public welfare

Binzhou encourages and guides retired military cadres to play a role in their residence

Source: | September 27, 2023 16:36
Chinanet | September 27, 2023 16:36
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In recent years, Binzhou has improved the mechanism and built a platform to encourage and guide retired military cadres to play a role in their places of residence and help economic construction and social development in order to solve the problems of scattered residence of retired military cadres and inconvenient participation in centralized activities.  

1、 Strengthen the leadership of Party building. First, give prominence to ideological and political guidance. The Opinions on Promoting the Transfer of Retired Military Cadres to the Government for Resettlement in the New Era to Give Full Play to Their Residences was issued to enable retired military cadres to learn, act and play a role nearby. The second is to innovate and carry out "double check-in". Encourage decentralized, willing military retired cadres and party members to lead a dual organizational life in military retired institutions and communities. Nearly 100 retired military cadres and 7 retired military cadres and party organizations have reported to the community. Third, actively integrate into community party building. Three retired cadres and party members with high prestige, strong ability, good health and dedication are recommended to serve as members of the "two committees" in villages (communities) through legal procedures.

2、 Activate the wisdom of military retreat. First, give play to political advantages to help grass-roots social governance. More than 40 retired military cadres in the city have become party building instructors, grid administrators, conflict mediators, and industry committee members. Second, give play to the advantages of experience to boost economic and social development. 104 retired military cadres in the city have formed 6 volunteer teams according to their different specialties to provide professional and precise services for all sectors of society. Since this year, they have carried out more than 80 activities and directly benefited more than 10000 people. Third, give play to prestige advantages and actively spread positive energy. We should guide retired military cadres to give full play to their exemplary role, spread the red gene, carry out public welfare activities, and promote the creation of civilization.

3、 Strengthen service guarantee. First, build an activity platform. The Party organization in the community where the retired military cadres live integrates all kinds of resources in the community, and builds an activity platform for the retired military cadres who report to the community by using the community activity room, community unit activity place, community university for the elderly and other platforms. The second is to build a learning platform. Fully link the city's military retired teaching resources, promote the integrated development of offline and online courses, carry out various forms of visiting and learning and other practical activities, and enhance communication between military retired cadres. Third, strengthen publicity and guidance. The city has focused on cultivating 21 retired military cadres to lead the way and provide experience and resource paths for retired military cadres to participate in social affairs.

Editor: Zhao Mengmeng Editor in charge:
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