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PostCSS Plugin

Use PostCSS with PostHTML

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 npm i -D posthtml-postcss


 import  { dirname }  from  'node:path'
 import  { readFileSync }  from  'node:fs'
 import  { fileURLToPath }  from  'node:url'

 import  posthtml  from  'posthtml'
 import  postcss  from  'posthtml-postcss'

 const  postcssPlugins  =  [ ]
 const  postcssOptions  =  { }
 const  filterType  =  / ^text\/css$ /

 const  __filename  =  fileURLToPath ( import . meta . url )
 const  __dirname  =  dirname ( __filename )

 const  filePath  =  ` ${ __dirname } /index.html`
 const  html  =  readFileSync ( filePath ,  'utf8' )

 posthtml ( [ 
   postcss ( postcssPlugins ,  postcssOptions ,  filterType ) 
 ] )
   . process ( html ,  { from : filePath } )
   . then ( ( result )  =>  console . log ( result . html ) )

If you don't pass any arguments to posthtml-postcss , it will try to use your project's PostCSS configuration (see postcss-load-config ).

Notice that we're setting the option from when calling process . posthtml-postcss forwards this to PostCSS, which is useful for syntax error messages. ( postcss-cli and gulp-posthtml are setting from automatically.)


 import  posthtml  from  'posthtml'
 import  postcss  from  'posthtml-postcss'
 import  autoprefixer  from  'autoprefixer'

 const  postcssPlugins  =  [
   autoprefixer ( {  browsers : [ 'last 2 versions' ]  } )
 const  postcssOptions  =  { }
 const  filterType  =  / ^text\/css$ /

 const  html  =  `
 <style>div { display: flex; }</style>
 <div style="display: flex;">Text</div>

 posthtml ( [ 
   postcss ( postcssPlugins ,  postcssOptions ,  filterType ) 
 ] )
   . process ( html )
   . then ( result  =>  console . log ( result . html ) )


 < style > div { display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox;display: flex; } </ style >
 < div  style =" display: -webkit-flex;display: -ms-flexbox;display: flex; " > Text </ div >