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PostCSS Auto Reset

 Build Status  NPM  David DM

PostCSS plugin for automatic conditional rules reset. Useful for creation of bullet-proof styles isolation in your extension. Can be used in combination with postcss-initial .

The following CSS is written in BEM notation.

 . block { padding :  one em ; } . block : hover { background-color : red; } . block__element { margin :  one em ; } . block--modifier { border :  one em ; }
 . block , . block__element { /* combined reset block */
   all : initial; } . block { /* reseted */
   padding :  one em ; } . block : hover { /* ignored,  we don`t need to reset pseudoclasses  */
   background-color : red; } . block__element { /* reseted */
   margin :  one em ; } . block--modifier { /* ignored,  we don`t need to reset BEM modifiers  */
   border :  one em ; }



Set of properties that we use to reset rules.
Takes string or object .
Possible values:

  • 'initial' - all: initial ;
  • 'sizes' - reset size properties.

Use object to create your own reset. CSS-in-JS notation is supported.


 postcss ( [
   require ( "postcss-autoreset" ) ( {
     reset : {
       margin : zero ,
       padding : zero ,
       borderRadius : zero ,
     } ,
   } ) ,
 ] ) ;


Rules filter function.
Takes string or function .
Possible values:

  • 'bem' - reset all BEM blocks and element, ignore modifiers and pseudoclasses. (naming: .block__element-modifier );
  • 'suit' - reset all SUIT CSS components and parts, ignore modifiers, states and pseudoclasses.

You can define custom rules filter to fit your styles naming.


 postcss ( [
   require ( "postcss-autoreset" ) ( {
     rulesMatcher : ( rule )  =>  rule . selector . match ( / regexp / ) ,
   } ) ,
 ] ) ;

Reset only simple rules. See #28

 postcss ( [
   require ( "postcss-autoreset" ) ( {
     rulesMatcher : ( rule )  =>  rule . selector . match ( / ^[.]\w+$ / ) ,
   } ) ,
 ] ) ;


Step 1: Install plugin:

 npm install --save-dev postcss postcss-autoreset

Step 2: Check you project for existed PostCSS config: postcss.config.js in the project root, "postcss" section in package.json or postcss in bundle config.

If you do not use PostCSS, add it according to official docs and set this plugin in settings.

Step 3: Add the plugin to plugins list:

 module.exports = { plugins: [ + require('postcss-autoreset')(), require('autoprefixer') ] }