriate amount of toothpaste on the brush The main raw materials at the joint of ceramic tile are putty and White cement

Glazed brick is the brick whose surface is treated by firing glaze. The front and the back are mixed with color and then fired clay and Stone Of powder press Pressing it can be divided into two types according to the different raw materials: ceramic glazed tiles. Its manufacturing requirements are very high. The press is required to be better. It can press higher density, that is, it is fired from clay. It has high water absorption and relatively low strength. Porcelain glazed tiles, that is, fired from porcelain clay, have low water absorption and relatively high strength.

Gradually forming the present: rich and colorful personality enjoyment, for which Foshan floor tile Enterprises should strengthen consumer research. Regular maintenance is required. It is deformed and warped after soaking in water formaldehyde Release, service life is relatively short. It makes feet feel comfortable, and can greatly reduce the impact noise on the floor, fundamentally solving the problem of noise overspending, making the room more pleasant and stable. The price is slightly cheaper, and the construction is simple and free of charge. It makes feet feel comfortable, and can greatly reduce the impact noise on the floor, fundamentally solving the problem of noise overspending, making the room more pleasant and stable.

In the process of winter paving. Stop walking on the surface. In case of hollowing during the maintenance period, the consumers of scaffold boards should not worry about the evaporation of moisture due to the solid adhesion of ceramic tile paving (sand cleaning, i.e. sand without soil, is ideal). The method is to take out the hollow floor tile, which can be used sucker Pick it up, lift it out straightly, and then pave it according to the standard requirements. All in all. Ensure that the color of the paved products is uniform. 1~2mm mortar joint shall be reserved during paving to facilitate evaporation of water and avoid affecting the service life of ceramic tiles due to thermal expansion and contraction.

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The above is a detailed introduction to the wholesale price of customized exterior wall tiles glazed anti freezing exterior wall tiles in Luliang City, including the manufacturer, price, model, picture, place of origin, brand and other information of the wholesale price of customized exterior wall tiles glazed anti freezing exterior wall tiles in Luliang City!
Contact Name
Mr. Chang
contact number
136239***** Click to view
Contact address
South, 400m east of the intersection of Chaoyang Street East Section and Qianjin Road, Shancheng District, Hebi City, Henan Province
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