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WordPress WebStack theme. Go to demo station


When you use the WebStack theme to publish articles, text, pictures, videos and other content, it is your own behavior, and you should bear the security or legal risks brought by these behaviors.

"Webstack Pro" is a charging project that the author tried in 19 years. It is no longer in maintenance support, and Viggo It's irrelevant. The name is not considered when it should be Viggo I apologize for causing unnecessary trouble.
The version of "Webstack Pro" circulating on the Internet today has stolen the author's content for 19 years Viggo irrelevant.

Home screenshot


Environmental requirements

  • WordPress 4.4+
  • WordPress pseudo static
  • PHP 5.7+ 7.0+

Installation Guide

  • Install WordPress, tutorial Baidu
  • Set pseudo static state (choose one from two according to your server environment in the following rules)
 #Nginx rule location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args; } rewrite /wp-admin$ $scheme://$host$uri/ permanent; #Apache Rules <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !- f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !- d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] </IfModule>
  • WordPress background "Theme" column ->upload theme ->enable theme, or create a webstack folder in the/wp content/themes folder and upload all files
  • Sure enough, click the address and 404 appears. Please go to WordPress background "Settings" column ->Fixed link ->Save changes
  • Feedback Stream: One is memory

Theme Usage

  • Add content under WordPress background "URL" article type
  • The classification can be at most two levels, and the parent does not add content
  • You don't need to add a URL image. The theme will automatically get the favicon icon of the target URL
  • For the icon in front of the navigation menu bar title, please fill in the classification image description (refer to the following figure), and for the icon style, please refer to fontawesome Thumbnail_index
  • Add classification Method for quickly adding icons Thumbnail_index
  • You can add a custom menu under the navigation menu bar, which is set in the background appearance -->menu, and add icons in the menu's css class (see the figure below). For icon styles, see fontawesome Thumbnail_index
  • If there is no css class in the menu, please add it as follows Thumbnail_index
  • If you have more functional requirements, click me ->

Background screenshot

 Thumbnail_index  Thumbnail_index


thank Viggo Front desk design of

to update

Update log The update method is to replace the source file, or delete the theme in the background of wordpress, and then reinstall the theme