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The First Beijing Online Audiovisual Arts Conference Opens in Beijing

Source: Beijing Daily | 11:19, September 26, 2023
Beijing Daily | 11:19, September 26, 2023
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On the morning of September 25, the first Beijing Online Audiovisual Arts Conference was opened at the Beijing International Wealth Center by the Tongzhou Canal in Beijing. The theme of the conference is "new fields, new literature and art, good content, creating the future". It has set up one opening ceremony and summit seminar, five theme seminars, four famous teachers, and a series of online audio-visual arts activities. The two-day conference will focus on communication and discussion, policy release, boutique release, achievement promotion, creator's night, famous teachers' creation, fair fair and other activities and links, highlighting the overall positioning of strong leadership, wisdom and creation promotion.

The first Beijing Online Audiovisual Arts Conference was guided by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Chinese Writers Association and the Beijing Municipal People's Government, and hosted by the Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau and the Tongzhou District Party Committee and Government of Beijing Municipality. At the opening ceremony, the release ceremony of 2023 "Beijing Grand Audiovisual · Youth Chinese Dream" online literature and art boutique film was held, and 50 outstanding works were released. The works focused on the development of the times, revolutionary history, real life, Chinese culture and Beijing characteristics, deeply integrated the spirit of the times into the creative pattern, and demonstrated the brilliant youth background.

In 2023, the policy release of the Beijing Radio and Television Network Audiovisual Development Fund and the promotion of excellent online audio-visual programs will also be held at the opening ceremony. Among them, the funding amount for "special projects" will be increased, and the maximum funding amount for each project of online drama, online film, online variety shows and other categories will be 10 million yuan; The maximum amount of each project in the categories of online mini series, online cartoons and online documentaries is 3 million yuan. In addition, the amount of support for online mini dramas has been adjusted to the maximum of 200000 yuan for script support, 300000 yuan for production promotion support, 500000 yuan for reward, and 1 million yuan for a single film.

The opening ceremony also held a launch ceremony for the launch of a series of online micro documentaries, "Light Chaser 3: This is the Expert", which was jointly directed by the Network Audio Visual Program Management Department of the State Administration of Radio and Television, the Beijing Radio and Television Bureau, and the Beijing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. Youku produced and broadcast the film, focusing on skilled experts in all walks of life, Show its simple and extraordinary side.

From September 25 to 26, the conference will invite major institutions, key platforms, industry experts, senior media people, front-line creators to carry out theme discussions and a series of multi form exchange and dialogue activities around the five dimensions of cultural heritage, online drama, short video and live broadcast, online mini drama, and online variety show, directly focusing on the whole process of online audio-visual creation, production, dissemination, appreciation, and theoretical research, Looking forward to the development of network audio-visual art.

Relying on the rich cultural resources and unique geographical advantages of Beijing's urban sub center, the first Beijing Online Audiovisual Arts Conference launched an offline activity with a literary atmosphere in the Three Temples and One Tower of Tongzhou Grand Canal Cultural Scenic Area. Through painting, sculpture, installation art, audio-visual multimedia image display, small performance activities, social clocking places and other diversified forms, Let people better understand online audio-visual and experience innovation.

The "Gathering of Humanities in Tongzhou" will be spread out in turn from the four dimensions of "seeing elegance", "seeing history", "seeing women's power" and "seeing literature" under the series of wonderful literary and artistic performances. The indoor discussion and outdoor activities complement each other. Qiu Huadong, Shan Jixiang, Hu Zhifeng, Yin Hong, Zhang Yue, Mei Yi, Linghu Lie and other cultural figures gather together, Discuss the deep integration of cultural inheritance and innovative development.

The online audio-visual art conference selected the venue of the conference, the Grand Canal Dock, Tongzhou Wanda Plaza, Beitou Aegean Shopping Park, and the Urban Green Heart Forest Park as the online audio-visual art clocking sites, and launched online "clocking art tourism routes", with "canal culture" as the center, launched a series of short videos, talent live shows The live art exhibition and other PGC contents create an online scene of intangible cultural heritage gathering feast.

Editor: Tang Libo Editor in charge:
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