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Achievements of energy conservation and carbon reduction since the 13th Five Year Plan: continuous transformation and upgrading of industrial structure

Public welfare information Source: CCTV, August 20, 2021, 16:00 A- A+

Continuous transformation and upgrading of industrial structure

Driven by the goal of energy conservation and carbon reduction, backward process equipment in high energy consuming industries continued to be eliminated, overcapacity exited in an orderly manner, traditional industries accelerated their upgrading, and strategic emerging industries, advanced manufacturing and service industries accelerated their development. During the "13th Five Year Plan" period, the iron and steel industry achieved the goal of 150 million tons of capacity reduction ahead of schedule, the proportion of added value of high-tech manufacturing and equipment manufacturing in industries above designated size increased significantly, the proportion of added value of the secondary industry decreased by 3.0 percentage points, and the proportion of added value of the service industry increased by 3.8 percentage points.

Figure 2 Changes in Industrial Structure during the 13th Five Year Plan

Editor: Wang Jingli Editor in charge: