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Intelligent Manufacturing Innovation and Development Forum (Wuhan) was successfully held

Source: National Intelligent Manufacturing Expert Committee | July 11, 2023 16:16
National Intelligent Manufacturing Expert Committee | July 11, 2023 16:16
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On July 10, under the guidance of the National Intelligent Manufacturing Expert Committee, the Intelligent Manufacturing Innovation and Development Forum (Wuhan) jointly organized by the Hubei Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology and the Equipment Industry Development Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology was held in Wuhan, Hubei Province. The theme of the forum is "smart manufacturing ecology and building a strong network foundation", which aims to implement the 14th Five Year Plan for Smart Manufacturing Development, publicize the development experience and results, accelerate the application and promotion of smart manufacturing, and promote the high-end, intelligent and green development of the manufacturing industry.

The main forum was held in the morning of October 10, with more than 300 people from national ministries, research institutions, industry associations, well-known enterprises, etc. attending the forum. The meeting was hosted by Huang Pei, member of the National Intelligent Manufacturing Expert Committee and CEO of e-works Digital Enterprise Network.

Wang Hong, Deputy Director of the First Equipment Industry Division of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, pointed out in his speech that in recent years, China's intelligent manufacturing development has made great progress, building more than 2500 digital workshops and intelligent factories, the scale of intelligent manufacturing equipment industry has exceeded 3.2 trillion yuan, and the revenue of industrial software products has exceeded 240 billion yuan, There are more than 140 system solution providers with a main business income of 1 billion yuan, and the transformation and upgrading of key regions have been significantly accelerated. In the future, we will continue to strengthen coordination with relevant departments and key provinces, fully implement the 14th Five Year Plan for Intelligent Manufacturing Development, and systematically and deeply promote intelligent manufacturing to go deep into practice.

Liu Haijun, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Department of Economy and Information Technology of Hubei Province, said in his speech that Hubei Province conscientiously implements the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, takes intelligent manufacturing as the main direction, deeply promotes intelligent transformation and digital transformation, and focuses on building an independent, safe and controllable modern industrial system, The construction of a strong manufacturing province has taken solid steps.

Qu Guochun, secretary-general of the National Intelligent Manufacturing Expert Committee and director of the Equipment Industry Development Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said in his speech that China has entered a new stage of high-quality development. We should unswervingly adhere to intelligent manufacturing as the main direction and breakthrough, and make full use of the good foundation and advantages formed by these years' efforts to promote intelligent manufacturing, By improving the independent innovation capability of intelligent manufacturing, vigorously developing intelligent manufacturing equipment, and expanding the breadth and depth of intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration, we will promote industrial technology reform and optimization and upgrading, and promote China's manufacturing industry to the middle and high end of the global value chain.

In the keynote speech, Zhou Ji, director of the National Strategic Advisory Committee for Building a Powerful Manufacturing Country and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, pointed out that new industrialization is a strategic choice to promote Chinese modernization, to build a competitive advantage for a big country, to achieve high-quality industrial development in China, and to create a new driving force for building a powerful country, We should focus on intelligent manufacturing, promote new industrialization, and accelerate the construction of a manufacturing power.

Li Peigen, director of the National Intelligent Manufacturing Expert Committee and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said in "A Brief Discussion on Intelligent Manufacturing Ecology" that to establish an intelligent manufacturing ecology, it is necessary to realize the cloud application of industrial software, build a robust, stable and harmonious digital supply chain, build a digital base, and build a digital platform ecology.

Zhang Xiangmu, deputy director of the National Intelligent Manufacturing Expert Committee, said when talking about promoting the intelligent development of the manufacturing industry, that in intelligent manufacturing, intelligent factories are the essence, manufacturing knowledge is the soul, and lean production is the cornerstone. To promote intelligent manufacturing, the core should be equipped with intelligent equipment and industrial software.  

Subsequently, the conference held the unveiling unit and awarding ceremony of excellent scenes of Hubei Province's national intelligent manufacturing demonstration factory. Deputy Director Wang Hong and Director Liu Haijun awarded the unveiling units and 31 excellent scenes of 8 demonstration factories in Hubei Province.

The awarding ceremony of intelligent manufacturing demonstration factory

Awarding Ceremony of Intelligent Manufacturing Excellent Scenarios

Next, the Equipment Industry Development Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., the Institute of Integrated Technology and Economics of Machinery Industry Instruments, and Shenzhen Huichuan Technology Co., Ltd. jointly released the initiative of "accelerating the development of advanced industrial control networks and promoting the innovative development of intelligent manufacturing".

Subsequently, the conference also released the White Paper on the Architecture of a New Generation Industrial Control System for the Era of Industrial Intelligence, and the Equipment Industry Development Center of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

In the follow-up speech, Ouyang Jinsong, deputy director of the National Intelligent Manufacturing Expert Committee and director of the Institute of Integrated Technology and Economics for Machinery Industry Instruments, Chu Jian, member of the National Intelligent Manufacturing Expert Committee and founder of the Central Control Technology Group, Wang Lei, vice president of the Datacom product line of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Zhu Xingming, chairman of Shenzhen Huichuan Technology Co., Ltd, Li Fang, Deputy General Manager of MCC South Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., delivered speeches respectively.  

Ouyang Jinsong, Deputy Director of the National Intelligent Manufacturing Expert Committee and Director of the Institute of Integrated Technology and Economics of Instruments and Meters in the Mechanical Industry, delivered a speech entitled "Thoughts and Suggestions on the Development of Intelligent Manufacturing"

Chu Jian, member of the National Intelligent Manufacturing Expert Committee and founder of China Holdings Technology Group, delivered a speech entitled "Thinking about the Realization Path of Intelligent Manufacturing"

Wang Lei, Vice President of Datacom Product Line of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., delivered a speech titled "Tamping Advanced Industrial Networks, Accelerating High Quality Development of Intelligent Manufacturing"

Zhu Xingming, Chairman of Shenzhen Huichuan Technology Co., Ltd., delivered a speech titled "The Bottom Logic of Intelligent Manufacturing"

Li Fang, Deputy General Manager of MCC South Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., delivered a speech titled "MCC South Helps the Transformation and Upgrading of the Iron and Steel Industry"

On the afternoon of October 10, two symposiums were held, and more than 10 representatives from universities, research institutes and enterprises such as Shanghai Jiaotong University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Chongqing Chuanyi Research Institute, Dongfeng Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., and Xinao Xinzhi Technology Co., Ltd. held special seminars on advanced industrial control networks and industrial network security.

Editor: Gao Wenjian Editor in charge:
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Reading: Intelligent Manufacturing Innovation and Development Forum (Wuhan) was successfully held
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