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2023 China International Intelligent Communication Forum "Intelligent Consumption" Forum will be held in Wuxi

Promote urban consumption and help brands go to sea

Source: CCTV | September 8, 2023 19:16
CCTV | September 8, 2023 19:16
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Create a Chinese brand and polish the "Chinese business card". On the morning of September 8, the 2023 China International Intelligent Communication Forum "Intelligent Consumption" Forum, which was jointly sponsored by CCTV and Wuxi Municipal People's Government under the guidance of China Consumer Association and China Internet Society Organization Federation, and organized by Wuxi Municipal Party Committee Cyberspace Office, Wuxi Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Wuxi Binhu District People's Government, and Wuxi National Digital Film Industrial Park, was held in Wuxi.

"Smart consumption" forum

Li Qiufeng, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Wuxi Municipal Committee and head of the Publicity Department, Wang Bingsong, general manager of CCTV, Yang Shoumin, general manager of China Animation Group Co., Ltd., Wang Zhenyu, deputy secretary-general of China Consumer Association, Zhang Yong, deputy secretary-general of China Internet Social Organizations Federation, Song Jianwu, professor of the School of Journalism of Renmin University of China, and Li Ping, head of Binhu District People's Government of Wuxi, Cai Wenyu, Deputy Director of the Publicity Department of the Wuxi Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Cyberspace Office of the Wuxi Municipal Party Committee, and Zhu Min, Member of the Standing Committee of the Wuxi Binhu District Party Committee and Director of the Publicity Department, attended the forum.

Li Qiufeng, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Wuxi Municipal Committee and head of the Publicity Department, delivered a speech

Li Qiufeng said in his speech that in recent years, Wuxi has accurately grasped the characteristics and trends of new consumption and "ignited" the new vitality of diversified consumption. And take this forum as an opportunity to firmly implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, focus on increasing the supply of high-quality goods and services, and better play the fundamental role of consumption in economic development. Focusing on the goal of accelerating the cultivation and creation of an international consumption center city, upgrading the consumption promotion brand, accelerating the creation of a "food city, shopping paradise", seizing the consumption highlights such as the first store launch, live broadcast with goods, festivals and exhibitions, so as to make Wuxi a consumer destination with high visibility and reputation, a gathering place of consumption resources, and a place consumers yearn for. Create a new consumption model, actively explore new models and new formats of film and television, cultural tourism and consumption integration, accelerate the building of "film and television IP+new consumption" Hualaiwu cultural, business and tourism integration industrial street, and stimulate the vitality of online consumption.

Wang Bingsong, General Manager of CCTV

Wang Bingsong said that empowering Chinese brand building and helping stimulate consumption vitality is an important proposition given to the media by the times. As a central key news website hosted by China Central Radio and Television (CCTV), deepens its operation mode of "news+government service business", actively creates a media service ecosystem of "content+platform+technology", serves economic development with a series of good content and projects, leads quality consumption, and contributes to a better life. Give play to the advantages of content production and communication, enable the high-quality growth of brands, and help boost consumption vitality. This year, the city cultural exchange festival of "Meet Tin Gravity" will be launched for the first time, and will cooperate with relevant cultural tourism visiting programs to create a new image of Wuxi city with high recognition.

Wang Zhenyu, Deputy Secretary General of China Consumer Association

Wang Zhenyu said that China Consumer Association and local consumer associations are very concerned about Chinese brand building and have carried out a lot of consumer rights protection work supporting brand development with services. The next step will be to further strengthen cooperation with relevant parties, explore the establishment of a powerful mechanism to boost consumer confidence at the consumer end and promote the high-quality development of regional brands at the production end, so as to help Chinese brands go global. Three suggestions were shared to promote urban consumption and help brands go overseas. First, we should put consumer protection in a more important position; Second, the operator should earnestly perform the main responsibility; Third, government departments should take the initiative. In the next step, China Consumer Association will work with all levels of consumer associations to strengthen cooperation with relevant parties, explore a long-term mechanism to promote consumer confidence and high-quality development of regional brands at the production end, and enhance the competitiveness of Chinese brands by strengthening consumer protection.

Zhang Yong, Deputy Secretary General of China Federation of Network Social Organizations

Zhang Yong said that with the rapid development of the digital economy, e-commerce platforms have flourished, not only changing the traditional business model, but also providing convenience for consumers, which has played an important role in promoting the rapid recovery of the domestic consumer market. In order to promote the standardized and healthy development of the digital economy and help the construction of a network power, we will share three experiences in combination with the exploration and practice of China Netcom. First, actively build a communication platform to create a "golden card" of network integrity; Second, carry out standard development, publicity and implementation, and build a "protective wall" for online consumption; Third, participate in network ecological governance and set up the goal of network civilization. The China Federation of Network Social Organizations is willing to work together with all sectors of society to build a new consumer brand.

Li Ping, Head of Binhu District People's Government of Wuxi City

Li Ping said that, as the central city of Wuxi and the bright bay area, under the strong leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, Binhu has seized the important window period of consumption recovery in recent years, gathered strength to innovate the consumption scene, and actively explored the new consumption mode of integration of culture, commerce, sports and tourism. The first national brand featured business street in Wuxi, Hubin Business Street, has taken on a new look, the lakeside night economy has appeared on CCTV, and the Zen town Nianhua Bay Rongchuang Cultural Tourism City was selected as the national and provincial night culture and tourism consumption cluster. This forum has not only the wonderful speeches of experts and scholars, but also the release of the Hualaiwu Cultural, Business and Tourism Integration Industrial Block. It will also sign a number of well-known cultural, business and tourism brands, which will inject new vitality into the consumption of Binhu and Wuxi.

Song Jianwu, Professor of School of Journalism, Renmin University of China, delivers a keynote speech

The forum also invited experts, scholars, brand enterprise representatives, etc. in relevant fields to deliver keynote speeches. Song Jianwu, a professor of the School of Journalism of Renmin University of China, believes that the next step for smart consumption will face a new stage. In the future, the production of consumer goods will gradually become intelligent, and the production industry of consumer goods for individuals will undergo fundamental changes. In this process, there will also be huge business opportunities. In addition, Ma Zihan, co-founder of the popular Qitian Group and vice president of the Hong Kong WEB3.0 Association, Shen Pengfei, senior director of solutions for the large consumption industry of volcanic engines, and Zhang Lei, general manager of Inner Mongolia Ordos Resources Co., Ltd., delivered keynote speeches as representatives of leading enterprises.

Signing ceremony of Hualaiwu Cultural, Commercial and Tourism Integration Industrial Block

I Want to Open a Store Season 2 Opening Ceremony

At the forum site, the signing ceremony of Hualaiwu Cultural, Business and Tourism Integration Industrial Block was also held, and the opening ceremony of the second season of "I Want to Open a Store" was released to help entrepreneurs realize their dreams, build a new social class innovation and entrepreneurship practice base, promote consumption, boost confidence, and drive employment. Round table dialogue: He Peichen, Chairman of China Animation and Game Industry Equity Investment Management Co., Ltd., Ma Zhengwei, Executive General Manager of CICC Capital, Liu Bingyun, Chairman of Horse Race Capital, Ling Huan, CEO of Helewen Business Travel Group, Jiang Jun, founder of Chen Xianggui brand Zuo Let's talk about Wang Yueying, the founder of the brand, around the theme of "new consumption, new entertainment and new engine". Yang Yuyong, the founder of the three goats, Zhang Wenjie, the general manager of Desai Group, and Zhang Xinhua, the founder and CEO of Kara Yang, discussed how to better promote the growth of new consumption and better promote corporate brands to go to sea.

"New consumption, new entertainment and new engine" round table forum

Promote new consumption growth and promote enterprise brands to go to sea round table forum

Move towards "new" and let "smart+" release new vitality of consumption. The successful holding of the "Smart Consumption" Forum of the China International Intelligent Communication Forum in 2023 will improve the quality and upgrade of consumption, further build an intelligent+consumption ecosystem, stimulate market consumption vitality, and promote domestic and international double circulation.

Editor: Gao Wenjian Editor in charge:
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