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Update on March 4, 2022: We have temporarily paused the sunset. Please read the official announcement for more information.

In early 2020 , we moved the Teams API from a top-level path under /teams/:team_id to a scoped path under the organization that owns the team like /organizations/:org_id/team/:team_id and added support to make the API available under a named path like /orgs/:org/teams/:team_slug .

Over the next few weeks, we will be sunsetting the API endpoints under /teams/:team_id .



  • March 1, 2022 for 12 hours starting at 14:00 UTC
  • March 8, 2022 for 24 hours starting at 14:00 UTC

If you make a request to an affected endpoint during the brownouts, GitHub will respond with a client error.


  • March 15, 2022 at 14:00 UTC

Affected endpoints

  • GET /teams/:team_id
  • PATCH /teams/:team_id
  • DELETE /teams/:team_id
  • GET /teams/:team_id/teams
  • GET /teams/:team_id/repos
  • GET /teams/:team_id/repos/:owner/:repo
  • PUT /teams/:team_id/repos/:owner/:repo
  • DELETE /teams/:team_id/repos/:owner/:repo
  • GET /teams/:team_id/projects
  • GET /teams/:team_id/projects/:project_id
  • PUT /teams/:team_id/projects/:project_id
  • DELETE /teams/:team_id/projects/:project_id
  • GET /teams/:team_id/members
  • GET /teams/:team_id/members/:username
  • PUT /teams/:team_id/members/:username
  • DELETE /teams/:team_id/members/:username
  • GET /teams/:team_id/memberships/:username
  • PUT /teams/:team_id/memberships/:username
  • DELETE /teams/:team_id/memberships/:username
  • GET /teams/:team_id/invitations

Steps to take

The easiest way to update your code is to switch to the /organizations/:org_id/team/:team_id path. If you're unsure of what org_id to use, you can GET the current team under /teams/:team_id and find the id field inside the organization hash in the response.

Please refer to the REST API documentation to learn more about supported Teams API endpoints.

See more

As previously communicated , on August 11, 2021 at 14:00 UTC for 48 hours, GitHub will be conducting the third and final scheduled brownout for API Authentication via Query Parameters.

If you are passing credentials via query or path parameters, GitHub will intermittently respond with client errors. Please refer to this blog post for details on authenticating API requests to GitHub using the Authorization header.


  • August 11, 2021: For 48 hours starting at 14:00 UTC


  • September 8 2021 at 14:00 UTC

Please check the latest Enterprise release notes to learn in which version API Authentication via Query Parameters will be removed.

See more

As previously communicated , on June 9th, 2021 at 14:00 UTC we will be conducting the second scheduled brownout for API Authentication via Query Parameters and the OAuth Applications API. If you are passing credentials via query or path parameters, we will intermittently respond with client errors.

OAuth Application API

Please refer to this blog post on migrating to the replacement endpoints.


  • June 9, 2021: For 24 hours starting at 14:00 UTC


  • August 11 2021 at 14:00 UTC

Authentication via Query Parameters

Please refer to this blog post for authentication via headers.


  • June 9, 2021: For 24 hours starting at 14:00 UTC
  • August 11, 2021: For 48 hours starting at 14:00 UTC


  • September 8 2021 at 14:00 UTC

Please check the latest Enterprise release notes to learn in which version these functionalities will be removed.

See more

As previously communicated , on May 5th, 2021 we will be conducting the first scheduled brownout for API Authentication via Query Parameters and the OAuth Applications API. If you are passing credentials via query or path parameters, we will intermittently respond with client errors.

OAuth Application API

Please refer to this blog post on migrating to the replacement endpoints.


  • May 5, 2021: For 12 hours starting at 14:00 UTC
  • June 9, 2021: For 24 hours starting at 14:00 UTC


  • August 11 2021 at 14:00 UTC

Authentication via Query Parameters

Please refer to this blog post for authentication via headers.


  • May 5, 2021: For 12 hours starting at 14:00 UTC
  • June 9, 2021: For 24 hours starting at 14:00 UTC
  • August 11, 2021: For 48 hours starting at 14:00 UTC


  • September 8 2021 at 14:00 UTC

Please check the latest Enterprise release notes to learn in which version these functionalities will be removed.

See more