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Empowering the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and jointly creating a digital industry ecology - this forum deserves attention

Public welfare information Source: China International Science and Technology Exchange Center 10:41, October 19, 2021 A- A+

The 2021 Small and Medium sized Enterprises Digital Economy Global Forum, sponsored by the China Association for Science and Technology, and organized by the China International Science and Technology Exchange Center, Shanghai Municipal Commission of Science and Technology, Shanghai Association for Science and Technology, and Shanghai Yangpu District People's Government, will be held in Shanghai, China, on November 1.

As the first digital economy international exchange platform focusing on SMEs in China, the Global Forum on SMEs' Digital Economy faces the world and the future. With the purpose of promoting high-level open cooperation and building a digital economic community, it invites top scientists, economists, entrepreneurs and heads of international organizations at home and abroad to in-depth discussion, share insights and build consensus, It is committed to promoting SMEs to seize new development opportunities, accelerate integration into digital collaboration networks, and effectively enhance digital international competitiveness.

In 2020, against the backdrop of the global epidemic, the development of SMEs will face many difficulties. The 2020 Global Forum on SMEs' Digital Economy will be held in Beijing in a combination of online and offline ways, and the global live on-demand views will exceed 20.7079 million times. The forum serves as a link between the past and the future for the future development of the global digital economy. It not only sends a positive signal to the field of digital economy, but also has great significance in guiding global SMEs to seize the opportunities of the digital economy, avoid problems that may be encountered in digital transformation, and share the dividends of digital transformation.

Since 2021, more and more SMEs have stepped out of the dilemma and gradually resumed production and operation. The epidemic has pushed the accelerator for the digital transformation and upgrading of SMEs. How can we rely on AI, mobile communication, the Internet of Things, big data, blockchain, life science, new materials and other emerging technologies to drive enterprise innovation? How to use the platform power to drive the development of the industry and promote SMEs to obtain more "high gold content" scenario conditions? How to bridge the digital divide and strengthen international cooperation to create a new digital ecology of openness and cooperation? These issues still perplex the current and future development of SMEs.

Against this background, the 2021 Global Forum on SMEs' Digital Economy is just in time. With the theme of "open cooperation and co creation of digital industry ecology", the forum will continue the holding form of "online+offline", and invite people from the government, industry, university and research, financial and media sectors to participate. It will launch a profound discussion on the opportunities and challenges faced by SMEs in the post epidemic era, and strive to "guide" the development of SMEs and the industry as a whole.

In addition to the main forum, this forum also set up an entrepreneur summit, inviting Herman Simon, a German management master and the father of the "invisible champion", Yin Zheng, the global executive vice president of Schneider Electric and president of China, the co-founder of Guangzhi Microchip Cui Dongshun, CTO, Zhao Bin, founder and CEO of VoiceNet Agora, Chen Jingye, CEO of Shanghai All Things New Environmental Protection Technology Group Co., Ltd. Aixiang, and other top experts, scholars and entrepreneurs at home and abroad made speeches and shared experiences; Seven sub forums were set up to invite participants to discuss "digital scene: global industrial innovation", "digital reality symbiosis: collaborative operation efficiency", "venture capital finance: enabling digital entrepreneurship", "transformation and leapfrogging: digital intelligence SMEs", "collaborative cooperation: promoting openness and innovation", "standard empowerment: leading digital transformation", and "digital road: helping global collaboration" Seven topics were discussed.

The 2021 SME Digital Economy Global Forum will be officially opened at 15:00 on November 1. At that time, global users can simultaneously participate in watching through multiple terminals of CCTV, Facebook, YouTube and other overseas social media platform accounts.

We invite you to join us at the summit!

Editor: Wang Jingli Editor in charge: