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PostStylus is a PostCSS adapter for Stylus. It allows you to use any PostCSS plugin as a transparent Stylus plugin, and do custom post-processing of Stylus output.

It loads PostCSS processors into Stylus just before the output CSS is compiled to file.

Inspired by autoprefixer-stylus



 $ npm install --save-dev poststylus


Use poststylus as a regular stylus plugin and pass it an array of PostCSS plugins you have installed, either as strings or functions.

 stylus ( css ) . use ( poststylus ( [
   'autoprefixer' ,
 ] ) )


 var  gulp  =  require ( 'gulp' ) ,
     stylus  =  require ( 'gulp-stylus' ) ,
     poststylus  =  require ( 'poststylus' ) ,
     autoprefixer  =  require ( 'autoprefixer' ) ,
     rucksack  =  require ( 'rucksack-css' ) ;

 gulp . task ( 'stylus' ,  function  ( )  {
   gulp . src ( 'style.styl' )
     . pipe ( stylus ( {
       use : [
         poststylus ( [  autoprefixer ,  rucksack  ] )
     } ) )
     . pipe ( gulp . dest ( '.' ) )
 } ) ;

 gulp . task ( 'default' ,  [ 'stylus' ] ) ;


grunt-contrib-stylus doesn't support passing arguments to plugins, so you have to wrap PostStylus in a function and return it

 var  postcss  =  function ( ) {
   return  require ( 'poststylus' ) ( [ 'autoprefixer' ,  'rucksack-css' ] ) ;

 module . exports  =  function ( grunt )  {

   grunt . initConfig ( {

     stylus : {
       compile : {
         options : {
           use : [ postcss ]
         } ,
         files : {
           'style.css' : 'style.styl'

   } ) ;

   grunt . loadNpmTasks ( 'grunt-contrib-stylus' ) ;

 } ;


Use stylus-loader with PostStylus as a plugin in your webpack.conf.js

 var poststylus = require('poststylus'), webpack = require('webpack'); module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.styl$/,  loader: 'style-loader!css-loader!stylus-loader' } ] }, stylus: { use: [ poststylus([ 'autoprefixer', 'rucksack-css' ]) ] }

If you are using webpack 2, use LoaderOptionsPlugin to set options

 module: {...}, plugins: [ new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({ options: { stylus: { use: [poststylus([ 'autoprefixer', 'rucksack-css' ])] } } }) ]


To use PostStylus on the Stylus CLI, pass poststylus to --use , and PostCSS plugins to --with :

 $ stylus --use ./ node_modules/poststylus --with " ['autoprefixer'] " --out test.css < test.styl

Passing Arguments to Plugins

If you need to pass arguments to a PostCSS plugin require() it and pass that function to PostStylus

 var  autoprefixer  =  require ( 'autoprefixer' ) ;

 stylus ( css ) . use ( [
   poststylus ( [
     autoprefixer ( {  browsers : [ 'ie 8' ]  } )
   ] )
 ] )

To pass arguments to PostCSS plugins on the CLI, you'll need to prefix require() with $PWD , since the stylus executable runs globally, while your plugins are (probably) installed locally:

 stylus --use ./node_modules/poststylus --with " [require(' ${PWD} /node_modules/autoprefixer')({ browsers: ['ie 8'] })] " --out test.css < test.styl

Custom Processing

Do custom post-processing of Stylus output by declaring an on-the-fly PostCSS plugin

 var  myPostcss  =  postcss . plugin ( 'custom' ,  function ( )  {
   return  function  ( css )  {
     // PostCSS processing here
   } ;
 } ) ;

 // Pipe it into poststylus
 stylus ( css ) . use ( poststylus ( [ myPostcss ( ) ] ) ) ;

Refer to the [PostCSS Docs][postcss-link] for more on writing plugins.

Warning Handler

By default, if any of your PostCSS plugins raise a warning it will be displayed using console.error . You can override this behaviour by passing a function as the second argument to PostStylus.

 stylus ( css ) . use ( poststylus ( [
     'autoprefixer' ,
 ] ,  function ( message )  {
     console . info ( message ) ;
 } ) ) ;

Asynchronous Processing

Unfortunately the Stylus end event that PostStylus uses to pass back post-processed CSS doesn't accept a callback, so until this bug is patched upstream PostStylus cannot work with asynchronous PostCSS processing.

MIT © Sean King